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1、安门遗址公园设计英文翻译题目:主题公园 Theme ParkTheme Park is a man-made tourism resources , with special emphasis on the idea of it, around a theme or themes to create a series of environment and atmosphere with special projects to attract tourists. 主题公园的一个最基本特征 创意性,具有启示意义。 Basic features of a theme park - - creativ

2、e, with enlightenment. 园内所有的建筑色彩、造型、植被游乐项目等都为主题服务,共同构成游客容易辨认的特制和游园的线索。 Park all the architectural color, shape, vegetation, theme rides and so on services, constitute a special visitors and garden easily identifiable clues. 主题公园是现代旅游业在旅游资源的开发过程中所孕育产生的新的旅游吸引物,是自然资源和人文资源的一个或多个特定的主题,采用现代化的科学技术和多层次空间活动的

3、设置方式,集诸多 娱乐 内容、 休闲 要素和服务接待设施于一体的现代旅游目的地。 Theme Park is a modern tourism resources in the tourism development process fostered by the emergence of new tourist attraction is the natural and cultural resources of one or more specific themes, using modern science and technology and multi-level set of sp

4、ace activities way, set a number of entertainment content, leisure elements and service facilities in one of the modern tourist destination. 有着“ 中 国主题公园之父” 美 誉之称的马志民先生认为主题公园是作为某些地域旅游相对贫乏,同时也是为了适应 旅客 多种需要与选择的一种补充。 Has a father of Chinas theme park, the United States known as Mr. Ma Zhimin reputation

5、that theme parks are some regional tourism as a relatively poor, but also in order to meet passenger needs and choose a variety of supplement. 这个观点说明了“ 主 题乐园” 的 一个基本特征 相对性,即相对于旅游者的选择而言的,与旅游资源概念紧密联系在一起的特性。 This view shows a theme park a basic feature - - relative, that relative to the choice of trave

6、lers in terms of, and tourism resources closely linked to the characteristics of the concept. “ 主 题乐园” 在 我国的产生和发展,始终有旅游业这只“ 看 得见的手” 发 挥着极其重要的作用。 Theme park in the emergence and development of our country, always have tourism this must see to see the hand of an extremely important role in hair waving

7、. 马志民先生的观点应该是对“ 主 题乐园” 认 识的一种升华,更加明确地说明了“ 主 题乐园” 的 本源涵义 旅游 者的一种需求形态和选择方向。 Mr. Ma Zhimins views should be the theme park understanding is a sublimation of more clearly illustrates the theme park The Origin of Meaning - - travel patterns and demand for those who choose a direction. 起源 Origin 一般认为是主题公园

8、起源于 荷兰 ,后来兴盛于 美国 。 Generally considered to be a theme park originated in the Netherlands , and later flourished in the United States . 荷兰的一对马都拉家族夫妇,为纪念在二次世界大战中牺牲的独生子,而兴建了一个微缩了荷兰 120 处风景名胜的公园。 Dutch couple a pair of Madura family, in the Second World War to commemorate the sacrifice of the Son, and t

9、he construction of a miniature of the Netherlands 120 scenic parks. 此公园开创了世界微缩景区的先河。 This miniature scenic park create a precedent for the world. 1952 年,开业时随即轰动 欧洲 ,成为主题公园的鼻祖。 In 1952, when it opened then stir in Europe , as the originator of the theme park. 华特 迪 士尼 在美国 加利福尼亚州 兴建了世界上第一个现代大型主题公园 迪士尼乐

10、园 ,于 1955 年 7 月 17 日 正式开幕。 Di Walt Disney in the United States , California, to build the worlds first modern theme park - - Disneyland , in 1955, on July 17 opened. 迪士尼乐园将 迪士尼电影 场景和 动画 技巧结合机械设备,将主题贯穿各个游戏项目。 Disneyland to Disney movie scenes and animation techniques combined with mechanical equipmen

11、t, all games will be the theme throughout the project. 由于能够让游客有前所未有的体验,结果即风靡了美国,再传到全世界各地。 The ability to let visitors experience with unprecedented results that swept the United States, then spread to all over the world. 类型 Type 根据旅游体验类型,主题公园可分为五大类,分别是:情境模拟、游乐According to type of travel experience,

12、a theme park can be divided into five categories, namely: situational simulation, recreation, sightseeing, theme and style experience. 最令一般人印象深刻的是游乐型的主题公园。 Most impressive is the general type of theme amusement park. 游乐型的主题公园亦称游乐园 ,提供了刺激的游乐设施和机动游戏,为寻求刺激感觉的游客乐此不疲。 Recreation-oriented theme park also

13、known as the amusement park, offers rides and rides for tourists seeking to stimulate the feeling bored. 令人印象难忘的另一主题公园类型是情景模拟 ,具体的即是各种 影视城 的主题公园。 Another impressive theme park type simulation, and specific, that is all movie theme park. 观光型的主题公园则浓缩了一些著名景观或特色景观,让游客在短暂的时间欣赏最特色的景观。 Tourist-oriented the

14、me park landscape or the concentration of some well-known characteristics of the landscape, allowing visitors to appreciate the most in a short time characteristics of the landscape. 各式各样的水族馆和野生动物公园,就是主题型的主题公园。 A wide range of aquarium and wildlife parks, is the theme-based theme park. 至于以风情体验为题的主题公

15、园,则将不同的 民族 风俗和民族色彩展现在游客眼前。 As to style the title of the theme park experience, will be of different ethnic customs and the national color display in the visitors eyes. 特点 Feature 1 ,强烈的个性,普遍的适宜性; 1, strong personality, the general suitability; 2 ,被动游憩形式; 2, the form of passive recreation; 3 ,投入高,占地规

16、模大; 3, into high, covers an area of large-scale; 4 ,高门票,高消费。 4, high ticket, high consumption. 著名的主题公园 The famous theme park 亚洲 Asia 东京迪士尼乐园 Tokyo Disneyland 及 And 东京迪士尼海洋:位于日本千叶。 Tokyo Disney Sea: in Chiba, Japan. 爱宝乐园 :位于韩国首尔。 Everland : located in Seoul, Korea. 乐天世界 :位于韩国首尔。 Lotte World : Seoul,

17、Korea. 富士急高原乐园:位于日本静冈县。 Fujikyu Highland Park: located in Shizuoka, Japan. 香港迪士尼乐园 :位于中国香港大屿山。 Hong Kong Disneyland : Lantau Island in Hong Kong, China. 香港海洋公园:位于中国香港南区。 Hong Kong Ocean Park: located in the Southern District of Hong Kong. 六福村主题游乐园:位于中国台湾新竹县。 Leofoo Village Theme Park: located in Hsi

18、nchu County, China Taiwan. 澳门渔人码头 :位于中国澳门新口岸。 Macau Fishermans Wharf : New Port is located in Macao, China. 锦绣中华:位于中国深圳。 Splendid China: in Shenzhen, China. 中国民俗文化村:位于中国深圳。 China Folk Culture Village: Located in Shenzhen, China. 世界之窗 :位于中国深圳、长沙。 Window of the World : in Shenzhen, China, Changsha. 欢乐

19、谷 :位于中国深圳、北京、天津、上海、成都(武汉在建)。 Happy Valley : located in Shenzhen, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chengdu (Wuhan under construction). 长隆欢乐世界:位于中国广州市番禺区。 Chime-Long Paradise: located in Panyu District, Guangzhou, China. 长隆水上乐园:位于中国广州市番禺区。 Chime-Long Water Park: located in Panyu District, Guangzhou, China.

20、 神秘岛:位于中国珠海。 Mysterious Island: Located in Zhuhai, China. 方特欢乐世界 :位于中国安徽芜湖。 Side special joy in the world : in China, Wuhu, Anhui. 大唐芙蓉园 :位于中国西安。 Tang Paradise : Located in Xian, China. 圆明新园:位于中国珠海。 New Yuan Ming Palace: is located in Zhuhai, China. 横店影视城:位于中国浙江。 Hengdian Studios: located in Zhejian

21、g Province, China. 昆明世界园艺博览园:位于中国云南。 Kunming World Horticulture Exposition: located in Yunnan, China. 开封清明上河园:位于中国河南开封。 Kaifeng Millennium City: located in Kaifeng, Henan Province. 西双版纳傣族园:位于中国云南西双版纳橄榄坝。 Xishuangbanna Dai Park: located in Yunnan Xishuangbanna Xiaoganlanba. 中华恐龙园 :位于中国 常州 。 China Din

22、osaur Park : located in Changzhou . 苏州乐园 :位于中国苏州。 Suzhou park : located in Suzhou, China. 魔幻山主题乐园:位于中国重庆市 Magic Mountain Theme Park: located in Chongqing, China 九龙坡区。 Jiulongpo District. 小人国 :位于中国台湾桃园县。 Lilliput : in China Taiwan, Taoyuan County. 月眉育乐世界:位于中国台湾台中县。 Yamay Resort: Located in China Taiw

23、an, Taichung County. 西湖渡假村:位于中国台湾苗栗县。 West Lake Resortopia: in China Taiwan, Miaoli County. 九族文化村:位于中国台湾南投县。 Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village: is located in Nantou County, China Taiwan. 剑湖山世界:位于中国台湾云林县。 Janfusun world: in China Taiwan, Yunlin County. 远雄海洋公园:位于中国台湾花莲县。 Farglory Ocean Park: Located

24、 in China Taiwan Hualien County. 珍珠乐园:位于中国珠海。 Pearl Paradise: Located in Zhuhai, China. 发现王国:位于中国辽宁大连 Discovery Kingdom: located in Dalian, Liaoning 美洲 America 迪士尼乐园( Disneyland ):美国加利福尼亚州安纳罕市 Disneyland (Disneyland): Anaheim City, California 迪士尼加州冒险乐园( Disneys California Adventure ):美国加利福尼亚州安纳罕市 Di

25、sneys California Adventure Park (Disneys California Adventure): Anaheim City, California 神奇王国 ( Magic Kingdom ):美国 佛罗里达州 奥兰多 华特迪士尼世界度假区 Magic Kingdom (Magic Kingdom): United States, Florida, Orlando, Walt Disney World Resort 艾波卡特( Epcot ):美国佛罗里达州奥兰多华特迪士尼世界度假区 Epcot (Epcot): Orlando, Florida Walt Dis

26、ney World Resort 迪士尼好莱坞影城( Disneys Hollywood Studio ):美国佛罗里达州奥兰多华特迪士尼世界度假区 Disneys Hollywood Studios (Disneys Hollywood Studio): Orlando, Florida Walt Disney World Resort 迪士尼动物王国( Disneys Animal Kingdom ):美国佛罗里达州奥兰多华特迪士尼世界度假区 Disneys Animal Kingdom (Disneys Animal Kingdom): Orlando, Florida Walt Dis

27、ney World Resort 布什公园( Busch Gardens ),美国佛罗里达州 坦帕 ,美国 弗吉尼亚州 威廉斯堡 Bush park (Busch Gardens), Florida, Tampa , United States Virginia Williamsburg 六旗游乐园 ( Six Flags ), Six Flags amusement park (Six Flags), 美国 新泽西 ,美国 伊利诺伊州 芝加哥 United States, New Jersey , United States Illinois Chicago 环球片场( Universal

28、Studios Hollywood ):美国 加州 洛杉矶 Universal Studios (Universal Studios Hollywood): United States California Los Angeles 环球片场( Universal Studios Orlando ):美国佛罗里达州奥兰多 Universal Studios (Universal Studios Orlando): Orlando, Florida 冒险岛 ( Islands of Adventure ):美国佛罗里达州奥兰多 Adventure Island (Islands of Advent

29、ure): Orlando, Florida 海洋世界( Sea World ):美国加州 圣迭戈 ,美国佛罗里达州奥兰多 Sea World (Sea World): California, San Diego , Orlando, Florida 圆舞曲乐园( la Ronde ): 加拿大 魁北克 Waltz park (la Ronde): Canada, Quebec 海洋梦幻乐园 Ocean Dream Park 欧洲 Europe 巴黎迪士尼乐园 :位于 法国 巴黎 。Disneyland Paris : in France, Paris . 华特迪士尼影城:位于法国巴黎。 Wa

30、lt Disney Studios: in Paris, France. 蒂沃利公园 ( Tivoli Gardens ):位于 丹麦 哥本哈根 。 Tivoli Park (Tivoli Gardens): located in Denmark, Copenhagen . 里瑟本游乐园:位于 瑞典 哥德堡 。 Riise the amusement park: in Sweden, Gothenburg . 欧洲主题公园 ( Europa Park ):位于 德国 鲁斯特。 European theme parks (Europa Park): is located in Germany R

31、ooster. 冒险港( Port Aventura ):位于 西班牙 萨洛。 Adventure Port (Port Aventura): in Spain Salo. 奥尔顿塔( Alton Towers ):位于 英国 斯塔福德郡。 Alton Towers (Alton Towers): located in the United Kingdom Staffordshire. 加达云霄乐园( Gardaland ):位于 意大利 加达湖畔。 Gada sky park (Gardaland): in Italy, Limone sul Garda Lake. 我国主题公园发展分析 D

32、evelopment of Theme Park in China 背景分析 Background 我国主题公园的时代已经来临,大大小小的主题公园如雨后春笋般再次崛起,整个中国似乎都刮起了一场主题公园的旋风,北京的欢乐谷,广州的长隆欢乐世界、珠海的神秘岛、 大连 的发现王国、宁波的凤凰山主题乐园、抚顺的皇家极地海洋世界、香港的迪士尼,以及 青岛 的极地海洋世界等纷纷开业迎客,接下来还有天津还在筹划的 环球影城 主题公园、上海仍在筹备的 上海迪斯尼 。 My time has come to the theme park, theme parks such as the large and sm

33、all, have mushroomed rise again, the Chinese seem to have whipped up a whirlwind of a theme park, Happy Valley in Beijing, Guangzhou Chime-Long Paradise, Mystery Island, Zhuhai , Dalian discovery kingdom, Ningbo, Phoenix Mountain theme park in Fushun of the Royal Polar Ocean World, Hong Kong Disneyl

34、and, and the Qingdao Polar Ocean World, etc. have opened welcoming, then there is also planned in Tianjin Universal Studios Theme Park, Shanghai is still preparing for Shanghai Disney . 按照国家旅游局的预测, 2010 年国内旅游消费总额将达到人民币 1 万亿元,旅游将成为与汽车、房产并列的消费热点。 In accordance with the National Tourism Administration

35、forecast the total domestic tourism consumption in 2010 will reach one trillion yuan, tourism will become the car, tied for the consumption of hot property. 中国的旅游者消费支出结构是住宿、餐饮等费用支出比例较低,景点门票的费用支出比例较高。 Consumption Structure of Chinas tourists are accommodation, catering and other expenses is relativel

36、y low, attraction tickets for a higher proportion of expenditure. 按此模式预测,届时国内旅游消费总额将有数千亿元用于旅游景点支出,主题公园作为新兴旅游景点必将分得可观的收益。 According to its forecast, then the total domestic tourism consumption will have billions in spending for the tourist attractions, theme parks as a new tourist attractions will sh

37、are in substantial revenue. 在我国 , 第一个真正意义的大型主题公园是 1989 年开业的 深圳锦绣中华 微缩景区。 In China, the first truly large-scale theme park opened in 1989, Shenzhen Splendid China Miniature Scenic Spot. 得益于荷兰“ 马 都洛丹” 小 人国的启示 , 锦绣中华将中国的名山大川和人文古迹以微缩模型的方式展现出来 , 取得了轰动性的成功 , 开业一年就接待了超过 300 万的游客 , 1 亿元的投资仅用一年的时间就全部收回。 Bene

38、fited from the Netherlands horses laudun little people inspiration States, Splendid China will be Chinas great mountains and rivers and the humanities miniature model of a monument to show up, made sensational success, opening a year received more than 3 million visitors, 100 million yuan of investm

39、ent in just one years time fully recovered. 主题公园良好的经济效益和社会效益起到了强烈的示范作用 , 引致了 20 世纪 90 年代初主题公园的又一次投资热潮。 Theme park sound economic and social benefits play a strong demonstration effect, leading to the early 90s of the 20th century yet another theme park investment boom. 20 世纪 80 年代至今,全国已累计开发主题公园式旅游点

40、2500 多个,投入资金达 3000 多亿元。 80 years since the 20th century, the country has been developed, theme park-style tourist attraction more than 2,500 investment funds totaling more than 3000 billion yuan. Problems in Chinas theme park First, relatively high prices, there is the understanding of the theme par

41、k Mistakes In the process of economic development, peoples living standards rising, thus put forward a new tourism product demand, tourism development is the theme park to a certain stage, and with the states economic development, peoples income, leisure time, aesthetic ideas, and the frequency of t

42、ravel and tourism a strong desire to have a close relationship. Due to the lack of domestic tourists in a correct understanding of some investors tend to overestimate traffic, ignored the professional theme park and specificity, leading to poor decisions, can not correctly grasp the investment payba

43、ck period. The return on investment of the foreign general as 6-8 years, while the domestic is often set at 2-3 years, which led to fare far beyond the value of psychological endurance of tourists, thus affecting the travel of tourists psychological 3. Tickets for the consequences of too much is dif

44、ficult to accept the market, few tourists, causing some difficulties operating the theme park or even close down. Second, the theme is too similar to repeat Since the birth of the domestic theme parks beginning, each new theme was always a large number of followers to follow suit, resulting in a the

45、me park in the form of over-development, from the mid-80s, appeared in many of the same theme park, theme park lot duplication, to the states financial, human and land resources caused great waste, because the theme park theme repeated led to vicious competition and tourists visual fatigue, reduced

46、the number of visitors and other undesirable consequences. Third, the theme park location unreasonable To save the cost of investment, many investors chose to land in the remote areas, or in the urban fringe, although generally from urban areas within 30-50 km, but because of lagging municipal servi

47、ce facilities, transport facilities, resulting in very few tourists do not revisit such phenomena, limiting the development of the theme park. 4, theme park planning and design is too simple, low construction quality Theme parks success requires good planning and design. And because the short histor

48、y of the domestic theme park, most theme parks in the planning, development simply imitate the success of foreign examples, even a better theme, will be unreasonable as planning and design is difficult to show its vigor. Most of the theme park in the planning will be some of the sites simply a combination of simple design form is the single most to imitate, concentrated portfolio of mainly miniature. Always exist in the proportion of construction on the master improperly cut corners, sloppy, and even some of the theme park reques


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