八年级英语Family lives Language课件2.ppt

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1、Chapter 7 Family livesListening,Speaking&WritingListening Page90To listen for information,you should do the following:uRead through the exercise and guess what question might be asked at the end of each dialogue.u Listen carefully and try to understand the situation.u Pay attention to every detail i

2、n the dialogue as you listen because the question could be based on any piece of information you hear.Listen to three short dialogues.After each dialogue there is one question on the recording.Choose the right answer below and write the letter in the box on the right.1 a a bottle of perfume b a sauc

3、epan c a box of chocolates d a bunch of flowers2 a Mankang Li b Anthony Morris c Peter Morris d Gary Morris3 a Saturday 5.00 p.m b Sunday 7.00 p.m c Friday 8.00 p.m d Saturday 8.00 p.mSpeaking A Talk time Page941.What suggestion does Tony make?2.2.Tony uses three expressions to give himself time to

4、think.What are they?Lets go to the cinema this afternoon.Well,er,/Um,/Yes,but you see,ah,3.Doris strongly disagrees with one of Tonys remarks.What words does she use?4.Why does Tony not want to help Doris?What rubbish!He thinks washing clothes is the job of girls.5.Ill be right over means_.a I dont

5、careb Im coming to see you immediatelyc I dont believe youB1 Work in small groups and discuss the questions below.Use the expressions in the box to help you.B Speak up Page95 1 How much pocket money should students receive each month?(Try to decide on an average figure which is suitable for most stu

6、dents.)Discuss how much you need each month for these things:Travel costs,Food and drink,Clothes and shoes,Books,newspapers,magazines,etc.2.Do you think there should be minimum amount of pocket money that students should receive from their parents?If you agree,what should the minimum amount be?3.Is

7、it bad for students to receive too much pocket money?Do you think there should be a maximum amount?If you think so,what should the maximum amount be?WritingWriting a Family CharterDo you think a family needs rules?In some families,a Family Charter is used to give parents and teenagers some ideas on

8、how to live together better.Work in groups and discuss the ideas on Dos and Donts for parents and teenagers.Then work together to write them down in a Family Charter.You can make your rules according to these items:food,homework,mobile phonesusing the telephone,clothesWatching TV,computer(and games)other electrical machinesgoing out,bedrooms,music,etc.


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