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1、1. 临床放射计量学原则2. 细胞周期不同时应用相对药物及射线敏感性差异连续分裂的细胞从上一次有丝分裂结束到下一次有丝分裂完成所经历的整个过程。包含G1期、S期、G2期、M期四个阶段细胞周期特异性药物是指那些仅对恶性肿瘤细胞增殖周期中。某一期细胞有杀灭作用的药物。例如:羟基脲、阿糖胞苷、巯嘌呤、甲氨喋呤等,能干扰DNA的合成,对恶性肿瘤细胞的S(DNA合成)期有特异性杀伤作用;长春新碱和长春花碱,则可特异地杀伤处于M(有丝分裂)期的细胞。细胞放射敏感性:是指一切照射条件完全一致时,机体器官和组织对辐射反应的强、弱和速度快慢情况。若反应强、速度快其放射敏感性就高;反之则低。主要与以下几个因素有关

2、:1: 细胞分化程变:分化越高,放射敏感性越低,反之,则放射敏感性越高;2: 细胞增殖能力越强,放射敏感性越高;3: 细胞周期的分布:以对细胞增殖性致死而言,细胞周期放射敏感性为MG2G1S期。3. 肿瘤分次照射理论基础37目前,放疗常用的方法是每天照射一次,每周照射5次,这是什么道理?通过放疗治疗肿瘤的基本原则之一就是能使肿瘤达到最大限度的控制和杀伤,而肿瘤周围正常的组织和器官只受到最小限度的损伤。就肿瘤组织而言,若它对放射线越敏感,则放疗的疗效可能越好。而肿瘤组织的放射敏感性又与肿瘤组织中处于各生长阶段的肿瘤细胞数和肿瘤组织中的含氧量有关。肿瘤细胞有不同的生长阶段,其中以处于细胞分裂期的细



5、小(多为每次115120希戈瑞),总的疗程不变或略延长,总剂量增加的放疗方法称为超分割放疗,是人们为了提高肿瘤的放疗效果而进行的一项有益的改进。这种治疗的好处在于提高了肿瘤的控制率,并有望提高病人的生存率;同时,从长远看没有增加放疗对正常组织器官的损伤。这种治疗方法主要对生长较慢的肿瘤如头颈部肿瘤、膀胱癌等有好处,而不适用于对放疗敏感的肿瘤,如淋巴瘤、精原细胞瘤等。当然在这种治疗期间,病人当时的放疗反应可能加重,如鼻咽癌复发病人在应用此方法治疗时,病人口腔内红肿甚至破溃的可能性较普通的一天一次的放疗要大得多。4. 肿瘤细胞增殖动力学肿瘤不断增大是肿瘤细胞分裂增殖的结果。肿瘤细胞一次分裂结束后到


7、对细胞周期非特异性药物较敏感。另一部分处于静止状态的G0期细胞,对各类药物均不敏感,是目前化疗的难题之一。5. 树突状细胞免疫效应机制及应用6. 霍奇金淋巴瘤分期7. 食管癌UICC分段及影像学改变8. 肺癌的综合治疗9. 食管癌的并发症处理10. 早期乳腺癌病理类型及特点11. 靶向治疗进展12. 蛋白质组学在肿瘤研究中的应用13. 肿瘤的外科治疗及其作用地位2011山东大学肿瘤学考博试题-肿瘤学 希望对后来到战友有用,不是很完整,顺序也可能不对,请见谅!一、名词解释1、凋亡2、NK细胞3、EGFR4、IL-25、P53基因6、IGRT7、After loading8、Dendritic c

8、ell二、问答1、非霍奇金淋巴瘤的治疗原则。2、细胞因子抗肿瘤的机制。3、临床剂量学原则。4、内外照射的区别。5、实验设计的原则。三、论述1、促进癌症发生发展的因素。2、放射治疗技术的进展。2007年中山大学肿瘤医院研究生入学考试复试 一、 名词解释 1、 肿瘤标志物2、多药耐药性3、广泛切除术4、姑息性放疗 5、(记不清了) 二简答题 1、 肿瘤外科治疗的原则? 2、 细胞毒药物的主要毒副反应? 3、 高能电子束的剂量学特点? 4、 切取活检的注意事项? 5、 癌基因激活的方式? 三论述题 1、 叙述良恶性肿瘤的区别? 2、 试述三级预防?四川大学华西医院年考博病理真题 ,名词解释: 肉芽组

9、织,老化,autopsy,瘘管,转移钙化,紫癜,类白血病反应,肺褐色硬化,纤维素样坏死 ,简答体: 肿瘤增生和非肿瘤增生的区别。 病案讨论:冠心病及其合并症有关的。为什么说淤血总是病理性的? 说出种胃肠道的肉芽肿性炎。 说出种病理诊断方法及其特点。 肿瘤的TNM分期,举例个2007山东大学医学院病理生理博士试题 非病理生理专业做1-10题。病理生理专业做3-12题 1. 请列举基因突变的类型; 2. 信号转导发生的机制及环节; 3. 缺血再灌注损伤时自由基生成增多的主要机制; 4. 血液性缺氧的原因及血氧参数变化; 5. 发热的时相及各相热代谢的特点; 6. 应激与心脑血管疾病的关系; 7.

10、代谢性碱中毒时机体的代偿机制及血气变化的特点; 8. 低钠血症的病因和发病机制; 9. 心力衰竭时心肌代谢障碍 的主要机制; 10.休克缺血缺氧期和淤血缺氧期血压变化的主要特点和机制; 11.简述肺通气血流比值失调时血气变化及呼吸衰竭的发病关系; 12.肾功能衰竭时肾脏内分泌功能的改变及机制郑州大学博士入学考试肿瘤学一.名词解释(每题2分):1.MTD 2.BSC食管基底细胞样鳞状细胞癌(basaloid-squamous carcinoma of the esophagus,BSC)Best Supportive Care,BSC 3.DD(D二聚体) 4.DFS 无病生存期(DFS)和总生

11、存期(OS)5.EGFR 二.问答(每题10分(1.消化肿瘤的主要特点? 2.何谓恶病质,主要处理原则? 3.肿瘤急性溶解综合征表现及其防治? 急性肿瘤溶解综合征(acute tumor lysis syndrome ATLS)是由于生长迅速或对化疗敏感的肿瘤病人在进行细胞毒性药物治疗时,大量肿瘤细胞溶解,快速释放细胞内物质,超出体内平衡系统的能力,导致代谢异常和电解质紊乱而发生的一组症候群。该症属肿瘤急症。4.上腔静脉综合征? 5.请为CHOP治疗失败或复发的惰性淋巴瘤患者设计一个比较好的化疗方案 6.目前骨肉瘤主要的三个化疗药物? 7.癌发生的两阶段学说?8.癌细胞进入淋巴管、血管的过程?

12、 9.说出FDA批准的四个靶向治疗药物的适应症。上海第二医科大学2005年病理学(博士) 一、名词解释(12*2.5)1、炎性介质2、褐色硬化3、绒毛膜癌4、霍杰金淋巴瘤5、肉芽肿性炎6、粥瘤(artheromatous plaque)7、慢性阻塞性肺病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)8、革囊胃9、? 二、填空题(0.5*20)1、ph1染色体,绿色瘤。2、乙脑的病变有:3、梅毒的基本病变:闭塞性动脉内膜炎、血管周围炎,树胶肿。4、阿尔姆兹病基本病变:5、阿米巴肿多见于脏,也见于肺与肠。6、血吸虫病的急性病变是,慢性病变为 结节。7、矽肺的基本病变

13、:矽结节形成,肺间质弥漫纤维化。8、? 三、简答题(4*4)1、慢性肺心病的心脏镜下病理改变?2、有哪几种上皮化生,部位及病变?3、? 四、问答题:1、凋亡与坏死的鉴别?(8分)2、举一种你所熟悉的传统病理检查方法,两种新技术,说明其原理与作用?(10分)3、慢性胃炎分哪几类?慢性萎缩性胃炎的病理改变?(8分)4、上皮性肿瘤的恶性生物学行为是什么,说明其机理?(10分)5、哪几种病可以导致颗粒性固缩肾,各自病变?(8分)中山医科大学20081、 纤维板层样肝癌的特点2、原位杂交的定义、机理、特点3、良恶性肿瘤的鉴别4、动脉粥样硬化5、EB病毒相关疾病6、原癌基因和癌基因7、NHL分型及免疫组化

14、特点8、原发性颗料性固缩肾的成因及鉴别还有一个忘记了,有10个名词解释,全是英文。2、 :肿瘤1、切取活组织检查要注意什么;2、抗肿瘤药化疗导致4度白细胞减少合并严重感染的处理;3、三维适形放疗的定义,三维适形放疗与常规放疗相比有什么优势;4、癌变的二阶段学说;8、谈谈对肝癌综合治疗的认识;11、化疗在抗肿瘤综合治疗中的作用。_山东大学医学院2001年病理学(博士) 一、名词解释(10分)1白血病2透明血栓3Hyperlasia4癌前病变5骨痂 二、创伤愈合的类型有哪些?有何不同?(10分) 三、发生肠道的溃疡性病变有哪些?简述特点。(举四种)20分 四、指出下列病变的生物学行为、好发部位、主

15、要病变特点:(20分)1、骨母细胞瘤 2、动脉瘤样骨囊肿 3、畸形性骨炎 4、骨旁骨肉瘤 5、脊索瘤 五、试述软骨肉瘤及骨肉瘤的X线及病理特点,如何鉴别?(20分) 六、肺部肿块的可能病理特点?(20分)山东大学医学院2002年病理学(博士) 一、名词(2分10)1、necrosis 2、carcinosarcoma 3、abscess 4、thrombus 5、假小叶 6、绿色瘤7、肺肉质变 8、减压病 9、原癌基因 10、坏疽 二、简答(10分6)1、什么叫凋亡?光镜及电镜下表现?用什么方法检测?2、什么是玻璃样变性?类型及病理特点?3、栓子的运行途径以及肺栓塞的机制、后果。4、毛细血管生

16、成的过程?5、癌与肉瘤的区别?6心梗的常见部位、范围、合并症、后果。 三、论述(20分)1、骨折愈合的基本过程及影响因素。2、图示骨肉瘤大体及光镜下基本表现。复旦大学医学院2005年病理学(博士) 一、 名词解释 (152)1、gangrene 2、metaplasia3、degeneration4、siderotic nodules5、anaplasia6、teratoma7、atheroma8、carnification9、interface hepatitis10、comedocarcinoma11、neuronophagia12、syphiloma13、amoeboma14、cresc

17、ent15、? 二、问答(514)1、什么是门脉高压?引起门脉高压的常见疾病,并叙述其异同。2、叙述动脉硬化的后果。3、梅毒的基本病理表现,晚期梅毒最易侵犯哪个系统,并叙述引起该系统的病理变化和后果。4、什么是免疫性损伤?试举例说明各型免疫性损伤的基本病理变化及后果。5、能引起胃肠道粘膜溃疡的疾病有哪些,并叙述其主要病变特点。四川大学华西医学部2006年病理学(博士) 一.名词解释(一共有10个,每个2分)1.ARDS2.风湿小结3.PIN4.副肿瘤综合症5.营养不良性钙化6.坏疽7.fatty degeneration8.肝小叶9.?10.? 二.选择题今年是30道题,全部是单选,0.5分一

18、个。略 三.问答题(65分)1.列举临床常见的4种肠道溃疡性疾病,病理和临床的区别2.肿瘤性增生和炎性增生的区别,举例说明3.增生,肥大,化生的病理和区别,举例说明4.肿瘤的病理学基本诊断方法,举例说明在临床不同情况下最好采用什么方法其他方法和技术还有哪些?5.这道是病例分析题,是关于高血压,动脉粥样硬化的全身性表现,在尸解时应重点观察哪些器官组织,有些什么改变.重庆医科大学2003年病理学(博士) 1.创伤性神经瘤的发生机制,如何预防2.早期胃癌的病理特点,在临床上有何意义 3.静脉血栓头体尾部的特点及血栓的结局 4.原发性肺结核的病因及特点5.病毒性肝炎的六种基本病变第三军医大学2005年

19、肿瘤学(博士) 一、名词解释:1.异位内分泌综合征2.解救化疗3.上腔静脉综合征4.肿瘤疫苗5.小肝癌 二、问答:1.根据乳腺癌激素受体、淋巴结转移的不同,所采取的不同的内分泌治疗的情况?常用药物?用药时间?2.原发灶不明的转移瘤的诊断原则?3.胃癌的癌前病变有哪些?4.什么是延迟性腹泻?如何处理?(提示:在大肠癌的化疗中伊立替康引起)5.临床发现小肝癌的途径? 三、病例分析主要是明确的非小细胞肺癌病例,让考生分析临床分期,设计化疗方案,药物,剂量,疗程,周期。 注解:参考书为孙燕的肿瘤内科学。第四军医大学2004年病理学(专基)(博士) 考试科目:病理学 试题种类:专业基础(A) 一、名词解

20、释(英文先译成中文,每题2分,共20分)1. permanent cell 2. encapsulation3. compensation 4. metaplasia5. organ tropism 6. 液化性坏死7. 附壁血栓 8. 炎性假瘤9. 生长分数 10. 继发瘤 二、简答题(每题6分,共30分)1比较渗出液与漏出液的区别。2简述肿瘤对机体的影响。3何为脓细胞?见于哪些炎症类型?4何为纤维素?常见于哪些部位及疾病?5简述二期愈合的特点。 三、论述题(每题25分,共50分)1试述巨噬细胞相关病变及其病理学意义。2试述血栓形成的危害。1998:名解:1. 透明变性 9. 甲状腺水样瘤2

21、. 恶病质 10. 败血症3. 室壁瘤 11. 风湿病4. 气性坏疽 12. 克隆氏病5. APUD瘤 13. I期愈合6. 心力衰竭细胞 14. 原发性心肌病7. 矽肺 15. 肉芽肿8. 绒毛膜瘤简答:1. 内皮细胞抗血液凝固的机理要点2. 比较良恶性高血压的肾病变3. 结核病:1)基本病变2)基本病变的转化规律3)肺结核的重要病理类型4. 炎症渗出:1)过程2)发生机理5. 坏死:1)常见病理类型2)结局论述1. 淤血的病理学意义2. 肿瘤的概念,命名原则,基本类型,生长方式和扩散途径山东大学医学院1998年病理学(专基)(博士)耳鼻喉专业基础1.名 词:胆酯瘤 鼻硬结病 瘘管 交界性肿

22、瘤 肉瘤 假小叶 下疳 坏疽 肺炎2.出血性肾炎综合症3.常见的病毒及病毒在肿瘤发生中的机理4.血栓的类型及镜下结构5.结核病的转化规律6.脊索瘤的常见部位及肉眼和镜下结构7.颈部包块转移癌最可能为那些肿瘤,其组织类型及镜下结构8.常见的纤维素性疾病山东大学医学院1999年病理学(专基)(博士)耳鼻喉专业基础1.癌基因及抑癌基因的意义2.上皮组织损伤修复的过程3. .4.鼻腔普通炎症和特异性炎症的区别5.鼻部神经性肿瘤哪种恶性程度最高?其病理改变6.胆酯瘤的成因和结构7.创伤愈合的过程8.血栓形成对机体的影响9.鼻咽癌的病因及病理10.喉乳头状瘤与磷癌的临床,病理鉴别山东大学医学院2000年病

23、理学(专基)(博士)1名词:疣状癌 浆液性炎症 炎性介质 癌前病变 嗜酸性小体 室壁瘤 脊索瘤 矽结节2.中年男子,下鼻甲糜烂,中隔穿孔,有那些疾病可以有这些表现?3.试述两种累及呼吸道的肉芽肿性病变4.喉淀粉样变原因,病理5.胆酯瘤成因6.何杰金氏病镜下特点7原癌基因,癌基因检测有哪些方法,试举你最熟悉的一种检测方法及原理8.哪些病毒致瘤, 致哪些肿瘤,耳鼻喉科那些肿瘤与病毒最密切9.试述四种组织类型,那种最典型,镜下特点?10浆细胞瘤与浆细胞肉芽肿的区别山东大学医学院2001年病理学(专基)(博士)一、名词解释1、lipofuscin2、metaplasia3、paradoxical em


25、血管的改变.4.引起肺心病的疾病有哪些?它们共同的病理特点?肺心病的病理诊断标准?5.乳腺外上方有一2CM大小的肿块,请你说出三种病理特点截然不同的病变,并说出它们的病理改变中科院英语完型填空原文!中科院英语完型填空原文!我是做的一个惨呀!Can You Raise a Polite Kid in this Rude World? Develop Rituals.26. Attitudes of respect, modesty and fair play can grow only out of slowly acquired skills that parents teach their

26、children over many years through shared experience and memory. If a child reaches adulthood with recollections only of television, Little League and birthday parties, then that child has little to draw on when a true test of character comes upsay, in a prickly business situation. “Unless that child

27、feels grounded in who he is and where he comes from, everything else is an act,” says etiquette expert Betty Jo Trakimas.27. The Dickmeyers of Carmel. Ind., reserve every Friday night as “family night” with their three children. Often the family plays board games or hide-and-seek. “My children love

28、it,” says Theresa, their mother.28. Can playing hide-and-seek really teach a child about manners? Yes, say Trakimas and others, because it tells children that their parents care enough to spend time with him, he is loved and can learn to love others. “Manners arent about using the right fork, agrees

29、 etiquette instructor Patricia Gilbert-Hinz. “Manners are about being kindgiving compliments, team-playing, making sacrifices. Children learn that through their parents.”29. While children dont automatically warm to the idea of learning to be polite, theres no reason for them to see manners as a bun

30、ch of stuffy restrictions either. Theyre the building blocks of a childs education. “Once a rule becomes second nature, it frees us,” Mitchell says. “How well could Michael Jordan play basketball if he had to keep reminding himself of the rules?”30. Judith Martin concurs. “A polite child grows up to

31、 get the friends and the dates and the job interviews,” she says, “because people respond to good manners. Its the language of all human behavior.”中科院英语6选5第一篇原文全选错了!郁闷呀!natural architecture - an emerging art movement that is exploring mankinds.The natural environment still manages to fill us with a

32、sense of awe and amazement. Despite the amount of scientific knowledge mankind has gathered, nature still holds great mysteries that we may never be able to unravel. This complexity has continually daunted man. In frustration, we try to control nature by enforcing order. As a result, we have distanc

33、ed ourselves from the earth, even though our survival is completely dependent on it. We are now trying to regain our close connection to nature.There is an emerging art movement that is exploring mankinds desire to reconnect to the earth, through the built environment. Referred to as natural archite

34、cture, it aims to create a new, more harmonious, relationship between man and nature by exploring what it means to design with nature in mind. The roots of this movement can be found in earlier artistic shifts like the land art movement of the late nineteen sixties. Although this movement was focuse

35、d on protesting the austerity of the gallery and the commercialization of art, it managed to expand the formal link between art and nature. This has helped develop a new appreciation of nature in all forms of art and design. The natural architecture movement aims to expand on land art by acting as a

36、 form of activism rather than protest. This new form of art aims to capture the harmonious connection we seek with nature by merging humanity and nature through architecture. The core concept of the movement is that mankind can live harmoniously with nature, using it for our needs while respecting i

37、ts importance. The movement is characterized by the work of a number of artists, designers and architects that express these principles in their work. the pieces are simple, humble and built using the most basic materials and skills. because of this, the results often resemble indigenous architectur

38、e, reflecting the desire to return to a less technological world. The forms are stripped down to their essence, expressing the natural beauty inherent in the materials and location. The movement has many forms of expression that range from location-based interventions to structures built from living

39、 materials. However all of the works in the movement share a central ethos that demonstrates a respect and appreciation for nature.These works are meant to comment on architecture and provide a new framework to approach buildings and structures. They aim to infuse new ideas into architecture by subv

40、erting the idea that architecture should shelter nature. Instead, the structures deliberately expose the natural materials used in the building process. We see the branches, the rocks and all the materials for what they are. We understand that these structures wont exist forever. The materials will

41、evolve over time, slowly decomposing until no evidence remains. These features are intentional, provoking viewers to question the conventions of architecture. The designers arent suggesting that architecture must conform to their vision, they are just providing ideas that they hope will inspire us a

42、ll to rethink the relationship between nature and the built environment.我在第一时间找到了阅读B2,与大家分享Hypocritical oaths of private hospitals Jeffrey | Dec 5, 05 12:10pm Eighteen-year-old Khairul Anuar Salim, who was attacked by hoodlums, succumbed to his wounds because, according to his uncle, a private hospi

43、tal in Cheras insisted on “Money first then treatment”. That is because the bottom line of private hospitals is profit. They have no intention to treat those who cannot afford to pay. They feel that the government should bear the responsibility for health care of ordinary folks who cannot afford or

44、are unwilling to pay.That is also why they do not release the deceaseds body until they secure payment from the next of kin never mind that the latter are under stress and grieving. In this, they are acting like the banks except that instead of using properties or shares as collateral for payment, t

45、hey use the dead persons body. Doctors have taken their Hippocratic oath to uphold the special value of human life above personal profit, to use their medical knowledge to ameliorate suffering and pain and in emergencies, do the best for anyone in medical need regardless of their financial means. It

46、 is sad that more often than not the Hippocratic oath has become the hypocritical oath in the case of doctors in the private hospitals. Many join the private hospitals to make money. By itself, there is nothing wrong in making money except that it is difficult to balance the irreconcilable conflict, which must invariably exist, between the


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