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1、The Bridges of Madison County作者作者:罗伯特罗伯特詹姆斯詹姆斯沃勒沃勒 Main characters-Main characters-主要人物主要人物Caroline JohnsonMichael JohnsonThe Bridges of Madison county is a middle-aged woman who has family and children,and a travelling photographer to shoot in Madison county.She offered to lead the way for him,two

2、people to get to know each other,and eventually wipe out the spark of love.4 days together soon in the past,she considering the family and the responsibility,dont want to run away to follow cameraman,two people painful split up.after a long time,two people put all the love deeply buried in the heart

3、,until two people died,their ashes(骨灰)were scattered into the bridge.廊桥遗梦讲的是一位人到中年有家庭和孩子的女人,和一位远道而来要去拍摄位于麦迪森县的罗斯曼桥的摄影师。她主动提出为他带路,两人就此相识,并最终擦出爱的火花。4天的相处很快过去了,她考虑到家庭和责任,不愿追随摄影师出走,两人痛苦地分了手在以后的漫长日子里,两人把所有的相思都深深地埋在心里,直到两人去世,他们的骨灰都被撒到了廊桥桥畔演唱演唱 George Benson 歌曲名歌曲名 Nothings gonna change my love for you 中文歌

4、名中文歌名 此情永不移 Im coming to you as you coming to me for so long.Although we havent know each other before the date.我要向你走去,你向我走来已经很久了。虽然我们相会之前谁也不知道对方的存在。精彩对白精彩对白Now I want to keep it forever,I want to love you the way I do now for the rest of my life.我希望永远保留着份爱,我希望终生都能这样的爱你。This kind of certainty comes

5、once in a lifetime.这样确切的爱,一生只有一次。Seems right now,that all I have done in my life was making my way here to you.我今天才知道,我之所以漂泊就是要带领我朝你而来。All I can do is try to hold on to both of us somewhere inside of me.我只能试着在心灵深处紧紧的守候着你。I cant make an entier(完全的)life disappear to start a new one.我不能让生命就此消逝无踪,重头再来。T

6、he Bridges of Madison county is not only a love story,its value is lies in that point out to us a kind of life,a life ideal choice.廊桥遗梦不仅是一部爱情小说,它的价值在于向我们指出了一种人生的选择,一种人生理想。Robert James Waller carefully opened the secrets of the affair,make peoples emotions from sufficient(足够的)to cause the blame and

7、shame romances peremptory(绝对的)saw firmness,eternal,reason and emotion deep side.罗伯特詹姆斯沃勒小心翼翼地打开了婚外恋的隐秘的情感天地,使人们从足以引起指责的越轨和羞耻的恋情中看到了坚贞、永恒、理智以及情感深厚的一面。if she was not chosen separated,but decided to leave with him,and that the story is not so much charisma,and their separation is precisely this story p

8、art of the upsurge.如果她没有被选隔离,而决定和他一起走,这个故事是如此多的魅力,不过和他们的分离正是这个故事的热潮。if she was not chosen separated,but decided to leave with him,and that the story is not so much charisma,and their separation is precisely this story part of the upsurge.如果她没有被选隔离,而决定和他一起走,这个故事是如此多的魅力,不过和他们的分离正是这个故事的热潮。A film 一部电影一部电影 A sentence 一句话一句话 A sensation 一份感动一份感动Theyre both convinced that a sudden passion joined them.Such certainty is beautiful,but uncertainty is more beautiful still.他们彼此深信,是瞬间迸发的热情让他们相遇。这样的确定是美丽的,但变幻无常更为美丽The Bridges of Madison CountyThanking you for watching


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