八年级英语School life课件6.ppt

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1、Unit 3 A day outUnit 3 A day out Main task IIthe Peoples Great Hallthe Peoples Great HallRead Kitty and DanielsPlan and answer:1.How many places of interest are they going to visit?2.What will they do in Beihai Park?3.How will they get to the Palace Museum from Sunshine Underground Station?Four.They

2、 are the Palace Museum,Beihai Park,Tiananmen Square and Wangfujing StreetThey will go boating and have lunch there.They will take the underground to the centre of Beijing,and then take the bus to the Place Museum.4.What will they do at Tiananmen Square?5.How much time will they spend at Tiananmen Sq

3、uare?6.When will they spend at Tiananmen Square?They will see the Monument to the Peoples Heroes,visit the Peoples Great Hall and see the biggest city square in the world.Three hours.At 6.00 p.mHelp Kitty and Danielcomplete their letter(P54 C)according to their plan:Useful Expressions:1.the centre o

4、f Beijing2.at each place3.return home4.plan a day out5.make it a really fun day6.make a list of places of interest7.work out8.change the bus9.take the bus all the way to10.as soon as possibleWhat famous places inChangzhou do you know?Tianning TempleWenbi Tower Asia Movie Town Hongmei ParkChina Dinosaurs Park Making A PlanNow,your friends want to visit Changzhou.You are planning to go out for a trip.Please make a good plan for your trip.Writing:According to your plan,write an invitation letterto your friends.


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