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1、Cardiovascular DiseaseSelf-introductionHobby:Photograph,Basketball,Reading Hometown:Leshan giant BuddhaMajor:Agricultural Mechanizationself-introductionCVDDefinition1Factor2Data3Prevention4ContentCardiovascular disease(CVD)is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels.DefinitionCDV

2、may be caused by high blood pressure,smoking,diabetes,lack of exercise,high blood cholesterol,poor diet,and excessive alcohol consumption,among others.High blood pressure results in 33%of CVD deaths,while tobacco results in 27%,diabetes 22%,lack of exercise 18%.It shows that from 1990 to 2013,the fa

3、talities of CDV is increasing annually.FatalitiesMorbidity The picture shows the morbidity of different types of CDV.obviously,the peripheralvascular disease is the main factor and about 180 million people were suffering from it.Total CVD accounted for almost 40%of the deaths in NYS in 2008 and acco

4、unted for a greater percentage of the deaths than the next four leading causes combined.Coronary heart disease accounted for over 27%of all deaths in NYS in 2008.The age-adjusted rate of CVD mortality in NYS(589 per 100,000)was higher than the US rate(544 per 100,000)in 1980 and remained consistentl

5、y higher through 2007,with 268 per 100,000 in NYS versus 251 per 100,000 in the US.Although total CVD mortality declined in NYS from a rate of 589 per 100,000 in 1980 to 268 per 100,000 in 2007,it remains the primary cause of death in NYS.A low-fat,high-fiber diet including whole grains and fruit an

6、d vegetables.Five portions a day reduces risk by about 25%It is estimated that 90%of CVD is preventable.PreventionTobacco cessation and avoidance of second-hand smoke.Limit alcohol consumption to the recommended daily limits;consumption of standard alcoholic drinks per day may reduce risk by 30%.How

7、ever,excessive alcohol intake increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.Reduce sugar consumptionsIncrease daily activity to 30 minutes of vigorous exercise per day at least five times per week.Decrease body fat if overweight or obese.Because there different types of CVD,so when there is an emergency,its hard for an average man to do something helpful,so the best way to reduce the life risk of CVD is calling 120.And tried to perform cpr on the guy until the paramedics came when he is in life risk.THANKYOUTHANKYOU


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