八年级英语School life课件5.ppt

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1、常州市北郊中学 陈丽Beijing Sunshine Second SchoolWoodland SchoolRocky Mountain High Schoolguide Schools in different countries.Life in a British school=summertime the season of summerhave 8 weeks off=to be away from work or school for 8 weeks The length of the table is 1.15 meters.1.15 MBeijing Sunshine Seco

2、ndary SchoolWoodland SchoolRocky Mountain High SchoolNumber of students550Number of teachersNumber of classrooms4535Length of summer holiday7 weeksTime spent on homework every day3 hours2 hours1 hourDo students wear uniforms?yesyesnoDo students do morning exercises?yesyesno18001200904685286 weeks12

3、weeksWoodland School is smaller than Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.There are(1)_(more,fewer,less)teachers and(2)_(more,fewer,less)students in Woodland School than in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.Chinese students have (3)_(more,fewer,less)weeks off in the summertime than British students.Bri

4、tish students spend(4)_(more,fewer,less)time doing their homework than Chinese students.fewerfewermorelessRocky Mountain High School is(5)_(different from,the same as)Woodland School.Students at Rocky Mountain High School do not wear uniforms and do not do morning exercises.Students in the USA have(

5、6)_(more,fewer,less)weeks off in the summer time than British students,and they spend(7)_(more,fewer,less)time doing their homework.different frommorelessMy school has fewer weeks off in the summertime than Daniels school.My school uniform is different from Johns.I spend less time doing homework tha

6、n John does.Match the sentences to the correct peopleMy school has the most students.My school has the fewest classrooms.My school has more teachers than Johns school,but fewer than Daniels school.isfewerminelessdoinglengthleastlikemorewalkingdifferentdifferencestalking about different schoolsWhat d

7、o they compare about their schools?What do they compare about their schools?the number of Grade 8 classesDaniel-6/John-3the number of their classmates Daniel-48/John-25the number of the computer studies lessonsDaniel-3/John-4/Nancy-5 Talking about your primary school:A:How many Grade 6 classes are t

8、here in your school?B:There are What about your school?A:There are Your school has more/fewer classes than my school.How many classmates do you have?B:I have And you?A:I have fewer/more classmates than you.How many PE/Art/English lessons do you have each week?B:I have lessons.How about you?A:I have 1.Talk to your friend about your schools and school lives using John and Daniels conversation as a model.2.Write an article about your school using the information in the table.


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