五年级英语A new term课件1.pps

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1、牛津小学英语牛津小学英语5BUnit 1A new term(Part A)Look,read and learnWhat day is it today?Its Wednesday(周三)周三).Look,read and learnThey are having a lesson.This is the first lesson of the new term.Look,read and learnIt is Monday morning.Miss Li and her students are having a lesson.This is the first lesson of the

2、 new term.Ask and answer1.What lessons do they have in the morning?2.How many subjects do they have this term?What are they?1.What lessons do they have in the morning?They have Chinese,English,Maths and Science.2.How many subjects do they have this term?What are they?They have eight subjects.Theyre

3、Chinese,_,_,Social Science,_,Science,Computer Studies and_.Ask and answer3.What subject does Su Hai like?4.What subject does Su Yang like?5.How many English lessons do they have a week(一周)一周)?What subject does Su Hai like?She likes Maths.What subject does Su Yang like?She likes English.Its interesti

4、ng.How many English lessons do they have a week(一周)一周)?They have four./Four.Read the text(读课文)M:Welcome back to school,boys and girls.Ss:Nice to see you,Miss Li.M:What day is it today,Yang Ling?Y:Its Monday.M:What lessons do you have in the morning,Gao Shan?Read the textG:We have Chinese,English,Mat

5、hs and Science.M:We have eight subjects this term.What are they,Liu Tao?L:Theyre Chinese,Maths,English,Social Science,Science,Art,Computer Studies and PE.Read the textM:What subject do you like,Su Hai?H:I like Maths.M:How about you,Su Yang?Y:I like English.Its interesting.L:How many English lessons do we have a week?Y:Four.Retell the text(复述课文复述课文)Monday morning have a lessonthe first lesson of the new termhave eight subjectslike Maths like English four English lessons a week


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