五年级英语A new term课件2.ppt

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1、星期一星期一星期二星期二星期三星期三星期四星期四星期五星期五星期六星期六星期日星期日星期二星期二 How many days are there in a week?They are Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday and Saturday.星期三 数学数学 语文语文 英语英语 科学科学 体育体育上午下午 What lessons do you have in the morning?We have.What lessons do you have in the afternoon?We have.(你们上午有什么课?)(我们有。

2、)Science科学科学Social Science社会科学社会科学What lessons do you have in a week?课课MathsChineseEnglishScienceSocial ScienceArtPEComputerStudiessubjectsubjectArtArtPEPEComputer StudiesComputer StudiesScienceScienceChineseChineseMathsMathsEnglishEnglishSocial ScienceSocial ScienceABCABC1+1=1+1=?李白李白李白李白社会课社会课社会课社

3、会课ChineseChineseMathsMathsEnglishEnglishSocial Social ScienceScienceWe have four We have four _subjectsArtArtPEPEMusicMusicComputer StudiesComputer StudiesScienceScienceWe have We have five_.five_.subjectsWhat What lessonslessons do you have do you have in the in the morningmorning?We have We have C

4、hineseChinese,MathsMaths and and EnglishEnglish.ABCABC1+1=1+1=?李白李白李白李白What day is it today?What day is it today?Its Wednesday.Its Wednesday.星期三星期三What lessons do you have What lessons do you have in thein the morning?morning?We have We have ArtArt and and Computer StudiesComputer Studies.What lesso

5、ns do you have What lessons do you have in the morningin the morning?We have We have MusicMusic and and PEPE.What lessons do you have What lessons do you have in thein the morning?morning?We have We have ScienceScience and and Social ScienceSocial Science.社会课社会课社会课社会课What lessons do you have in the

6、morning?We haveWhat lessons do you have in the morning?We haveWhat lessons do you have in the afternoon?We have星期一星期二 星期三星期四 星期五 星期六上午语文数学语文数学语文数学语文数学语文英语英语社会英语语文数学 下午电脑英语美术科学体育科学体育电脑美术课程表课程表星期课程MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayChineseChineseChineseChineseChineseChineseMathsMathsMathsMathsMathsEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishScienceSciencePEPEArtArtSocial ScienceComputer StudiesmorningafternoonComputer StudiesMathsChineseEnglishScienceArtPESocial ScienceTimetable(时间表)(时间表)MondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFridayMorningAfternoonWhat lessons do you have in the morning/afternoon?We have.


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