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2、介绍及时性就是决策者要在信息失去影响力时做出决策的能力,被公认为是影响财务报表(当今FS)信息的有用性非常重要的因素(伊斯梅尔和钱德勒2003)。财务报告及时性情况令人担忧,因为FS的有效性信息通常让人联系到其相反的一面即所谓的报告滞后(即这一时期过后但在截止日期之间的会计期间,这一期间的会计信息实际上才被披露)(见如Atiase et al 1989)。关于Owusu-Ansah和Leventis(2006)的争议是:及时的财务报告增强了决策并且减少了信息的不对称性。此外,不仅报告滞后本身是降低有效性的根本原因,也有可能降低金融信息的有效性。Knechel和佩恩(2001)建议:意想不到的报

3、告延迟可能与较低质量的信息相关。在一个相关的情境中,穆罕默德苏莱曼(2008)认为金融谎报常有或伴随着延迟提交FS。这样,它应该在全球会计准则的概念框架识别下不出意料的将及时性作为一个决定会计的相关性信息的主要因素。财务会计准则委员会,例如,认为“()缺乏及时性的信息很可能会失去相关性(FASB 1980款56)。监管机构也承认重要的报告必须满足其披露财务报告的最后期限。之前在财务报告滞后的研究上(今后滤波减压器润滑剂)只是集中在大型上市公司,可以分为两种主要类型。第一类探讨了影响股票价格上的FRL (例如:书法家钱伯斯1984年1989;乔杜里2009)。总的来说,结果更为显著的表明短期的F

4、RL收益率的股票价格反应。第二种类型是主要关心报告及时性行为的影响因素(例如:代尔和麦克休1975;Leventis Owusu-Ansah2000和Weetman 2004)。我们把这些通过文献对影响因素的研究添加到比利时的非营利组织。不像他们的盈利组织,非营利组织通常依赖依赖捐赠和资助来实行内部运作。因此,非营利组织就会争夺稀缺资源(基廷2005)。非营利组织通常也享受各种税收优惠(Yetman2011)。例如,非营利组织的捐赠者可以降低应税收入的数额的捐款(即在比利时,当捐款超过40.00欧元)。非营利组织因此负责融资这些捐款,资助,和财政利益(Yetman 2011)并对外公众。因为非

5、营利组织是负责任的,他们面对的(金融)报告的激励,因此所观察到的非营利组织倾向于管理他们的报告(例如收益数据,里昂和范霍恩2001;Krishnan 2006;维尔布鲁根2006)。因为这些报告激励和考虑到时机的归档FS代表一个自愿申报决定(即在法律范围内),影响有用的信息披露,一个非营利FRLs设置与研究是高度相关的。基于比利时样本的非营利组织,我们观察一个FRL的平均时间是192天(而平均值是183),值得注意的是:有17.2%的组织实例未在合法的时间期限内提交其财务报表(即当比利时违反规定实施报告的最后期限)。我们的研究结果表明非营利组织“FRLs,受到一定的奖励。我们发现,非营利组织加

6、大了对捐款和赠款的依赖,财务报告明显不大可能比FS晚了。这是符合资源依赖理论。此外,类似于基于私人公司之前的研究,我们注意到非营利组织延迟披露不利的消息(如一个赤字,一个合格的审计意见),非营利组织的新闻更有可能排在他们FS的后面。在符合之前非营利部门财务报告的研究,结果是指示性的产业效应。最后,我们的结果表明,重要的会计监管的变化明显延迟财务报告程序(虽然没有影响最后的申请)。 本文的主要贡献可以概括如下:首先,我们研究了一个在非营利组织中大的样本FRL。这样做,我们测试了关于FRLs的普遍性,发现从私营部门也确定额外的因素这反映了非营利会计环境的独特方面。这个非营利部门的重要性在全球经济、

7、银行业的具体特性(如强烈依赖政府拨款、捐款和志愿者)和需要强大的责任(例如,李2004;Yetman 2011)暗示FRL这个部门的重要性。第二,我们的研究增加了,但是迅速增长的却是非营利部门财务报告和审计的文献。作为由冯所持的观点(2011):只有在过去的十年里,非营利会计研究建立了动量发展成为一个临界质量。第三,广泛改革会计和报告要求,比利时非营利组织使我们探索FRLs影响会计监管的实质性的变化。具体地说,我们以下主要研究会计监管的变化对比利时的非营利组织FRLs是否下降。本文的其余部分组织如下:在“文献回顾和假说发展”一节中我们简要地讨论一下相关的文献和我们假设的发展,同时也介绍了样本和

8、研究方法“数据收集和研究方法”部分。最终,我们在最后一节总结了我们的主要结论。文献回顾与假说发展(金融)问责和比利时的法律框架 财务报告问题已经导致全球非营利组织立法来检查治理和问责在非营利部门出现题(维米尔 2009)。由于他们过分依赖政府拨款、捐款和志愿者,因此提高非营利组织的责任感非常重要。然而,由巴顿(1992)提出的问责的概念仍然缺乏精确的定义。根据不同文献提供的不同的定义(例如,杰克逊1982年;卢瑟福1983),我们可以说责任关系着透明度伴随着组织的尊严和成就。问责因此允许更好的决策的利益相关者(如捐助者),同时刺激管理改善性能(康诺利和Hyndman 2003)。此外,问责增加

9、非营利组织的合法性和降低风险的制裁(Cordery和巴斯克维尔2007)。因此可以说明不同的文献责任的概念也是多方面的。这反映了这样的事实:可能会有各种基本的问责,可能对于不同的用户会有不同程度的重要性(个人用户在同一用户组)(康诺利和Hyndman 2003)。混合问责制的基础和用户组(每个人都有自己的特定信息需要)无法掌控的责问困难需要信息说明确认(康诺利和Hyndman 2003)。问责方式通常要求监管机构只是限于财务测量(Cordery和巴斯克维尔2005)。凯勒布瑞斯(2011)提出,政府官员最近计划加大对财务信息披露的监管,以此来作为一种非营利组织提高公众问责的手段。通过问责制度不

10、可控的主要方面,会计信息可能是一个重要的和有规律的机制。FS的可能使用者能够评估非营利组织的财务状况和其基金获得和/或花费。然而,正如Maddocks(2011)所说,目前只有关于组织部分FS材料。它提供了很少的信息例如,成功和性能对一个非营利设置的影响(Hyndman 1990;卡普兰2001;托雷斯和碧娜2003)。通过非营利组织会计描述和交流了他们的表现和成就,他们的利益相关者,连同他们的未来计划在上下文的目标、策略和活动可能会在推卸责任上更有用(吉布森1978;布莱克1983;米夏尔1991)。如通过Hyndman(1990),最重要的类型的信息搜集由非金融机构(如慈善机构的目标、输出

11、和效率)贡献。本文中,非金融(性能)信息在非营利组织的报告的重要性是关注财务信息报告。在下面,我们将简要讨论比利时非营利组织的财务报告的要求(和最近其中的变化)。历史上关于比利时非营利立法的介绍几乎没有。1921出现了会计和报告的准则。非营利组织没有使用权责发生制,也没有提供资产负债表和损益表。这无疑是某种形式上的现金会,,一个未定义的关于现金流和财务预算的概述必须受到当地法院审理。这种缺乏监管暗示着比利时的非营利组织存在没有公开的财务信息。这种“缺乏公开的情况”改变了最近才通过的一项新法律,这项法律从2002年5月2日起产生(Belgisch Staatsblad 2002),从2006年起

12、(即会计年开始,从2006年1月1日起)适用于FS。结果是,比利时“大”和“非常大的”NPOs 现在在必要的基本应用上,都将相同的会计和财务报告准则作为同行的盈利比较。具体地说,比利时非营利组织必须使用权责发生制和使用formats5规定(含资产负债表、损益表,并做了详细记录到账户)起草FS。因此,比利时立法者选择了强制性和标准化规则,在实体上提高了双方信息的可理解性和可比性(Wolk 1992)。除了上述的变化,类似的还有例如:英格兰、威尔士(例如,摩根2011)和新西兰(例如,Hooper et al。2008),比利时的立法者已经选择了公开FS。新法律的一部分(和类似于他们的盈利性同行)

13、比利时非营利组织必须排列在他们FS与比利时国民银行的后面(今后NBB)(一个政府机构)。除此之外,比利时的法律实体负责收集、处理使FS公开可用。申请后的NBB ,他们的FS是通过其网站公开的(即免费的)。提到英格兰和威尔士慈善委员会 “容易获得准确的和相关信息对于慈善机构是至关重要的,在慈善机构是真正的责任信任和信心。“在这方面,重要的是要注意:为确保非营利组织提出新的比利时需求”可以轻松访问FS信息。然而,基廷和弗鲁姆金(2003年)认为,(会计)信息必须能够做出不同的决定。因此,及时性是一个信息的必要条件和真正问责相关的说明。即信息可能的提供者例如:故意拖延披露坏消息(参看下文)。这样做,



16、(例如捐助者、政府和志愿者),越来越紧迫的需要确保他们的资金或劳动使社会的收益最大。因此,FS发挥重要的监控角色(Yetman 2011)。所以通常认为非营利组织负责主要的利益相关者资助者。基于苏格兰慈善机构,克劳福德 (2009)在利益相关者之间的调查发现:这是唯一的受访资助者组认为会用慈善FS。为符合这些参数阿明和哈里斯(2012)发现:一个持续经营的审计意见,决策的人收到货物或服务来回报他们的支持并不影响持续经营意见。捐赠者的贡献是负相关的。在这方面,它可能是有趣的添加了一个在线调查,结果发现比利时的非营利组织“FS用户确认成员(即基金提供者)和志愿者(即供应商的劳动)”是这些报告最频繁

17、的使用者 (Mortier和Baten 2010)。通过定期审查非营利组织FS来确认非营利组织是否高效、资助者是否可能相信他们,实际上是否负责任地捐赠(Privett和Erhun 2011)。桑顿和Belski(2010)认为,文献似乎表明捐助者使用非利润的财务信息进行捐赠的决定。公共金融信息越来越成为一个工具来指导捐赠的决定,以此来辨别组织中的相对效率和相互竞争(拉默斯2003)。FS可以用来选择一个特定的组织(Trussel和帕森斯2008年)给予捐赠者一定数量的具体原因以此来下决定。同样,依靠一个实地实验帕森斯(2003)发现,当财务会计提供的信息都是捐助者,会导致一个组织更有可能捐吗?


19、的报告金融信息,非营利组织能够了解到当前和未来的资源提供者的效率、诚信以及问责。应该是由Hyndman和麦克马洪(2011)提出的,由于依赖捐款和资助,慈善部门(通过扩展非盈利性部门)对事实和问责的感知是非常重要的。良好的会计和报告实践(如及时报告)可能增强对该行业的信心,进而导致捐助者增加资金的意愿(Hyndman和麦克马洪2011)。 Financial Reporting Lags in the Non-profit Sector: An Empirical Analysis Sandra VerbruggenAbstract:We examine financial reporting

20、 lags among a large sample of Belgian non-profit organizations (NPOs). Doing so, we add to the literature on financial reporting and accountability in the non-profit sector. Next to drivers of the financial reporting lag that have been identified in prior studies based on private firms (e.g.,delayin

21、g the disclosure of bad news), we find that the way of funding the NPO (i.e.,reliance upon donations and/or grants) and its specific area of activity are significantly related to the financial reporting lag. Our results also suggest that important changes in accounting regulation significantly delay

22、 the financial reporting process.Importantly, we note that 17.2 % of the sample organizations do not file their financial statements within the legal time spanKeywords: Non-profit Financial reporting Reporting lag IntroductionTimeliness, that is, having information available to decision makers befor

23、e it loses its capacity to influence decisions, is recognized to be of vital importance to the usefulness of financial statement (henceforth FS) information (Ismail and Chandler 2003). Financial reporting timeliness is of concern because the usefulness of FS information is typically believed to be i

24、nversely related to the so-called reporting lag(i.e., the period that elapses between the closing date of the accounting period and the moment the information is actually disclosed) (see e.g., Atiase et al. 1989). As argued by Owusu-Ansah and Leventis (2006), timely financial reporting enhances deci

25、sion making and reduces information asymmetry. In addition, not only the reporting lag itself but also the underlying cause(s) may decrease the usefulness of financial information. Knechel and Payne (2001) suggest that unexpected reporting delay may be associated with lower quality of information. I

26、n a related vein, Mohd-Sulaiman (2008) argues that financial misreporting is often preceded or accompanied by a delay in submitting the FS. As such, it should not come as a surprise that the conceptual frameworks of accounting standards worldwide recognize timeliness as one of the main characteristi

27、cs that determines the relevance of accounting information. The Financial Accounting Standards Board, for example, argues that() a lack of timeliness can rob information of relevance it might otherwise have had (FASB 1980, paragraph 56). Regulators also acknowledge the importance of reporting timeli

28、ness by imposing reporting deadlines that have to be met. Prior studies on the financial reporting lag (henceforth FRL) have merely focused on large listed firms and can be categorized into two main types. The first type explores the impact of the FRL on stock prices (see, e.g., Chambers and Penman

29、1984; Atiase et al. 1989; Choudhary et al. 2009). Overall, findings indicate that a short FRL yields a more pronounced stock price reaction. The second type is mainly concerned with the factors influencing timely reporting behavior (see, e.g., Dyer and Mc Hugh 1975; Owusu-Ansah 2000; Leventis and We

30、etman 2004). We add to this literature by studying factors that affect the FRL of Belgian non-profit organizations (henceforth NPOs). Unlike their for-profit counterparts, NPOs quite often rely heavily on donations and grants to finance their operations. As a result, NPOs compete for scarce resource

31、s (Keating et al. 2005). NPOs typically also enjoy a variety of tax benefits (Yetman and Yetman 2011). For example, NPOs donors can reduce their taxable income by the amount of their donations (i.e., for donations exceeding 40.00 EUR in a Belgian context). NPOs are therefore accountable to the publi

32、c, who are, in effect, financing these donations, grants, and fiscal benefits(Yetman and Yetman 2011). Because NPOs are accountable, they face (financial) reporting incentives, which is, among other, illustrated by the observation that NP s tend to manage their reported earnings figures (see, e.g.,

33、Leone and Van Horn 2001;Krishnan et al. 2006; Verbruggen and Christiaens 2012). Because of these reporting incentives and given that the timing of filing the FS represents a voluntary reporting decision (i.e., within legal bounds) that affects the usefulness of the disclosed information, studying FR

34、Ls in a non-profit setting is highly relevant. Based on a sample of Belgian NPOs, we observe a mean (median) FRL of 192(183) days and note that 17.2 % of the sample organizations file their FS late (iiolate the reporting deadline imposed by Belgian regulation). .e.,vOur findings indicate that NPOs F

35、RLs are affected by certain incentives. We find that NPOs that rely more heavily on donations and/or grants report more quickly and are significantly less likely to file their FS late, which is consistent with resource dependence theory.Moreover, similar to prior studies based on private firms, we n

36、ote that NPOs delay the disclosure of unfavorable news (e.g., a deficit, a qualified audit opinion) and that NPOs with unfavorable news are significantly more likely to file their FS late. In line with prior studies on financial reporting in the non-profit sector, results are indicative of industry

37、effects. Last but not least, our results suggest that important changes in accounting regulation significantly delay the financial reporting process (while not having an effect on late filings). The major contributions of this article can be summarized as follows. First, we study the FRL among a lar

38、ge sample of NPOs. Doing so, we test the generalizability of findings regarding FRLs from the private sector and also identify additional factors reflecting the unique aspects of the non-profit accounting environment. The importance of the non-profit sector in economies worldwide, the sectors specif

39、ic characteristics (e.g., strong reliance on government grants, donations, and volunteers)and the need for a high level of accountability (see, e.g., Lee 2004; Yetman and Yetman 2011) imply that an understanding of the determinants of the FRL in this sector is important. Second, our study adds to th

40、e rather recent, but rapidly growing, literature on financial reporting and auditing in the non-profit sector. As argued by Feng et al. (2011), it is only in the last decade that non-profit accounting research has built momentum toward developing a critical mass. Third, extensive reforms of accounti

41、ng and reporting requirements for Belgian NPOs enable us to explore the impact of substantial changes in accounting regulation on FRLs.Specifically, we examine whether FRLs decrease in the (two) years following major changes in accounting regulation for Belgian NPOs. The remainder of the article is

42、organized as follows. In the Review of the literature and development of hypotheses section, we briefly discuss relevant prior literature and develop our hypotheses, while the sample and research method are introduced in the Data collection and research method section. Results are presented in the p

43、roceeding section. Finally, we summarize our main conclusions in the final section.Review of the Literature and Development of Hypotheses(Financial) Accountability and the Belgian Legal Framework Financial reporting problems with NPOs have led legislators worldwide to examine governance and accounta

44、bility issues in the non-profit sector (Vermeer et al. 2009).It is argued that it is important to improve NPOs accountability because of their volunteers strong reliance on government grants, donations, and . However, as argued by Patton (1992), the concept of accountability remains elusive and lack

45、s a precise definition. Based on various definitions provided in the literature (see, e.g.,Jackson 1982; Rutherford 1983), we could say that accountability relates to transparency with respect to the activities and achievements of the organization.Accountability therefore allows better informed deci

46、sions by stakeholders (e.g.,donors) and, at the same time, serves as a stimulus for management to improve performance (Connolly and Hyndman 2003). Moreover, accountability increases NPOs legitimacy and reduces risk of sanction (Cordery and Baskerville 2007). As argued and illustrated in the literatu

47、re, the concept of accountability is multifaceted.This is reflected in the fact that there may be various bases of accountability,which may have differing degrees of importance to different user groups (and individual users within the same user group) (Connolly and Hyndman 2003). The mixture of acco

48、untability bases and user groups (each with their own specific information needs) makes the identification of information required for the discharge of accountability difficult (Connolly and Hyndman 2003). The manner in which accountability is required by regulators is most often restricted to finan

49、cial measurements (Cordery and Baskerville 2005). As argued by Calabrese (2011), public officials have recently sought increased regulation of financial disclosures from NPOs as a means of improving accountability with the public. Accounting information may be an important and regular mechanism through which major aspects of accountability are discharged. FS enable users to assess the financial positio


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