1、第一章 绪论1.1建筑电气概述随着我国社会经济体制改革及技术经济的迅速发展,国民经济得到了快速发展,个人消费水平不断提高,刺激了居住建筑与人民环境建设向更大跨度和更 高水平迈进。现代住宅的发展,使住宅建筑电气设计与住宅建筑电气设计同时进入了一个迅速发展的新高潮。住宅的电气设计是住宅设计的一个重要组成部分,他对于住宅建筑的美观、实现住宅建筑的使用功能、保障居住者的生命财产安全、降低住宅造价,均有一定的影响。目前,住宅电气设计的理论体系和实践经验虽然日趋成熟,但在住宅电气设计实践中,仍有一些问题值得进一步探讨。第二章 供配电系统设计2.1 负荷分级2.1.1供电系统的负荷分级电力负荷应不能也没有必
4、负荷。二级负荷的供电要求:二级负荷要求两回路供电,供电变压器也有两台,当电力发生故障时能够迅速恢复;当采用电缆线路是,应采用两根电缆供电,每一根都能承受100%的二级负荷。(3)三级负荷:不属于一级和二级负荷者应为三级负荷。三级负荷对供电并没有特殊的要求。2.2 负荷计算 负荷等级不同,对电源的要求就不同,对电源变压器的容量要求也不同。为了确定电力变压器的容量,必须计算负荷的容量。2.2.1负荷计算的方法计算负荷的方法:(1)按需用系数法确定计算负荷; (2)分类综合用电指标法; (3)户型估算法; (4)民用建筑负荷计算; (5)单相负荷计算。2.2.2负荷计算的原则(1)在方案设计阶段可采
6、容量。同类型的用电设备归为一组,即用电设备组。用电设备组的总容量并不一定是这些设备的额定容量的直接相加,而是必须首先把他们换算为统一工作制下的额定容量,才进行相加。经过换算制统一规定的工作制下而定的容量称为设备容量,即为Pc。需要系数法的计算公式如下:用电设备组的有功,无功和视在计算负荷: 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4需要系数值是在一定范围内按统计方法来确定的,它的准确性对负荷计算有重要的意义。但是,由于许多因素的影响,需要系数表所给出的只能是推荐值,这就要求设计者根据设计经验和具体情况从中选取一个比较恰当的值。2.3住宅配电设计要求住宅配电设计必须满足居民的安全、方便和美观的基本条件,即应
9、;4、还应考虑断路器的使用场所的外界条件,主要考虑电气设备的安装高度和潮湿环境,若电气安装在特殊环境下,应选择与环境相适应的特殊电气。另外,由于一座住宅的住户多,住户内使用的照明及家用电器是住宅线路的最终保护对象,所以,在确定配电系统及选择断路器时,应尽可能在某一户内发生短路保护时,只切断故障回路或户内功能供电回路,而不影响其他住户正常供电。配电线路上下级间的动作时限应有选择性,各机件尽可能实现配合。3 电气照明系统设计3.1电气照明概述3.1.1照明的概述在现代住宅设计中,灯光照明既有实用意义,也有装饰和观感上的意义。通过改变光源的性质、位置、颜色和强度等技术手段,利用灯饰、家具和其它陈设的
11、应注意的问题一个良好的光环境要受照度、亮度、眩光、阴影、显色性、稳定性等各项因素的影响和制约,设计时应恰当的选择。同时应遵循安全、实用、经济、美观的照明设计的基本原则。为配合装修一步到位条件,应充分掌握设计前提因素,努力创造最佳方案。有效利用天然光,合理的选择照明方式和控制区域,尽力降低电能消耗指标。另外,在住宅照明设计中,应根据使用性质,功能要求和使用条件,按不同标准分别取值. 住宅内照度标准所规定的照度,是指工作面上的平均维护照度,若设计未加指明时,以距地0.75m 的参考水平面作为工作面。3.2 照明设计的目的和原则3.2.1照明设计的目的照明的设计目的,就是在充分利用自然光的基础上,运
12、用现代人工照明的手段,为人们的工作、生活、娱乐等创造一个优美舒适的灯光环境。也就是说,使灯光环境符合人们的工作、生活等封面的要求,从而在生理和心理两方面满足人们的需求。3.2.2照明的设计原则(1) 使用性原则,使用是根本也是设计的出发点和基本条件。使用性还包括照明系统的施工安装、运行几维修的方便简单,及对未来照明发展变化留有一定的空间。(2)安全性原则,在选择设计照明系统时要自始至终坚持安全第一的原则。在设计中要遵循规范的规定和要求,严格按规范设计。 (3)美观性原则,灯光照明尚具有装饰空间、美化环境的功能。对于房间的照明设计,我们也应该从美观的角度选择、布置灯具,使之符合人们的审美习惯。(
13、4) 经济性原则,一方面是节能,另一方面是节约。3.3照度计算以一层某房间为例其余相同参考标准:建筑照明设计标准/ GB50034-2004参考手册:照明设计手册第二版:计算方法:利用系数平均照度法(1)房间参数房间类别:,照度要求值:300.00LX,功率密度不超过11.00W/m2房间名称:办公室A型房间长度L: 8.99 m房间宽度B: 4.25 m计算高度H: 2.25 m顶棚反射比(%):墙反射比(%):地面反射比(%):室形系数RI: 0.67(2)灯具参数:型号: 飞利浦TLD36W/29 单灯具光源数:2个灯具光通量: 2975lm灯具光源功率:64.00W镇流器类型:TLD标
14、准型镇流器功率:9.00(3)其它参数:利用系数: 0.60维护系数: 0.80照度要求: 300.00LX功率密度要求: 11.00W/m2(4)计算结果: 3-1 3-2其中:- 光通量lmN - 光源数量U - 利用系数A - 工作面面积m2K - 灯具维护系数计算结果:建议灯具数: 4计算照度: 299.14LX实际安装功率 = 灯具数 (总光源功率 + 镇流器功率) = 292.00W实际功率密度: 7.65W/m2折算功率密度: 7.67W/m2(5)校验结果:要求平均照度:300.00LX实际计算平均照度:299.14LX符合规范照度要求!要求功率密度:11.00W/m2实际功率
15、密度:7.67W/m2符合规范节能要求!其他房间照此方法类此计算。表3-1灯具数量计算房间类别照度要求长度(m)宽(m)数量A型办公室300lx944B型办公室300lx20817C型办公区域300lx118104 建筑物防雷设计4.1 建筑物的防雷措施及分类防直击雷的措施,一般设计人员都很明确。但是,随着科技的发展,电子设备的普及,防雷电感应和雷电波侵入在设计中也必须明确,并逐步完善形成一个防雷网络。 (1)雷电感应雷电放电时,在附近导体上产生的静电感应和电磁感应,它可能使金属部件之间产生火花。因此被保护建筑物内的金属物接地,是防雷电感应的主要措施。首先,是做好等电位联结。对一、二类防雷建筑
16、物内平行或交叉敷设的金属管道,其净距小于100mm时,应采用金属线跨接,是防止电磁感应所造成的电位差能将小空隙击穿,而产生电火花,每隔30m做好接地。(2)雷电波侵入由于雷电对架空线或金属管道的作用,雷电波可能沿着这些管线侵入屋内,危及人身安全或损坏设备。因此,做好进线端的防雷保护,做好均压环及防侧击雷是防雷电波侵入的主要措施。 一、二类防雷建筑低压进线全线采用直埋地引入,将线路架空引入户内时不少于15m的一段应换电缆(金属铠装电缆直埋地,护套电缆穿钢管)进户,并在架空与电缆换接处做好避雷保护。二类防雷建筑当架空线直接引入时,除在入户处加装避雷器,并将进户装置铁件做好接地外,靠近建筑物的两根电
19、筑物的防雷分类第一类防雷建筑物的防雷措施:应装设独立避雷针或架空避雷线,使被保护的建筑物及风帽、放散管等突出屋面的物体均处于接闪器的保护范围内。第二类防雷建筑物的防雷措施:宜采用装设在建筑物上的避雷网(带)或避雷针或由其混合组成的接闪器。第三类防雷建筑物防雷的措施:宜采用装设在建筑物上的避雷网(带)或避雷针或由这两种混合组成的接闪器 。预防雷电的方法有“抗”和“泄”两种,现阶段主要采用的方法是“泄”。防雷系统就是由三部分组成的泄电回路,即由接闪器、引下线和接地装置三部分组成。其作用是把雷电流泄人大地,避免直接雷击造成机械破坏、电磁力破坏或热效应破坏。对于不同防雷等级的建筑物,在进行防雷设计时,
20、对防雷系统的三部分要求是不同的。5 导线与电缆选择5.1导线选择的现状及其不足住宅内的电气线路不同于企事业单位,它没有专业电工维护,而居民往往不懂电气安全知识,很容易发生电气事故。另外,由于经济发展水平等原因,以往住宅的电气线路设计过小,随着居民生活水平的提高,愈来愈多的家用电器被广泛使用,致使一些楼房的线路不堪重负,频繁跳闸,给生活和工作带来极大的不便。更严重的是电气线路长期过载,导致绝缘下降,电气事故不断发生。据统计我国电气火灾已跃居火灾起因的第一位,为此不得不对现有住宅线路进行改造。住宅暗埋电气线路是难以更换或增加的,因此在进行住宅电气设计时,应尽量加大进线,尽可能地满足远期负荷的需要。
21、但远期负荷很难估算,只能借鉴国外经验并结合国情来确定。5.2电缆设计及选择 住宅电气从电方面可分为:一级负荷供电、二级负荷供电和无特殊要求的住宅。随着家用电器的不断出新和发展,家用电气设备越来越多,考虑到未来住宅用电发展的用电余量。6结论在本次设计当中主要包括强电部分,其主要内容有供配电系统设计、照明系统设计、防雷接地系统设计等。其中有照度计算、负荷计算、电缆选择等重点内容。在照明设计中,通过单位容量法进行了照明计算。在照度计算当中,先计算出每个房间的面积,通过表格查出单位面积安装功率,计算出所需灯具的功率和数量。本住宅属于三级负荷,运用需用系数法算出计算电流,按允许载流量选择导线截面积。配电
22、系统也更加体现了安全和经济可靠的原则。附录二 Residential building construction high voltage electrical design1 the introduction1.1 building electrical overviewAlong with our country social economy system reform and the rapid development of technology and economy, the national economy has been rapid development, personal
23、consumption level unceasing enhancement, stimulate the residential building and peoples environment construction to a large span and more high level forward. Modern residential development, makes dwelling house building electrical design and residential building electrical design at the same time ha
24、s entered a rapid development of the new high tide. Residential electrical design in residential design is an important part of his house for beautiful, realize the use function of residential buildings, safeguard the residents life and property safety, to reduce the cost of the house, all have cert
25、ain effect. At present, the residential electrical design theory system and practice experience although increasingly mature, but in residential electrical design practice, there are still some problems worthy of further discussion.2 power supply system design2.1 load classification2.1.1 power suppl
26、y system load classificationPower load should not, and there is no need to continue to meet electricity load at the same time, we should, in accordance with the power supply design should accord with the importance and need degree and the possibility of power supply, according to different load leve
27、ls by different power supply mode. In our country electric power load according to the power supply reliability and interrupt the power supply in the political and economic loss caused by or influence, divided into primary load, secondary load and level 3 load.Load classification and the power suppl
28、y requirements:Power load should be based on the power supply reliability requirements and interrupt the power supply in the political, economic loss caused by the degree of influence or classification, and comply with the following provisions:1, level 1 loadInterrupt the power supply will cause per
29、sonal injury;Interrupt the power supply will be in the political and economic causes great loss; Interrupt the power supply will influence has great political and economic significance of the normal work of the power unit. Such as: major equipment, major products, an important transport hub, importa
30、nt communication hub, important hotels, large sports venues, often used in international activities of a large number of personnel concentration of public power unit, such as the important power load.When the interrupt the power supply will be poisoning, explosion and fire the load, and particularly
31、 important places are not allowed to interrupt the power supply load, should be regarded as particularly important load.Level 1 load power supply requirements: load demand level two power supply, when a power does not work or failure is, to ensure that another standby power will not damage at the sa
32、me time, continue to power supply, ensure the normal work.2, the secondary loadInterrupt the power supply will be in the political and economic causes big lossInterrupt the power supply will affect the normal work of the important power units such as: the damage of equipment, products in large scale
33、 and continuous production process is upset, key enterprise of production, transportation hub, communication pivotNew power unit, such as the important power load is damaged, and interrupt the power supply will cause large opera house, large market, more people concentrated important public order. T
34、his load belongs to secondary load.Secondary load power supply requirements: secondary load demand two loop power supply, power supply transformer also have two, when power is at fault can quickly restore; When the cable line is, should use two root cable power supply, each root can bear 100% of the
35、 secondary load 1.3, level 3 load:Do not belong to the first and second load should be level 3 load. Level 3 load to the power supply and no special requirements.2.2 load calculationLoad level is different, the power supply requirements is different, the power supply transformer capacity requirement
36、s are different. In order to determine the capacity of the power transformer, must the computational load capacity.2.2.1 load calculation methodThe computational load method:(1) according to the demand factor method to determine the computational load;(2) classification comprehensive power index met
37、hod;(3) family estimation;(4) civil building load calculation ;(5) single phase load calculation .2.2.2 load calculation principle(1)in the schematic design stage can use unit index method; In the preliminary design and construction drawing design stage, appropriate USES need coefficient method. In
38、this design, the design of each stage are can use unit index method.(2)electric equipment sets more, the equipment capacity difference between, appropriate USES need coefficient method, are used for main distribution of load calculation.(3)electric equipment sets less, the equipment capacity of diff
39、erence between the binomial method used in a trunk and distribution board (box) load calculation.This design choose classification composite indicator load calculation.Need to factor: Kd = load curve maximum active load/rated loadNeed coefficient is a comprehensive coefficient, it marks the electric
40、 equipment group of putting into operation, from the power supply network practical to use power and electric equipment group equipment power ratio. Civil building is common need coefficient method. The need to coefficient method, we should first make sure that electric equipment group of plant capa
41、city. Electric equipment nameplate, indicated capacity for rated capacity. The same type of electric equipment into a group, namely electric equipment group. Electric equipment group of total capacity is not necessarily the equipment rated capacity of the direct additive, but must first put their co
42、nversion for unified duty under the rated capacity, adding only. After conversion system unified regulation system and the capacity of the set is called equipment capacity, namely for Pc.Need coefficient method of computation formula is as follows:Electric equipment group of active and reactive powe
43、r and apparent computation load: (2-1) (2-2) (2-3) (2-4)Need coefficient value is in a certain range according to the statistical method to determine, its accuracy of load calculation has important significance. However, due to many factors, need coefficient table can only be given by the recommende
44、d value, which requires the designer according to design experience and circumstances to choose a more appropriate value.2.3 residential distribution design requirementsResidential distribution design must meet the residents safety, convenience and beautiful basic conditions, namely should do the po
45、wer supply reliability and to ensure that the power supply quality. As far as possible do limit simple and have a certain flexibility; Ensure safe operation, convenient maintenance. To ensure that the power supply quality and to ensure that the power supply voltage quality and to ensure that the pow
46、er supply frequency quality. Residential distribution design, first of all to consider residential load levels, household electricity consumption and electricity metering method, then, to determine the distribution system mode, the reasonable choice of line protection appliances.2.3.1 distribution l
47、ine protectionResidential distribution line protection is to prevent personal by electric shock. Avoid personal by electric shock generally has two kinds: one kind is called prevent direct contact with the electric protection, referred to as to prevent direct contact with the protection or prevent borrow shock protection. This refers to the electricGas lines and equipment under normal working conditions, personal contact machine electric shock caused by the person. Another kind is the room and contact electric protection, referred to as ant