五年级英语上册Unit 8课件2.ppt

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1、九年义务教育六年制小学教科书九年义务教育六年制小学教科书 牛津小学英语牛津小学英语5A5A大丰市第二小学大丰市第二小学 张张 敏敏Review and checkReview and check九年义务教育六年制小学教科书九年义务教育六年制小学教科书 牛津小学英语牛津小学英语5A5A大丰市第二小学大丰市第二小学 张张 敏敏Review and checkReview and checkSing a songWhat do you have?3 5 1|3 -|4 3 3|3 -|What do you have?I have a pot.2 5 7|2 -|3 2 2|1 -|What doe

2、s she have?She has a coat.3 5 1|3 -|1 1 4 5|6 -|What do you have?We have some big tent.3 4 3|2 -|4 4 3 2|1 -|What do they have?They have some fruitWere going on a camping trip,a camping trip!tinofpineappleare readingtin-openerHere you are some pineapplesthanksopenmagazine1 12 23 34 45 56 6They have

3、a ball.No,there isnt.Yes,he does.No,there isnt.Yes,she does.No,they arent.1 12 23 34 45 56 6A:I _ some flowers._ you _ a vase?B:Yes,_you are.A:Great!A:We _ two fat pigs.What _ _ _?B:_.A:We _ a _ of chicken,but we cant open it.B:Liu Tao _ a tin-opener.Lets use it.A:OK.A:Helen is coming.She _a tape re

4、corder.B:Lets _and _.A:OKhaveDohaveherehavehavedoyouI have two thin monkeyshavetinhashassingdance Mr Black,Mrs lack and their children,Nancy and David,are at the camping cite.It is near a hll.Mrs Black has a big basket.There is some fruit in it.Mr black has a bag.There are some food and drinks in it

5、.They put the fruit,food and drinks on a blanket.Then they sit down and have their lunch.1 Where is the camping site?It is _a hill.2 Who are at the camping site?_.3 What does Mrs Black have?She _.4 What s in he basket?There _ some _.5 What does Mr Black have?He _a _.6 Whats in the bag?There _ some_ and _.7 What are they doing?They _ _ their _.8 Do you like going camping?_,I _.fruitMr Black,Mrs Black,Nancy and Davidhas a big basketisnearhasbagarefooddrinksarelunchhavingYes/Nodo/dontFinish the Exercise Book Make preparations The dictation&the examination


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