八年级英语School life课件8.ppt

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1、Unit 2 Unit 2 School lifeSchool life Pronunciation常州市北郊中学 陈丽Amy:Laura hurt her leg on Monday.Sandy:Oh,really!Amy:She has to stay in the hospital for a month.Sandy:A month!Amy:Yes.She wont be able to play basketball for three months.Sandy:I am sorry to hear that!Pronunciation A1.Look out the windows.

2、Its snowing!2.Snowing!2.Mr Wu is going be on TV tonight.Mr Wu!3.Joe wants to get a pet monkey.A monkey!4.Im hungry.Hungry?You just ate four hamburgers.5.Well have cakes for dinner tonight.Cakes!6.Did you hear the news?Liu Mei is going to move to Canada.I dont believe it.Task 1 Read the dialogue and

3、then practice it with your partnerTask 2 Replace the red words with your own information.Task 3 Make up your new dialogue talking about different schools.Period 8Speak up&pronunciationWe usually make our voice fall at the end of an affirmative sentence.We make our voice rise at the end of a sentence to show surprise.判断下列句子的升降调。判断下列句子的升降调。A:I ate eight bars of chocolate?B:Eight?()Is your father an office worker?()Arent you close friends?()What a lovely girl!()How was the party yesterday?()When and where shall we meet?()一一.做相关练习册做相关练习册.二、背诵二、背诵Part B(p33);朗读朗读A&B(p34)。


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