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1、exciting spirit, to , not up of urgency, and slow shall not of sense, and sat not of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and Rob of consciousness, and race of momentum, and spell of courage, to fire

2、 as of passion input work. The only way to ensure the healthy development of the cause, did not live up to the Organizations trust and the porcelain people live up to expectations. (B) the practice of three Suns, requires that we adhere to the problem oriented, improving the effectiveness of Governm

3、ent. An idea that I have said many times, talking about issues is much more useful than the talk. Because the results are in the past, talking about there, but the problem is eternal, not free, ubiquitous, if not resolved, will never go away on their own, and then only by solving a problem, work in

4、order to move forward, before moving forward progress of society. Marxist philosophy tells us that catch to catch the nature of the problem, grab the contradiction to catch the main contradiction. This requires us not only to be good at resolving individual, specific issues, also to be good at looki

5、ng through the phenomenon of nature, found by accident law, so as to catch common, widespread problem. We some place and sector of comrade, work starting point is good of, wants to developed some policy, wants to help enterprise development, and for masses do points things, but is careless make a kn

6、ife cut pot, upper and lower general rough, led to file introduced Hou hard implementation, some even help has pour busy, to enterprise increased has burden, damage has masses of interests; some place in do city development planning or industry development planning Shi, to self for Center, pursuit w

7、ishful thinking, not focused on and city general planning phase convergence, Final conflict for planning land cannot be submitted for approval, the project cant fall, wasted time, energy and money. In addition, there are many comrades often complain about difficult, superiors know the problem instea

8、d of trying, often report to prepare funding conditions. In fact, if any conditions are prepared properly, who called that is not the same?, conversely, if you are really looking for the right reasons, there is a good solution, the Government will provide support in terms of manpower, material and f

9、inancial resources. Government agencies set is a science, departments does the difference between good and bad, the difference only work well. Can get the attention and support, the key achievements and contributions to the Department. We carry out Government work, do anything to stick to problem-or

10、iented, be sure to have clear links to, take practical measures to achieve real results. This requires that we must reach out before the decision, . Help, in order to help companies ride out the storm. Last month, the City Government carried out a steady growth and development of research, many comr

11、ades told me that, in the course of land, some farmers dont understand municipal government decisions, even plain, block construction. On this issue, we should not only see the appearance of land expropriation, but on the other hand, thought the masses why conflict? worried that without a job, there

12、 are still other worries? can then take specific measures to resolve it. For example, baic Changhe automobile new bases in the land acquisition process and for surrounding farmers making a special people Club sector statistics, finds out, and organizations develop the skills training, Government 广东德

13、豪润达电气股份有限公司财务报表分析一、 公司简介广东德豪润达电气股份有限公司(简称德豪润达)1996年5月创立于珠海,2004年在深圳证券交易所上市(股票代码002005),是一家以小家电、LED和新能源相关业务为主的集团性公司。 德豪润达目前拥有全资及控股企业10余家,2008年销售额超过26亿元人民币,员工总数近10000人,主要业务包括LED芯片、LED外延片、LED照明、LED显示屏、LED封装、LED设备以及厨房小家电的制造和服务。德豪润达连续多年被评为“广东省百强民营企业”、“广东省高新技术企业”、“珠海市十强民营企业”等,是珠海市规模最大的民营股份制企业。在小家电业务方面:德豪润

14、达1996年进入小家电OEM/ODM领域,经过10余年的发展,德豪润达现已成为全球规模和技术领先的小家电制造企业,年产量近3000万台。德豪润达先后发明全球第一台直流电机驱动快速烘烤面包机、全球第一台光波烤箱、全球第一台自动恒温电控室外烤炉等产品,创新能力位居行业前列。德豪润达自主品牌“ACA北美电器”已成为国内小家电成长最快的品牌之一。小家电行业经营了13年之后,2009年德豪润达进入了一个全新的朝阳行业LED, 开始了我们的战略转型之路。这一产业不仅拥有几千亿规模的市场,而且对节能环保、拯救地球有极其重要的意义。如果中国全部使用LED灯,相当于一年减排3110亿吨CO2,所节约的电量相当于


16、显著。欧洲市场销售额占公司整体销售额的比重由2005年的10%上升到2008年的40%,市场结构更加合理。2009年通过收购相关公司的LED资产,德豪润达正式进入LED行业。同时,德豪润达还明确了把新能源的开发和利用作为业务发展方向,并成立了新能源事业部。至此,德豪润达小家电、LED、新能源三大事业群基本成型。公司定向增发1.6亿股,募集资金16亿元,全部投向LED德豪 润达(E T i)电气股份有限公资产负债表的分析附表1-1 资产负债表(资产) (单位:人民币万元)资产2008年2009年2010年变动率(%)流动资产:货币资金24,465.96 41,167.82 161,923.72

17、157.26 交易性金融资产57.06 20.69 0.00 -100.00 应收票据264.13 493.64 697.67 62.52 应收账款41,426.20 39,407.44 62,446.87 22.78 预付款项7,565.45 16,840.83 49,289.38 155.25 应收利息0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!应收股利0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!其他应收款8,468.03 9,140.34 12,070.53 19.39 存货41,786.14 44,894.96 67,875.63 27.45 一年内到期的非流动资产0.00 0.00

18、0.00 #DIV/0!其他流动资产0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!流动资产合计124,032.96 151,965.72 354,303.80 69.01 #DIV/0!非流动资产:#DIV/0! 可供出售金融资产0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!持有至到期投资0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!长期应收款0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!长期股权投资25.74 205.16 155.20 145.54 投资性房地产1,417.19 0.00 0.00 -100.00 固定资产51,037.82 61,076.31 60,402.93 8.79 在建工

19、程2,722.59 1,132.06 57,251.43 358.57 工程物资0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!固定资产清理0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!无形资产2,262.61 5,574.63 29,791.88 262.86 开发支出0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!商誉1,966.59 1,105.96 1,077.92 -25.97 长期待摊费用165.35 255.53 2,214.38 265.95 递延所得税资产237.00 362.49 420.50 33.20 其他非流动资产0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! 非流动资产合计59

20、,834.91 69,712.14 151,314.25 59.02 资产总计183,867.88 221,677.86 505,618.05 65.83 附表1-2 资产负债表(资产) (单位:人民币万元)负债和所有者权益2008年2009年2010年变动率(%)流动负债:短期借款22,479.82 45,531.59 82,046.87 91.04 交易性金融负债0.00 0.00 2.08 #DIV/0!应付票据27,850.96 25,728.43 36,205.39 14.02 应付账款63,600.78 56,291.35 84,944.50 15.57 预收款项1,145.92

21、3,103.90 4,274.28 93.13 应付职工薪酬3,953.30 4,588.29 4,237.57 3.53 应交税费-1,242.20 964.71 2,498.07 #NUM!应付利息90.28 40.89 151.49 29.54 应付股利0.00 986.00 86.00 #DIV/0!其他应付款5,063.99 13,693.89 16,638.97 81.27 一年内到期的非流动负债0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!其他流动负债0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!流动负债合计122,942.85 150,929.07 231,085.22 37.10

22、 #DIV/0!非流动负债:#DIV/0!长期借款0.00 0.00 27,500.00 #DIV/0!应付债券0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!0长期应付款0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!专项应付款0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!预计负债0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!递延所得税负债1.36 424.58 379.97 1,571.47 其他非流动负债308.02 0.00 5,660.00 328.67 非流动负债合计309.38 424.58 33,539.97 941.21 负债合计123,252.23 151,353.64 264,625

23、.18 46.53 #DIV/0!所有者权益(或股东权益): #DIV/0!实收资本(或股本)32,320.00 32,320.00 48,320.00 22.27 资本公积20,009.22 20,009.22 154,647.10 178.01 减:库存股0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!盈余公积3,243.85 3,414.71 3,414.71 2.60 未分配利润4,627.60 10,918.23 30,490.58 156.69 外币报表折算差额-189.29 -242.29 495.74 #NUM!归属于母公司所有者权益合计60,011.39 66,419.86 237,368.13 98.88 少数股东权益604.26 3,904.36 3,624.74 144.92 所有者权益合计60,615.65 70,324.22 240,992.87 99.39 负债和所有者权益总计183,867.88 221,677.86 505,618.05 65.83 平衡检验0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


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