五年级英语A busy day课件4.ppt

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1、Unit7 A busy dayon duty 值日值日When you are on duty,what do you need to do?I need tomop the floor拖地拖地6:307:3011:304:30What time is it?It is Its time to Its time for What time is it?Its half past eight.Its time to have school.have school 上学上学,上课上课have classeshave lessonsWhat time is it?Its Its time to h

2、ave school.What time is it?Its half past eight.What do you usually do at half past eight?I usually have schoolhave classeshave lessons.What time is it?Its a quarter to seven.一刻钟一刻钟 quarter 四分之一四分之一What time is it?Its a quarter to eight.What time do you usually?I usually at What time is it?Its Oh,its

3、 late.You need to be quick.All right.Lets hurry.快点快点 Go go go to the party Hurry hurry lets hurry Busy busy I am busy Quick quick lets be quick Ready ready I am ready a football gameI want to Do you want to join me?Do you want to go with me?All right.Sorry,Im busy now.Sorry,I want to Sorry,I need to

4、 Davids busy day It is .David has a day.He gets up at .He at a quarter to twelve.After lunch,he needs to .In the afternoon,he wants to watch a football game at .In the evening,he needs to do his .Hes busy and hes ,too.Thursdaybusyhalf past sixhas lunchclean the librarya quarter past fourhomeworkreallytired确实确实 Homework:Do a survey about your s busy day.


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