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1、信息与控制工程学院毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 高层建筑的消防安全设计的探讨 摘要:高层住宅楼的消防安全设计中的几个问题:疏散楼梯不能运行从顶部到地面,居住者可以直接疏散到建筑物外,消防电梯直接与消防电梯到达一楼。基于这些问题,消防安全目标定义和建议的解决方案已提供。根据解决方案的建议,希望可以提供类似的高层建筑的消防安全设计做参考。关键词:高层住宅建筑; 防火设计; 消防电梯1.介绍“11.15”上海特大火灾引起了在中国的高层住宅建筑消防安全的深刻考虑。然而,这场灾难造成的节能项目的建设,不会因为高层建筑本身的设计,如何提高高层住宅楼宇的消防安全和保障居民的生命安全成为最重要的问题,必须认真考虑


3、灭火和救援增加了困难。(3)驾乘安全疏散困难。一般来说,会有更多的乘员比一座低矮的楼房一幢高层住宅楼。此外,一个高层建筑的垂直移动距离相当长,这使得疏散更加困难。此外,中国公众的消防安全意识有待提高。缺乏消防安全常识和能力,从建筑在发生火灾的情况下安全逃脱,增加安全疏散时间。(4)消防通常会持续相当长的一段时间。消防在一个高层建筑的持续时间更长,因为高层建筑通常是面积大,火灾荷载重。因此,高层建筑火灾往往持续时间较长,有时它可能蔓延到相邻的建筑物。3. 高层建筑消防配电3.1 常用的消防配电方案常用的消防配电方式有放射式、树干式、链式、混合式四种(1)放射式配电的任一线路发生故障时彼此互不影响

4、,设备集中便于管理,供电可靠性较高。但是出线多、有色金属消耗量大、开关设备多,投资运行费用高,适用于单台设备容量大,供电可靠性要求高的。(2)树干式配电当干线故障时,影响范围较大,但配以备用干线并实现切换,供电可靠性提高,适用于分布较均匀的场所。(3)链式与树干式基本相同,但供电可靠性较树干式低,当中间一台设备故障时联在后边的设备将失去电源。(4)混合式包括放射式和树干式两种配电方式,是目前高层建筑中胜利较多的一种配配电方式。32 目前普遍存在的配电问题(1)部分消防用电设备如消防控制室、消防泵的电源不是采用专用的消防电源供电,而使用一般负荷线路上的插座为电源,这样在发生火灾的情况下 ,在建筑

5、主电源切断后,消防用电设备的电源也随之停电,消防设备全面瘫痪,其火灾损失不可估量。(2) 有些互为备用的消防设备如消防水泵等在末端集中进行两电源互投时,没有采用各设备均从消防配电室放射供电方式,而是从配电室引出一主线,在末端并联互备设备。这样做的结果是一旦主线引起故障(而主线引发故障的机率很大)互备用设备均失去电源,无法起动,达不到预期的效果。(3) 在消防联动设备的配电共用,没有按规定在最末端的配电箱设两路自动切换装置,或自动切换装置的质量差,可靠性低。在火灾发生情况下,备用电源不能自动切换成应急电源,供电中断。有的使用手动切换,当消防人员到达火场后再找切换装置进行电源切换,这将延误战机,造

6、成重大损失。 33 解决问题的方案(1) 正常工作电源和应急电源应自成系统,独立配电。当电力与照明分开供电时,则电力与照明应分别设有正常工作电源配电系统与应急配电系统。保证消防用电等一类负荷在火灾情况下,由应急电源连续供电,二类负荷保证两回路切换供电。(2) 在消防用电的配电设计安装时,对用电量大或较集中的消防用电设备,如消防控制室,消防水泵等,应从配电室开始采用放射式供电,并保证主用设备和备用设备的供电线路相互独立。(3) 消防系统各设备的配电共用,应在最末端的配电箱设两路自动切换装置,并安装高质量的电源自动切换装置。如果安装的是手动切换装置,则宜在设备房配电箱内。这样在应急情况下消防人员能

7、在短时间容易找到并实现切换。4.一幢高层住宅建筑防火设计问题在中国的北部部分,最高层单元式住宅占用的建筑物,因为它是相当寒冷的冬季,居民往往选择配备足够的阳光。在这里,我想作为一个例子来说明这栋楼的消防安全设计中存在的问题,采取了单元式高层住宅建筑。在高度该建筑是99.8米的一个相当新颖的配置。的详情,请参阅图1。(a) (b)图1 一幢高层住宅建筑的设计草图根据现行国家标准“高层建筑设计防火守则”GB50045-95(2005)1,住宅建筑应设计为I级耐火。然而,消防设计的建设过程中,存在以下问题已经被发现:4.1楼梯疏散不能运行从顶部到地面和乘员不能直接疏散到建筑物外部从图1我们可以看到,

8、这栋楼是相当新颖的形状。上面的两个部分建筑悬浮在空中的和每个挂起的部分有两个单位。因此,会有一个在每个暂停的部分不能直接运行到一楼的楼梯。见图。 2的细节。图2 楼梯和消防电梯的示意图4.2 消防电梯不能直接到达一楼这两个暂停部分就像楼梯,消防电梯不能直接到达一楼。在顶楼(传输层)的下部,消防电梯就停止,然后继续在相邻的单位。的详情,请参阅图2。4.3剪刀形楼梯与消防电梯在试验设计、楼梯设计在剪刀形状。剪刀形状的楼梯和大厅消防电梯。这种游说通常称为“共享大厅”2(两个大堂的剪刀形状的楼梯和一个大厅的消防电梯)在中国。见图3的细节。图3 共享大厅的楼梯和消防电梯5.消防安全目标一般情况下,消防安

9、全目标可能包括生命安全,保护财产和结构,业务连续性操作,文物和环境保护。然而,消防安全目标的建筑物可能会随占用,结构和高度的建筑。因此占用,布局以及火灾中存在的问题的基础上,安全设计的这座高层住宅楼,其独特的火灾隐患,消防安全目标一直定义为:(1)所有住户须在规定时间内安全疏散到室外;(2)防火应控制在一个家庭;(3)上述条件的建筑物内应有利足够的消防战士灭火救援安全;(4)消防设计可以减少火灾隐患,有效地控制在可接受的范围内的财产损失。6 建议的解决方法为了履行上述消防安全目标,下面的解决方案提出了建议。6.1转换层和传输通道(1)传输层和传输通路的设计应,应该没有可燃物在传送大堂转移地板上

10、。独立的机械排烟系统或自然排烟系统与开放面积不小于5应安装房间的区域,以确保乘员安全的疏散时通过转移楼层。应受B类防火门3连接转移大堂客房。(2)关于转让地板,楼梯和消防电梯应设计为双向疏散4-5。(3)标志指示的火转移楼层上的升力和连续的疏散指示标志的位置,应安装沿着传输通路。也应提供应急灯。的传输通道应该是在一条直线线。(4)至少3.0耐火等级的防火墙应该被用来分离从相邻的传输通路电梯井,楼梯,走廊和公寓。如果有火壁的开口,开口应受到保护A类防火门。(5)的转移层的钢桁架应防火保护,以确保安全的钢结构。6.2 楼梯和大堂 (1)要分开大堂的火墙上的剪刀楼梯,消防电梯,防烟措施,根据相关国家

11、标准6-7,见细节图。如果有火壁开口,开口应受A类防火门。无房应允许有楼梯的门打开,以便防止烟雾扩散到楼梯。(2)自然照明和排烟设施应设置在楼梯间;(3)如果不能提供大堂自然采光和排烟,机械防烟系统应安装应保证和责任性和有效性。(4)大堂和传输通道与非可燃物,不可燃物和其他物品,应完成可能无法保证安全疏散的住户,应允许在大厅和转移通道;(5家庭的门应受A类防火门;(6)如果在大堂无法提供自然采光和自然排烟,应急照明和疏散应安装指示标志,特别是在传输通路。图4 共享大厅的楼梯和消防电梯6.3 其他的解决方案(1)连杆机构,应采取措施,以确保建筑物的上部和下部的消防电梯可以自动下降到最低楼层的(火

12、升降机上部和第一层的下部的转移楼层)在发生火灾的情况下;(2)消防电梯竖井内的管道应该是停在每个楼层的火。 C类防火门维修门应该受到保护。(3)灭火器应安装在大堂,每间公寓,可用于早期火灾。联动,应采取措施,以确保上部和下部部分的建筑物的消防电梯可以自动下降到最低的一层(转换层上部的消防电梯和一楼为下部)的情况下火;7 可行性分析上述解决方案的可行性和有效性进行了分析,通过以下3个方面:确保安全供住用者,控制初期火灾和控制烟雾扩散。(1) 为了保证驾乘人员的安全疏散和消防实践。万一发生火灾,浓烟与高温给人们的生活带来了极大的危险和毒性。因此,火保护建筑设计应考虑如何防止火灾和烟雾蔓延的火源。在


14、的。因此,合理、有效的控烟措施应是防止火势在楼梯和电梯井蔓延,防止烟雾和热量,以确保人民群众的安全疏散和灭火和救援的优良条件。当居民逃离火灾公寓,烟肯定会流出来了。在大厅的加压设施可以帮助防止烟雾蔓延到大堂。根据上面的分析,可以证明,这个高层建筑的消防安全设计是足够安全人员疏散和灭火,如果它是根据上述建议的解决方案的设计。8 结论一幢高层住宅建筑的防火设计中存在的问题进行了分析。消防安全目标郑成功定义的设计特点和建设占用。基于对这些可行的消防安全设计已经提出对策和可行性进行了分析和讨论。希望改进的设计方法可以提供有价值的参考同类楼宇的消防安全设计。参考文献1中国人民共和国,2005,高层民用建

15、筑设计防火规范GB50045-95.中国计划出版社,北京.2张小玲,郑砚秋,2007,共享大厅的建筑,亚洲消防1,P的设计探讨. 58.3人民共和国,2006,中国建筑设计防火规范GB50015-2006规范。中国计划出版社,北京.4田毓敏,2005。消防电梯疏散和灭火,消防技术与产品信息9. P34.5王兵.高层住宅模块化J消防疏散问题的探讨.消防科学与技术.2009,4:182-183.6 Naohiro Takeichi, Yoshiyuki Yoshida, Tomonori Sano等,2007.合并住户在楼梯的特点,消防科学与技术4,P363.7戴伟媛,秦剑,周媛媛,2012.加压

16、设计在建筑科学和余压阀设置的探讨科技7,P77.英文原文作者:MA Qianlia, GUO Weib 发表时间:2012年 文献来源:Procedia Engineering 45 ( 2012 ) 685 689Discussion on the fire safety design of a high-rise buildingMA Qianlia, GUO Weib,*AbstractThere are several problems in the fire safety design of a high-rise residential building: the staircas

17、e for evacuation cant run from the top to the ground and the occupants cant directly evacuate to the outside of the building; fire lift cant directly reach the first floor and the scissor-shaped staircase shares its lobby with the fire lift. Based on these problems, fire safety objectives have been

18、defined and suggested solutions have been provided. Hopefully, the suggested solutions can provide references for the fire safety design of similar high-rise buildings.Keywords: high-rise residential building; fire protection design; fire lift1. Introduction“11.15” Shanghai disastrous fire aroused p

19、rofound consideration of the fire safety of high-rise residential buildings in China. This disaster was caused by the energy-saving project of the building, not because of the design of the high-rise building itself, however, how to improve the fire safety of high-rise residential buildings and to s

20、afeguard the life safety of the residents has become the most important issue that must be considered seriously during the fire safety design of this kind of building. Therefore, analysis of the problems in the fire safety design of a high-rise building in the north part of China has been done as an

21、 example to provide references for the fire safety design of the same kind of buildings in the other areas ofChina.2. Fire risks of the high-rise residential buildingFire risks of the high-rise residential building usually include the followings.(1) Rapid fire and smoke spread.Because of the “chimne

22、y effect” of the high-rise building, fire and smoke can spread to the upper floors very rapidlythrough staircases, elevator shafts and ducts in a very short time if the fire and smoke control measures are not adequate.(2) Difficult fire fighting and rescue.Factors like the height of the building, th

23、e inadequate fire fighting equipment and fire fighting at an elevated heightcertainly increase the difficulties of the fire fighting in a high-rise building. Moreover, the current cladding systems of mosthigh-rise buildings in China are combustible, which contribute a lot to the vertical spread of f

24、ire. In this case, fire covers thebuilding from outside and it increases the difficulties for fire fighters to do fire fighting and rescue.(3) Difficult safe evacuation of the occupants.Generally speaking, there will be more occupants in a high-rise residential building than those of a low building.

25、 Inaddition, the vertical travel distance for a high-rise building is quite long, which makes the evacuation more difficult.Furthermore, the fire safety sense of the public in China needs to be improved. The lack of common sense of fire safety andability of escaping safely from the building in case

26、of fire increases the safe evacuation time.(4) Fire usually lasts for a quite long time.Fire lasts longer in a high-rise building because high-rise buildings are usually large in area and heavy in fire load.Therefore, high-rise building fire often lasts longer and sometimes it may spread to the adja

27、cent buildings.3. High-rise building fire distribution3.1 common Fire Distribution ProgramFire distribution methods are commonly used in radiation type, tree type, chain, four kinds of hybrid(1) The radial distribution of the failure of any one line to each other affect each other, the equipment is

28、easy to manage a high supply reliability. However, more than qualifying non-ferrous metals consumed in large quantities, switching equipment, and more investment in higher operating costs for a single piece of equipment of large capacity, power supply reliability high. (2) The trunk-type distributio

29、n when the route failure, a larger sphere of influence, but coupled with alternate routes and to achieve switching to improve power supply reliability for a more uniform distribution of places. (3) chain and the trunk-type is basically the same, but the low-reliability than the trunk, when the middl

30、e of a piece of equipment failures associated equipment in the back will lose power. (4) Mixed type, including two kinds of radiation type and tree-type distribution method is the victory of more high-rise building in a ligand distribution method. (Figure 2 d)3.2 The current issue of widespread dist

31、ribution(1) of the fire electrical equipment such as fire control room, fire pump fire power instead of using a dedicated power supply, while the use of general load on the socket for the power lines, so that in case of fire in the building off the main power supply After the fire power the devices

32、power also will be without electricity and fire-fighting equipment paralyzed, its fire immeasurable loss.(2) Some spare each other, such as fire pumps, fire fighting equipment at the end of the focus on two power each vote, there is no use of the equipment are radiation from the fire power supply po

33、wer distribution room, but from the power distribution room leads to a main line, in the Preparation of the end of each parallel equipment. The result is that once the main line causing the problem (and the main line caused a great chance of failure) in each stand to lose power devices are unable to

34、 start, without achieving the desired results.(3) sharing power distribution equipment, fire linkage, there is no requirement of the end of the distribution box is located two-way automatic switching devices, or automatic switching devices of poor quality, low reliability. In the fire case, the stan

35、dby power can not automatically switch to emergency power supply, power supply interruption. Some use the manual switch, when the firefighters reached the scene and then look for the power switching devices to switch, which will delay aircraft, resulting in heavy losses.3.3 The solution to the probl

36、em(1) Normal working power supply and emergency power supply shall be self-made system, independent distribution. When the power supply and lighting separately, then the power and lighting should be available to work the power distribution system and emergency power distribution system. Ensure that

37、a class load of fire, electricity and other conditions in the fire, by the emergency power supply a continuous power supply, second-class load to ensure two-loop switching power supply.(2) In the fire power distribution design and installation of electricity, the power consumption of the large or a

38、higher concentration of fire power equipment, such as fire control room, fire pumps, power distribution room should be the introduction of radial supply, and to ensure that the main equipment and standby equipment, power lines independent of each other.(3) Fire system equipment, power distribution s

39、hare should be in the most power distribution boxes located at the end of two-way automatic switching device, and install high-quality power supply automatic switching devices. If you are installing a manual switching device, it is desirable that the equipment room distribution box. So that in case

40、of emergency fire personnel can be easy to find and achieve in a short time to switch.4. Problems in fire safety design of a high-rise residential buildingIn the north part of China, most high-rise buildings for residential occupancy are unitized because it is quite cold inwinter and the residents o

41、ften choose rooms with enough sunshine. Here, I would like to take a unitized high-rise residentialbuilding as an example to show the problems in the fire safety design of this building. The building is 99.8m in height witha quite novel configuration. See Fig.1 for the details.(a) (b)Fig. 1. Design

42、sketch of a high-rise residential building.According to current national standard “Code for Fire Protection Design of Tall Buildings” GB 50045-95(2005)1, this residential building should be designed as Class I fire resistance. However, during the fire protection design of the building, the following

43、 problems have been found.4.1. Staircase for evacuation cant run from the top to the ground and the occupants can not directly evacuate to the outside of the buildingFrom Fig.1, we can see that the building is quite novel in shape. The upper two parts of the building suspend in midair and each suspe

44、nded part has two units. Therefore, there will be one staircase in each suspended part failing to run directly to the first floor. See Fig. 2 for the details.Fig. 2. Sketch map of staircases and fire lifts.4.2. Fire lift cant directly reach the first floorJust like the staircase, the fire lifts of t

45、hose two suspended parts cant directly reach the first floor. At the top floor (transfer floor) of the lower part, the fire lifts just stop and then continue in the adjacent units. See Fig.2 for the details.4.3. Scissor-shaped staircase shares its lobby with the fire liftIn the trial design, the sta

46、ircases have been designed in scissor shapes. The scissor-shaped staircase shares its lobby with the fire lift. This kind of lobby is usually called “shared lobby”2 (two lobbies of the scissor-shaped staircase and one lobby of the fire lift) in China. See Fig.3 for the details.Fig. 3. Shared lobby o

47、f the staircase and fire lift.5. Fire safety objectivesGenerally, the fire safety objectives may include life safety, protection of property and structure, continuity of business operation, heritage and environmental protection. However, the fire safety objectives of a building may vary with the occ

48、upancy, structure and height of the building. Therefore, based on the occupancy, layouts as well as the problems in fire safety design of this high-rise residential building and its unique fire hazards, the following fire safety objectives have been defined:(1) All the occupants shall evacuate to the outdoor safely within the required time;(2) Fire shall be controlled within one family;(3) The conditions inside the bui


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