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1、Getting close to Chaoshan areasHave you ever heard about them?All of them come from Chaoshan area.Other famous peopleOur local famous peopleChaoshan,located in the east of Guangdong Province.Whats so-called Chaoshan areas,generally speaking,it refers to the areas whose people speakTeochew dialect;Wh

2、ile points to Shantou,Chaozhou,Jieyang.these three cities in narrow sense.Now,let me show you more about Chaoshan.Kung Fu Tea originated in the Song Dynasty and its popular in chaoshan area.The so-called Kung Fu tea,tea leaves or tea is not a name.But a technique of tea.Why it is Why it is called Ko

3、ng Fu tea?mainly called Kong Fu tea?mainly because it is very particular about the way of tea and it takes some effort“Kong Fu”.EveryEvery household has kungfu tea and must drink daily rounds.It can be said that there Chaoshanren place,it is the shadow of Kung Fu Tea.Nanao island.Its a very beautifu

4、l island where you can spend your holiday.Say,Zheng Chenggong trained his army here before he reoccupied Taiwan Island.Jieyang Building,the landmark of Jieyang.Chenghai,the city of toysChaoshan local delicacy is famous in the world.Welcome to my hometown-Chaoshan areas.Ill be your guide as long as you call me.Welcome to have a Welcome to have a cup of tea in our cup of tea in our dormitory anytime!dormitory anytime!


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