五年级英语上册Unit 5课件1.ppt

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1、Unit 5 Review and checkUnit 1盐城市实验小学韩利利a swinga slidea librarya table tennis roomThereistwo computer roomstwo reading roomsthree music roomssome toiletsThereareHow many s are there in the room?There arerubbers:keys:peaches:oranges:books:ball pens:knives:birds:chairs:toy dogs:17191414201615322ABC()1.

2、There _ a pen and two pencils in the pencil-box.A.are B.is C.some()2、There arent _ books in the bag.A.any B.some C.much()3、How many _ are there in your school?A.classroomB.classrooms C.a classroom AAB()4.-Is there a tall building in your school?-_.A.Yes,there are.B.Yes,it is.C.Yes,there is.()5、All t

3、he students are back _ home.A.to B.at C./()6、Themusicroomis_thethirdfloor.A.onB.inC.atCCA1 Is there a garden near the school?Yes,there is.2 Are there any swings in the garden?No,there arent.3 How many flowers in the garden?There are ten.Homework1 1 必做:根据复习内容,自己创设情景进行交谈。必做:根据复习内容,自己创设情景进行交谈。2 2 必做:抄写第一单元四会单词和句型四遍。必做:抄写第一单元四会单词和句型四遍。3 3 选做:本节课上回答问题有困难的学生听读第一单元十分钟。选做:本节课上回答问题有困难的学生听读第一单元十分钟。4 4 选做:复习第二单元并准备谈论自己的家(不少于四句话)选做:复习第二单元并准备谈论自己的家(不少于四句话)


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