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1、2500 单词,1. 2 万英文字符,4000 汉字本科生毕业设计( 论文)外文翻译原文标题Discussion about the Color Environmentand Functions in Interior Design译文标题浅 谈 室 内 设 计 中 色 彩 的环 境 与 功 能作 者 所 在 系 别材 料 工 程 系作 者 所 在 专 业作 者 所 在 班 级作者姓名作者学号指 导 教 师 姓 名指 导 教 师 职 称完成时间2 0 1 3年1 2月译文标题浅谈室内设计中色彩的环境与功能原文标题Discussion about the Color Environment an

2、d Functions in InteriorDesign作者Re df or d S译名雷福德国 籍美国原文出处Ex ecutive Housekeeping Today , 1984 , Vol.5 ( 10 ) , pp.20 -1 , 31浅 谈 室 内 设 计 中 色 彩 的 环 境 与 功 能摘要色彩是室内设计的灵魂,它给人以生动、活跃的感受。如果它们可以被灵活 的运用到室内设计中,那么有时候会收到一些意想不到的效果。本文主要阐述的 是在室内设计中色彩与环境和功能之间的关系,这也取决于色彩的使用原则。创 造良好的室内色彩环境,更能体现人们对物质功能的高要求,符合人们的精神需 求,在

3、室内设计中强调了色彩的对人的性格的培养。关键词:色彩室内环境功能简介色彩本身是没有灵魂的,它只是一种物理现象。但人们却可以感知色彩的情 绪,这是由于他们长期生活在一个丰富多彩的世界里,积累了丰富的视觉经验。 当经验和外部色彩刺激相互呼应的时候,它会使人的心里产生一种对色彩的感知 情绪。随着现代色彩学的发展,人们的对色彩认识的不断深入,以及对色彩的功 能知识的日益加强,奠定了色彩在室内设计中的重要地位。很多设计师也叫色彩 为“最经济的奢侈品”。一个有经验的设计师不仅注重色彩的功能设计,更注重 色彩对人的生理,心理的影响。他们利用人们的视觉经验在特定的环境、秩序和 氛围中,创造出色彩所体现的各种特

4、征,从而获得事半功倍的效果。色彩是室内 设计中最生动,最活跃的因素。本文将讨论在室内设计中色彩的环境与功能。1. 色彩的功能要想在室内设计中拥有足够的表现力和吸引力,对色彩的灵活运用是先决条 件。色彩对视觉环境质量的影响和对人的情绪的的影响有着惊人的效果,甚至直 接对人们的工作效率和生活质量有极大的影响。在内部环境中,色彩应当满足人 们对功能和精神的需求,其目的是使人感到舒适。色彩本身也具有一些独特的性质,如果我们在室内设计中能充分发挥和利用 这些特性,那么就会使室内空间展现出其惊人的魅力。1. 1 色彩的物理效应由于色彩的物理条件,如明度,纯度,不同的视觉感受和不同的折射率,无共 6 页 第

5、 1 页论是在事实上还是在情感上,人们会对温度、距离、重量、尺寸等有不同的心理 感受,因此色彩的物理功能也可以被很好地应用在室内设计中。1. 1. 1色彩的温度感受在色彩学上,不同色调的色彩可分为暖色,冷色和中性色。从色相环的色彩 来看,很显然导致感冒的色彩是从蓝绿色到紫蓝色色块。在色彩美学上色彩的温 度具有很重要的意义。根据视觉经验,色彩的温度会使人产生奇妙的,生动的, 活泼的感觉。这是人类根据长期的积累与经验总结出来的。例如,红色,橙色, 黄色,会让人感觉到他们好像看到了太阳,火,转换器等,因此感觉热;蓝色和 绿色,让人感觉就像看到河流,湖泊和海洋,绿色的田野,森林,所以会有清新 凉爽的感

6、觉。1. 1. 2色彩对空间的影响色彩的温度,纯度,明度等特征,会在经济的发展和衰退,粗糙度,距离上 给人不同的感觉。一般来说,暖色调和光的色彩会产生膨胀和开阔的感觉,而冷 色调和深色会有衰退和萎缩的效果。色彩的这些特点往往在室内设计中被用来制造不同的空间视觉效果。例如, 当室内空间太大了,我们可以采取冷色调和深色来削弱宽敞的感觉,从而提高空 间与人的亲和性。另一方面,当空间狭小低矮时,我们应该利用暖色调和浅色来 提升空间,给人以心理上的安慰。1. 1. 3色彩的尺寸感受上文提到了色彩对空间的视觉效果的影响,同样的,色彩对对象的影响效果 体现在色相和明度上。暖色调和光的色彩有扩展功能,使对象看

7、起来很大。冷色 调和深色调有衔接功能,使对象看起来很小。不同的明度和温度的变化有时候是 通过比较而得出的结论。在房间里,家具的大小和色彩与整个房间的视觉效果密 切相关。我们可以使用色彩来改变物体的体积和空间,从而使房间里的每个部分 变得协调。1. 1. 4色彩的质感色彩的质感取决于明度和纯度两种因素。例如紫红色,浅黄色,它们经常被 用在室内设计里是为了使室内环境得到平衡和稳定,同时能够体现室内设计的特 点,如速度,稳重度。1. 2 色彩的生理和心理反应色彩是人类最初了解雕塑的重要因素之一。“刮擦”,“贴面”,“图腾” 都是原始人都以色彩来表达情感的主要装饰手段。色彩具有丰富的含义和象征,人们会

8、对不同的颜色有不同的心理感受。根据 人类长期积累的实践经验,共同升华得到这个心理反应,包括人的年龄,人格, 成就,民族,民俗。例如,当看到红色,我们常把它与太阳,每一个生命的起源 联系起来,从而感受到尊重。我们也可以把它看做血,这会让人感到不安,认为共 6 页 第 2 页那是野蛮的。看到黄绿色,我们把它与植物的萌发和生长联系在一起,会感觉到 春天的到来,它也代表青春,活力,希望,和平,发展,等等。色彩对人类心理感觉的影响,包括冷,热,距离,重量,尺寸,等;情绪的 刺激,如兴奋,悲伤,乐观,抑郁,混乱,冷静沉着;象征性,如庄严的,活泼 的,坚定的,温柔的,宏伟的,朴实的,也用于创建心理空间,像魔

9、术师一样, 展现人们的内心情绪,反映人们的思想感情。2. 色彩的环境与氛围“色彩的环境与气氛”探讨室内色彩布置与生理和心理的关系。色彩是室内 设计中最重要最关键的因素,使用起来既方便又快捷。想要轻易的改变一个空间 的氛围,可以花很少的钱和较短的时间来实现目标,甚至改变空间的功能。我们 可以将家具重新粉刷,或者更好一点的办法是给墙面刷乳胶漆。我们甚至可以随 季节和心情改变家里的色彩。虽然色彩有没有情感,但人们从色彩的视觉效果感知它所要表现的特性,产 生不同的心理效应。色彩可以控制你对空间和光线的感觉,可以产生冷,热,新 的和旧的或距离的感觉。即使是最细微的变化也可以使整个房间显得更加温暖和 宽敞

10、。巧妙运用色彩可以提高室内空间的环境,为房间注入的活力,使普通的房 间变得不寻常的,并能体现主人的个性。3. 色彩在室内设计中的使用原则色彩的设计对室内设计风格的创造起着至关重要的作用,而且往往会带来视 觉和艺术享受上的差异。75%的人们进入一个新的空间内,在最初的几秒钟是对色 彩的感觉,然后他们才会去去欣赏室内的其他设计。因此,色彩是人们对室内设 计的第一印象,所以它是室内装饰中不可忽视的一个重要因素。在内部环境中的色彩设计应遵循一些基本的原则,它可以作为一个整体被更 好的运用到室内空间设计中,从而达到最好的境界。3. 1 形成一个统一的整体在室内设计中色彩的一致与音乐上节奏的和谐一样重要。

11、在房间的内部环境 中,各种颜色之间的对比与协调是最根本的关系。这样的关系是正确处理和创造 室内和谐氛围的关键。协调色彩的方式为色彩三要素,与明度、纯度和都密切相关,从而产生一种 统一感,但它们应该避免过于单调,压迫或沉闷。因此,和谐的色彩应表现为对 比和协调(包括色温,明度和纯度的对比)。色彩的对比方式体现在亮度和色相之 间对比。室内装饰过多的对比可能会带来令人眼花缭乱的视觉影响,甚至会使人 过度兴奋,正所谓分心。掌握配色的原理,处理好协调与对比之间的关系。缤纷 的色彩在室内设计中能够是室内环境变得大气。把握好和谐的方式,改善和加强共 6 页 第 3 页了这种氛围。我们必须认真分析对比与协调的

12、关系,使室内环境充满艺术气息。3. 2人们对色彩的情感规律对一个人的心理而言不同的色彩将会带来不同的感受。在决定房间的装饰色 彩时,应考虑到人的情感色彩。比如,黑色是一般只用于点缀的颜色。试想,如 果一间房间大规模使用黑色,人们可能很难接受。生活在这样的环境中,人会很 不舒服。老年人应选一些具有健康和稳定感的颜色;年轻人应选对立的适宜的色 度,这让人们感受到时代和生活节奏的快速发展;孩子适合浅蓝色,浅粉色;运 动员适合好看的浅蓝色和浅绿色,以消除兴奋和疲劳;士兵可以采用鲜艳的颜色 减轻军营生活的乏味;弱者可以使用藏红色和温暖的绿色,由此带来光明,温暖 和开朗的心情。3. 3、满足室内空间的功能

13、性需求不同的空间有着不同的功能,所以色彩的设计也要根据不同的功能做相应的 调整。室内空间可以根据光和影来营造氛围。例如使用高光获得华丽的室内空间 氛围;少用浅色和深色的光来装饰房间可以提供给人们一个更私密和温暖的感觉。 室内空间是人们日常生活的一个永久居住环境,空间的颜色如办公室、客厅,这 些地方会直接影响人们的生活。使用较少的颜色如纯正灰则可以给人们提供一个 安静的,温柔的,舒适的空间氛围。高纯度和高明度的颜色可以创造一种愉悦的 空间氛围。3. 4、尽量满足需求的空间构成室内色彩的处理必须符合空间构图的需求,充分发挥室内色彩美化的作用, 正确处理好和谐与对比,统一与变化,主体和背景的关系。在

14、进行室内设计时,首先要确定空间的主色调,主色调起主导作用。形成室 内色彩的主色调的因素有很多,主要有亮度,纯度和对比度。其次,我们要在实 现色调一致的基础上处理好统一与变化的关系。用这种方式,可以得到更好的效 果。为了得到一个有效的影响,大面积使用过分鲜艳的颜色色块是不合适的,高 明度和纯度的色彩适合用小面积的色块。此外,室内色彩设计要体现稳定感,对 称性和节奏感。人们往往采用明亮和黑暗颜色的比列来达到空间色彩的稳定性, 室内色彩的品种应具有一定的对称性和节奏,注重色彩的规律,否则,它会使空 间不整洁,颜色也不和谐。4、融入室内空间的自然色彩室内和室外的空间环境是一个整体,它们的色彩也密切相关

15、,并不是孤立存 在的。将纯天然色彩的运用到空间中,能够营造了室内自然色的氛围,能够有效 的加强人与自然的密切关系。共 6 页 第 4 页花草,树木,池塘,自然的石头等作为室内装饰的重要物品。这些自然物的 色彩极为丰富,可以给人一种轻松、愉快的想象空间,把人们带到一个轻松的自 然环境中。它们可以在同一时间将内部和外部空间融合在一起。大自然给人们一 个美丽的环境,人们也应该爱护自然。设计师经常从动物和植物本身收集色彩。 考虑到一系列消防防爆面板,人工大理石,花岗岩和其他自然的东西,使它们产 生一种自然,亲切,和谐的感觉。利用自然的色彩创造室内空间的氛围,这正是 人们渴望的,此外,让人类回归自然是室

16、内设计的一个主题。5、结论色彩是自然赋予人类最宝贵的财富,颜色赋予人类的特权是将整个世界“涂 抹”。同时,颜色是环境设计的灵魂,能够使空间环境产生厚重感,舒适感,有氛 围,服务性增强,以及影响人的生理和心理情感。能够充分利用和发挥色彩的功 能特点,灵活的使用色彩,并创造出具有吸引力,和谐,舒适的室内空间,这是 色彩所能创造出的意想不到的结果。共 6 页 第 5 页Discussion about the C olor Environment and Functions in Inter ior DesignRedford S(Executive Housekeeping Today , 198

17、4, Vol.5 (10), pp.20-1,31)Abstr actThe color is the soul of interior designs,the vivid and active factors that it gives to human. If they can be used perfectly in the interior designs , sometimes you can achieve some surprise effects. This article mainly make use of expounding the color regarding th

18、e mutual function relations between the environment and the function in interior design,depending on its color beautiful principle.Cresting a indoor space environment that can manifest both peoples material function requests and conforms to peoples energetic de-mends. and emphasizes the strong chara

19、cter color acts in this design.Keywor d: Color; Indoor environment; FunctionIntroductionColor itself does not have soul,it is only a physical phenomenon. But people actually can feel the the mood from color, which is because of their long-term life in a colorful world,accumulating many visual experi

20、ences. When the conscious experience and the external color stimulus has certain echoing,it will lead to some kind of mood in peoples psychology.With the development ofmodern chromatics,peoples knowledge of colors function becomes unceasingly thorough,and knowledge of colors function is strengthenin

21、g day by day,and this cause the color to be at the pivotal position in interior design. Many designers also call color as the most economical luxury goods.An experienced designer pays great attention to the color function in designing a room,pays attention to colors physical,Psychological or physiol

22、ogical function on people. They utilize peoples visual experience of color to create the environments of character, level,order and ambience,thus getting twice the result with half the effort. Color is the most vivid,most active factor in the indoor design. The thesis will do some relevant discussio

23、ns on the function of color in interiordesign.1. Function of a C olorColor is a precondition that is most expressive and appealing in the共 6 页 第 6 页design. The quality that color is used exerts an influence on visual environment,and produces amazing effect on humans mood psychology, even on peoples

24、working efficiency and life quality directly. Color should meet their functional and spiritual requirements in the internal environment,the purpose of which is to make people feel comfortable.Color itself has some unique characteristics. If we give full play and utilize these characteristics in indo

25、or design touching glamour will be entrusted to the design,andwillmake the indoor space yield brilliant charm.1.1 Physica l Effect of C olorBecause of the difference in colors physical condition such as lightness,purity,visual feeling,etc.,and difference of reflection rate,no matter in fact or in fe

26、eling,people will have different psychological feeling in temperature,distance,weight, size etc.,therefore physical function of color can give a good account of itself in indoor design.(1) Experience in Temperature of ColorIn color science , color of different chrome can be divided into warm color,

27、cool color and neutral color. In view of color ring,the colors that obviously causes a cold impression are bluish 一 green to the violet 一 blue color lump. Colors properties in temperature make a lot of sense in color aesthetics. According to visual experience,the contrast in temperature produces won

28、derful,vivid,and lively feelings. This is in accord with humans experience that is accumulated through long-term feeling. For example,red,orange,yellow,let people feel that they see the sun , fire , converter , etc.,thus feeling hot ; And blue and green , green , let people feel like seeing rivers,l

29、akes and seas,green field,forest,so feeling nice and cool.(2) Spatial Effect of ColorDue to characteristics of color such as the changes in temperature, purity ,lightness,etc.,the feeling brought to people can be different,such as advancing and recession,roughness,distance. Generally speaking,warm c

30、olor chrome and light color produces forward and expansive sense. While cool color chrome and dark color has a effect of recession and shrinking.These characteristics of color are often utilized to change the visual effect of the space in interior design. For instance,w hen indoor space is too high,

31、we can adopt cool color chrome and light color to weaken the共 6 页 第 7 页spacious sense,so as to enhance the affinity between space and people. On the other hand,when space is narrow and low , we should utilize warm color chrome and light color to increase peoples psychological comfort.(3) Experience

32、in Dimension of ColorAs is mentioned that color has an effect on visual experience of space.Likewise , colors influences on visual feeling of the same object is embodied in the two factors of color chrome and lightness. Warm colorsand light colors have function of expansion,so the object seems large

33、. Cool colors and dark colors have cohesive function , so the object seems small.Different lightness and changes in temperature are revealed through comparison sometimes. Different furniture in the room, size of objects and the use of color in the whole room are closely related. We can make use of c

34、olor to change the sense of dimension,volume and space of the object,thus coordinating every part in the room.(4) Experience of the Weight of ColorWeight of color lies on lightness and purity,the higher the two,the lighter the object seems. The examples are peachblow,light yellow. They are often use

35、d in indoor design to get the effect of balance and stability.Meanwhile, they can embody characteristics of indoor design,such as swiftness,solemnness.1. 2 Physiologica l a nd Psychological R eaction to ColorColor is one of the key elements of sculpt which mankind knows initially.“scratch”,“veneer”,

36、“totem”of primitive man all regard color as main ornamental means to express emotion.Color has abundant meaning and symbolization,people demonstrate different feeling to different color.This psychology reaction derive from peoples longterm accumulation and sublimation of common practical experience,

37、in addition with peoples age , personality,accomplishment, nationality ,custom. For example when seeing red,we often associate it with the sun,the origin of every life,thus feeling respectful,grand. We can also associate it with blood,feeling uneasy,barbarous. seeing yellowishgreen, we link it with

38、plants sprouting and growing, feeling the arrival of spring,thenitrepresentsyouth,vigor, hope,developing,peace,etc.Colors physical effect on peoples psychology,including cold and hot,distance,w eight,size,etc.;the emotional stimulus,such as excitement, blues,optimism,depression,turmoil,calmness; sym

39、bolic image,such共 6 页 第 8 页as being solemn,brisk,firm, gentle,magnificent,and unadorned,are used for creating the psychological space like magic by people , displaying inner mood , reflecting the thoughts and feelings.2. C olor Environments and Atmosphere“color environment and atmosphere”probe into

40、the relation of interior color arrangement and physiology,psychology. Color is an very important and very adaptable key element of indoor design,with low cost and convenience. In ruder to change one space atmosphere,I can spend few money and short time to achieve the goal,even change the space funct

41、ion. We can repaint furniture or wall in very short time with a little better emulsion paint. We can even change the color of the family with alternation of season and mood.Though color has no emotion,but people draw support from color experience , through surface characteristic of colors,to produce

42、 different psychological effect. Then color can control your feeling of space and light,can express being cold and hot,new and old or distance. Even the most subtle change of hue can also make the whole room seem a little warmer or a bit more spacious. Skillful use of color can improve the environme

43、nt of the space,inject the room with vitality,make the ordinary room unusual,and reflect owners personality.3. Pr inciple in Inter nal Design W ith ColorThe design of color plays a vital role in changing or creating a certain style in indoor design,and often brings a certain difference on ones visio

44、n and artistic enjoyment. 75%of the impression that people get when entering a certain space in initial several seconds is the feeling to color,then they will go ahead to appreciate form. Therefore , the primary impression that color produces on people is an important factor that cant be ignored in

45、the interior decoration design.Color design in the internal environment should follow some basic principles,which can make better use of color in the space design as a whole , thus reaching the best realm.3.1 L aw as a Unified W holeConcord of colors in indoor design is like rhythm and harmony in mu

46、sic. In the internal environment of the room,various colors act upon each other,and harmony and comparison are the most fundamentalrelation.How this kind of relation is properly deal with is the key to creating indoor共 6 页 第 9 页atmosphere.Harmony of colors means three key elements of color-namely th

47、e charms,lightness and purity-are closelyassociated,thus produce a kind of unified sense. But they should avoid being too dull , oppressive or boring. So,harmony of color should be exhibited as contrastive harmony, and contrastive foil(including the contrast of temperature , lightness and purity ).The contrast of color means the comparative distance between lightness and the chroma. Too much contrast of interior decorationmay bring dazzlingandunres,effect,even bring excessive exci


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