


1、本科毕业设计外文翻译 Intelligent Lighting Control System Abstract: This paper describes the development of lighting control system。

2、译译文The finite element analysis system development present situation and prospect Ravichandra Patchigolla and Yesh P. Sin。

3、误差,以便得出最理想的最满意的液压支架.图1 液压支架关键词:四连杆机构; 优化设计; 精确设计; 模糊设计; 误差 1.前言:设计者的目的时寻找机械系统的 最优设计.导致的结果是一个系统所选择的参数是最优的.一个数学函数伴随着一个合适的系。

4、countries, including Chinas growing parking problem in big cities. From the parking guidance system of the angle of the 。

5、uth Korea,School of mechanical engineering, Cheju National University, Cheju, South KoreaABSTRACTThe importance of Virtu。

6、d right torque couplings. Torque developed by the motor transfers through the torque couplings to axle shafts which are 。

7、 a kind of voltage regulation method by controlling the switch frequency of DC power with fixed voltage to modify the tw。

8、ussed.Key words: intelligent lighting control bus transfer protocol green energy1IntroductionWith the continuous develop。


标签 > 机械设计制造及其自动化[编号:48416]

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