四年级英语下册Unit 8课件2.ppt

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1、Open day4B UNIT8By :Chen Qiaoqing 开放日开放日 bright 明亮的明亮的Whats in the classroom?Where do they go?(他们去了哪些地方?他们去了哪些地方?)Where do they go?(他们去了哪些地方?他们去了哪些地方?)Whats in the classroom?Whats in the music room?Whats in the library?This is our classroom.Its big and bright.Look,theres a TV.Yes,sometimes we watch

2、TV in class.Theres a blackboard.There are some bookcases.Whats in your classroom?This is the music room.Theres a piano near the window.There are some songbooks on the piano.There are lots of books and computers in the library.Lets go and see.Hello,Hello,ShelleShelle.Welcome to my home.Welcome to my

3、home.This is my.This is my.Theres Theres aaThere are somes.There are somes.To be a host今天我做小主人今天我做小主人Hello,Shelle.Welcome to my home.This is my Theres There are somes.Invite your classmates to your home and introduce your room.以下是原来的 开放日开放日 bright 明亮的明亮的 1.Whats in the classroom?2.Whats in the music

4、 room?3.Whats in the library?This is our classroomIts big and bright.Look,theres a TV.Yes,sometimes we watch TV in class.Theres a blackboard.There are some bookcases.Whats in your classroom?This is the music room.Theres a piano near the window.There are some songbooks on the piano.There are lots of books and computers in the library.Lets go and see.A Little designer(小小设计师小小设计师)For example:Hello,Im Welcome to my.Theres/There are some in/on/near the Its very nice.I like it very much.Design your school Talk about your design with your friends


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