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1、毕业论文题目:中美家庭教育的差异Title: The Difference between Chinese and American Family Education2008 年 5月20 日AcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, my appreciation goes to my parents, and the rest of my family. During the development of this paper, they have been there always giving me continuous support, encourage

2、ment and understanding. Their love and support encourage me to pursue progress all the time.I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to all other teachers who gave me lectures during the past three years. I have benefited so much not only from their courses and lectures but also from their cons

3、tant encouragement.Finally, my deepest gratitude and respect go to my supervisor, Lu Li. Without her constant encouragement, great care, useful advices and suggestions, this paper would not appear in the present form.AbstractStepping into 21st century, the competition among countries has been gettin

4、g fierce. It is on the education that a countrys development is founded. Seeing from the connotation of family education and its relationship with school education and social education, family education plays an important role in the progress of cultivating people. Because of the culture difference,

5、 the family education of China is also different from that of America. This article intends to show some differences on family education between Chinese and American people and to find out the traits of causing the differences. Though American family education could not be regarded as completely per

6、fect, their some reasonable educational methods and conceptions are helpful. Their education practice could also help the Chinese reform their education to meet the need of society and the times. Key words: family education;education differences;culture differences摘 要步入21世纪,各国之间的竞争愈演愈烈,尤其是知识竞争。从家庭教育

7、的内容,家庭教育与学校教育的关系以及家庭教育与社会教育的关系中不难看出家庭教育在培养一个人的过程中扮演着很重要的角色。由于文化差异,中美在家庭教育上存在着很大的差异。本文通过对比中美家庭教育进而找出造成这种差异的根源。美国的家庭教育虽然并不是十全十美的,但他们某些合理的教育方式及教育概念确实值得我们学习。他们在家庭教育上的实践将会帮助我们改革自己的教育方式进而适应这个社会与时代的需求。关键词:家庭教育;教育差异;文化差异ContentsIntroduction.1I. Different concepts of family education between China and Americ

8、a.11.1 Different relationships between children and parents.11.2 Different values of family education.21.3 Different instructors for family education.3II. Different ways of family education in practice.32.1 Different focus.32.2 Different methods.4III. Different results.73.1 Different abilities.73.2

9、Different patterns of thinking8Conclusion.8Bibliography.11 Introduction With the rapid development of modern science and society, family education plays an important role to a person during his whole life. Family is the first important battlefield of fostering people. People should attach importance

10、 to family education which is often ignored by them. In China, on the one hand, the society has been paying more attention on school education and teachers quality;On the other hand, people also have overlooked the function of family education and parents quality. Therefore, there are so many proble

11、ms in the process of their family education development. The Chinese should not only recognize their weakness, but also learn some advanced experiences from other countries. As a result of different cultures, China and American have a large number of differences on family education. This article wil

12、l analyze the culture traits of causing these differences by comparing two kinds of family education, and acquire some enlightenment. People can not make sure which family education is completely perfect, but other education patterns are helpful for the Chinese to reform their family education.IDiff

13、erent concepts of family education1.1 Different relationships between children and parentsIn China, parents always take their children as their private possession. In their mind, the only duty of their children is to obey their orders during the process of growing. Only if children do like that can

14、they become a real adult. Most Chinese parents would like to play a role which can arrange and master their childrens life. In this family, the children are lack of activity and creativity. Obviously, this relation is rather unfair. Meanwhile, it is not helpful to the growth of children. However, Am

15、erican parents consider children as an independent individual since children came to this world. They treat their children as equal as they can. Moreover the right of equality is also protected by law. “The western countries were founded on the principle that all men are equal”. 3:55 So it is common

16、 to respect childrens ideas and personality in America. Parents can give some proper help only when children really need parents suggestions or childrens opinion and action are actually unreasonable. On all accounts, equality has penetrated into American family education. In Chinese feudal society,

17、there are three important guides which are “lords guide vassals”, “Fathers guide sons” and “Husbands guide wives”. “Fathers guide son” is the most fundamental rule in Chinese traditional patriarchal system. “As children, they must obey parents orders, especially fathers. They should awe their parent

18、s and should not challenge parents authority. Like these children, their behavior can be called filial piety, otherwise they are considered to offend against their superiors.” 7:53 However, since Americans founded their own country, they have given up feudal hierarchy which was left by its former go

19、vernor British. They pay more attention on freedom and equality. From then on individualism has been strengthened constantly. This thought was also reflected on American family education.1.2 Different values of family education In China, people usually deal things with their own emotion. Chinese fam

20、ily education was founded on human relations. When solve interpersonal relations, they often take with some affection or something else. In the process of training children, Chinese parents just try their best to make the children became the ideal one in their mind. It implies the selfish of Chinese

21、 family education.However, Americans are reasonable. American highly praise that they deal with family affairs based on reason rather than emotions. The purpose of American family education is to foster their children to become a really socialized person to adapt to various environments and acquire

22、the ability to live independently. “Most American parents treat training and educating children as a kind of duty as same as they devote to society.” 8:29In fact, American parents do not hope their children would support them when get aged.1.3 Different instructors for family educationIn China, alth

23、ough the family structure of three generations in a family has already changed greatly some young parents still let their parents look after children out of busy and heavy work. As is well known, the knowledge quality of the old people is poor and they are lack of up-to-date thoughts, it is easy for

24、 them to spoil their grandsons. It causes our third generation to become selfish and coddled.However, in the west, people would hardly hear that the grandfather and grandmother take care of their grandchild. “The western old people dont take part in the progress of educating children. In their opini

25、on, this task just belongs to childrens parents.” 1:69II .Different ways of family education in practice 2.1 Different focus Most Chinese parents hope that their children have a good social position and a promising future after growing up. On the basis of this kind of wish, they pay more attention o

26、n knowledge education and childrens intelligent development. The Chinese parents also think that their responsibility is to provide comfortable living environment for children and make children study hard. Yet it leads to some neglect on developing childrens capacity for independent living. Compared

27、 with Chinese family education, the goal of American family education is to make a really socialized man who can adapt himself to all sorts of environments and have the ability for independent living. Therefore, American parents often create some conditions for children to make them become an indepe

28、ndent and good quality person through taking part in working. “American parents also encourage children to accept challenges, overcome difficulties, develop specialty, and increase intelligence in life and different environments.”4:79 Two different aims are formed from different culture backgrounds.

29、 China has been attaching the importance of study since Feudal imperial examination system was founded. Nowadays, most people still believe some old feudal sayings such as “The worth of other pursuits is small; the study of books excels them all” “he who excels in study can follow an official career

30、”. In addition, with fierce social competition and social atmosphere of seeking quick success, family education becomes knowledge education gradually and the branch of school education. “High mark, good job, and high salary” become a new kind of thought fashion. But in a developed country, apart fro

31、m studying, Americans also are able to make a good living condition through various ways.2.2 Different methods Chinese educating ways can be described as “pressing” “conservatives” “spoiling”. The kind of belief which is “Spare the rod and spoil the child” has accepted by most Chinese parents. Thus

32、they adopt strict measures to discipline children. For example, children should make friends with the kind of people who are smart and get high marks in exams; children watch TV with no more than half an hour a day and so on. Considering childrens future, some parents even arrange so many tasks for

33、their children in the weekend. Children have to go to some training schools to strength their learning and increase their marks. Such as, learning on how to use computer, learning English, playing the piano and so on. “In fact, Chinese parents rarely consider childrens real need and hobbies while ch

34、ildren have no right to choose to do what they like doing. It results in some children who dont have any hobbies and interests.” 6:67 The children would have nothing to do if no one gives them orders. Besides that, in Chinese families, children have no speaking right, the parents required children t

35、o obey the rules which were made by them and children would never say no to their words. Under this pressing, most children will become negative and hate parents .These would bring out families tragedies. The Chinese parents have tried their best to make children feel comfortable in life; they are f

36、ond of replacing children to do housework such as washing cloth, folding covers and so on. Most Chinese parents are just like childrens babysitter the in the aspect of food, clothing, housing and transportation. For instance, pupils in China, Japan, England, AmericaCountryThe average time of doing p

37、hysical laborChina 0.2 hours Japan 0.4hours England 0.6hours America 1.2hours(These dates from “the survey of Chinese educational problems: a delinquent juvenile”)In addition, to encourage children get a good score on their study,parents also try their best to buy high-grade consumer goods such as M

38、P4, mobile phone, digital camera and so on even if the family dont belong to rich class or short of money. All these parents do would just spoil their children and its not helpful for children to grow up. John Dewey, an American practical educator, thought that “education is life and education is gr

39、owth”. 2:57 The former means that education should help children obtain experiences in life. The latter means that education is not a preparation for some idealized future and the kind of growth is not determined by any surface aims. According to Deweys views, people could see that some educating wa

40、ys of Chinese parents adopt are far from reasonable. Apart from that, Chinese childrens privacy is usually invaded by their parents. Their school bags were searched, diaries were peeped and their actions were also followed by their parents, they have no secrets before their parents. In America, pare

41、nts rarely limit childrens behavior, but it doesnt mean that they allow children do whatever they like. American parents try to provide conditions and chances for exercising childrens various abilities. In American parents opinion, the cases of childrens should be finished by themselves. The parents

42、 just give their children the key to open the door instead of opening the door for them. People could see that from the growing stage of the American children, they would sleep alone when they were young, and most children would like to play with themselves rather than stay in the embrace of their p

43、arents when they could walk, when they get old enough, they would have their own space, its their duty to clean their room, besides that, the Children would also take part in doing housework. Such as, clipping a lawn, cleaning a yard, tidying up their room and so on. Besides, parents make strict rul

44、e on pocket money that the children have to do part-time jobs .It is helpful to train childrens abilities for doing these things. As in the process of working, children would learn many skills such as how to solve problems, how to communicate with others and so on. These skills cannot be studied in

45、books. In addition, some parents would like take their children to post and banks to teach them how to use these services. Parents respect their childrens choices and would never ask children to do something they dont like. Parents often let children decide what to do by themselves such as studying,

46、 playing games, watching TV. Furthermore, American pays more attention on the method of criticism when children make mistakes. American parents oppose to speak loudly and angrily to children in the public places. It will deeply hurt childrens self-respect. Just as great educator John Locke said: “If parents dont publicize childrens mistakes, children will think highly of dignity .Therefore, they safeguard good comments from others. If their parents give sarcastic ridicule children in face of many people, children will feel extremely embarrassed


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