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3、须承担把货物交至目的地国所需的全部费用和风险。(Incoterms2000)每一个贸易术语的解释由引导语和买卖双方10条义务组成,清晰明了、详细具体、规范统一、操作性强。例如,FOB“船上交货(指定装运港)”贸易术语的引导语:“是当货物在指定的装运港越过船舷,卖方即完成交货。这意味着买方必须从该点起承当货物灭失或损坏的一切风险。FOB术语要求卖方办理货物出口清关手续。该术语仅适用于海运或内河运输。如当事各方无意越过船舷交货,则应使用FCA术语。”,随后是卖方义务10条和与之对应的买方义务10条。 Notes of International Trade Business OUTLOOK国际贸易

4、实务是一门专门研究国际间商品交换的具体过程的学科,是一门理论与实践紧密结合并具有涉外活动特点的实践性很强的应用科学。它涉及国际贸易理论与政策、国际贸易法律与惯例、国际金融、国际运输与保险等学科的基本原理与基本知识的运用。 国际货物贸易实务的研究对象是国际货物买卖的基本知识、基本规则 和基本技能。该课程的特点:| 综合性-国际贸易涉及面广且交易过程复杂,需要综合运用多方面的知识。| 基础性-研究对象的基础性。| 应用性-区别于理论性,学习应用于实际的知识和技能。| 实践性-来于实践 用于实践 跟实践紧密结合。国际贸易的特点:线长、面广、中间环节多、风险大!经营国际贸易应具备的条件1、坚实的理论基

5、础2、全球眼光和迅速准确的信息;3、雄厚的资金和良好信誉;4、完备的贸易组织结构; 5、具备一系列专业知识:(良好的外语水平、市场营销知识、外贸业务知识、法律知识、商品知识)INTRODUCTION贸易术语 又称价格术语,是在国际贸易中用以表示商品的价格构成以及商品交换过程中有关风险、责任和费用的划分问题的,以文字或缩写字母组成的专门用语。 本质上, 贸易术语是在国际贸易长期实践中形成的,用以确定买卖双方在交货中的责任、费用和风险负担的一种国际贸易惯例。其作用主要是方便合同的商订和履行。 例如:FAS(named port of shipment)装运港船边交货,卖方负责将货物运至指定装运港的

6、船边,由买方负担货物越过船边后的一切风险和费用。 由于国际贸易具有线长、面广环节多、风险大的特点,为解决了国际贸易中的重要问题,贸易术语在长期实践中产生并得到发展。五个重要问题:1)买卖双方在什么时间以什么方式办理交货? 交货点在哪?(when, where, how 交货三要素)2)货损灭失的风险何时由卖方向买方转移?(风险转移)3)谁负责办理货物运输、保险和通关过境的手续?(手续办理)4)谁承担办理上述事项的费用?(费用负担)5)买卖双方需要提交哪些单据?(单据提交)Tips: 这五个问题是我们学习贸易术语的关键,通常还要求学生掌握6)成交商品的价格构成(第五章内容)国际贸易惯例的含义国际

7、贸易惯例就是指在国际贸易长期实践中逐渐形成的一些有较为明确和固定内容的贸易习惯和一般做法,或者说是在长期的国际贸易中约定俗成的国际行为准则国际法院规约第条对国际惯例的定义:经接受为法律的通例.由此定义我们可以归纳出国际贸易惯例的特点国际贸易惯例的特点1、 长期性在长期的国际贸易实践中形成和发展的2、 广泛性具有确定的内容并被许多国家和地区认可3、 非强制性除非合同当事人选择适用否则不具有法律约束力4、 重要性是国际贸易法律的一个重要渊源三个重要的国际贸易术语惯例 1932年华沙牛津规则由国际法协会专门为解释CIF合同而制定的1928年国际法协会在波兰首都华沙开会,制定了关于CIF买卖合同的统一

8、规则,共22条后经三次修改,最后将1932年牛津会议修订的21条规则更名为1932年华沙牛津规则,其对CIF术语作了很详细的规定1941年美国对外贸易定义修订本1919年美国九大商业团体以美国贸易惯用的FOB术语为基础制定了 美国出口报价及其缩写条例并于1941年修订更名为1941年美国对外贸易定义修订本包含了种价格术语解释: (1) Ex Point of Origin 产地交货(EXW)(2) Free on Board (FOB) 在运输工具上交货(FOB)(3) Free Along side (FAS) 在运输工具旁边交货( Free alongside ship. FAS)(4)

9、Cost & Freight (CFR) 成本加运费(CFR)(5) Cost, Insurance and Freight,成本加保险费运费(6) Ex Dock 目的港码头交货( DEQ, Ex Quay ).这个规则主要适用于美洲国家和地区,在与这些国家贸易时应注意其与 INCOTERMS 2000的差异特别是FOB 术语的差异3、2000年INCOTERMS国际贸易术语解释通则:International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms.而我们通常用的INCOTERMS 是International Chamber of Comm

10、erce Terms 的缩写它是国际商会为统一对各种贸易术语的解释于1936年制定的其后随着贸易的发展而经历几次修改,现在我们用的是2000年修订的版本,习惯上称2000通则2000通则按照卖方义务由轻至重将13个贸易术语分成了四个组,分别为:组,组,组,组具体术语见书上表 P7各组术语的基本特点1、 E组术语:卖方在商品产地交货。2、 F组术语:买方订立运输合同或指定承运人,并负担从交货地至目的地的运费。3、 C组术语:卖方订立运输合同,但不承担从装运地启运后所发生的货损或货物灭失的风险以及额外费用(费用点与风险点分离 )4、 D组术语:卖方须承担将货物运往指定的进口国交货地点的一切风险、责

11、任和费用。INCOTERMS的适用范围1、限于销售合同当事人的权利义务中与已售货物(指“有形的”货物,不包括“无形的”货物,如电脑软件)交货有关的事项。2、 只涉及销售合同中买卖双方的关系,但不可避免地对其他合同(如运输合同)产生影响。3、 涉及为当事方设定的若干特定义务、当事双方之间的风险及费用划分。但不涉及货物所有权和其他产权的转移、违约、违约行为的后果以及某些情况下的免责等。4、 适用于跨国境的货物销售交付,有时也被用于纯粹国内市场的货物销售合同中 。 Customs Clearance 清关清关的定义:指买卖双方需要承担将货物在进口国或出口国通过海关的义务,包括支付关税和其他费用以及履

12、行一切与货物通过海关的行政事务并向当局提供相关信息和支付相关费用清关义务原则:便利原则:出口商办理出口清关;进口商办理进口清关可巧记为“进管进,出管出,进进出出 或买进卖出买方办理进口清关,卖方办理出口清关”清关原则下的两个例外术语:)EXW买方还需要负责出口清关(卖方义务最轻的术语,产地启运价格)DDP 卖方还需要负责进口清关(卖方义务最重的术语,完税到岸价)Chapter 1 Section 2 Six main Trade Terms 术语学习思路:1. 术语的定义(卖方义务加运输方式) 2. 买卖双方的义务(结合5个重要问题来分析和记忆:交货三要素,风险转移,费用负担,手续办理。单据提

13、交) 3. 该术语应该注意的问题(重点) 应该注意每个术语所特别要注意的问题,对于共性问题我们不会反复讲解。一、FOBFree On Board (FOB named port of shipment) Definition (from INCOTERMS 2OOO of ICC)“Free on Board” means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ships rail at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all cost

14、s and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that point. The FOB term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. This term can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport. If the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across the ships rail, the FCA term should be used. FOB 装运

15、港船上交货定义: FOB指卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内在指定的装运港将货物运至买方指定的船上,并负担货物越过船舷为止的一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险。买方则承担货物越过船舷后的一切责任、费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险。 本术语只适用于海运和内河运输。 如果当事人不拟以越过船舷为界完成交货,应采用FCA术语。 CASE:某公司向外商出售一级大米300吨,成交价格条件为FOB上海。装船时货物经检验符合合同要求,货物出运后卖方及时向买方发出装船通知。但航运途中因海浪过大,大米大半被海水浸泡品质受损。货物达到目港后,只能按三级大米价格出售,于是买方要求卖方赔偿差价损失。请问应如何处理这一纠纷?这部分内容是

16、为英语爱好者更好地了解英语对买卖双方义务的原味表述。2000通则对买卖双方的义务分别规定了十项相对应的义务,如下表 卖方A1-A10, 买方B1-B10 seller buyerA1: GoodsB1: PaymentA2: Licenses and Customs FormalitiesB2: Licenses and Customs FormalitiesA3:Carriage and insuranceB3: Carriage and insuranceA4:DeliveryB4: Taking DeliveryA5:Risk TransferB5:Risk TransferA6:Cos

17、tB6:CostsA7:Notice to the Buyer-B7:Notice to SellerA8:Proof of Delivery, Transport Documents-B8:Proof of Delivery, Transport DocumentA9:Checking, Packing , Marking-B9:InspectionsA10:OtherB10:OtherSellers Responsibilities under FOBA1、Goods- The seller provides the goods, commercial invoice or electro

18、nic message, and other documentation as required by the sales contract.A2、Licenses and Customs Formalities - The seller obtains at his own risk and cost any export licenses and authorizations and carry out all export formalities and procedures.A3、Carriage and insurance- the seller has no obligation

19、to provide the carriage of goods and insurance. A4、Delivery - the seller delivers the goods on board the named vessel at the named port and place , and at the time stipulated in the sales contract. A5、Risk Transfer -The seller assumed all risks of loss or damage to the goods until they have passed t

20、he ships rail on the named vessel as provided in the sales contract.A6、Cost -The seller pays all cost until the goods have passed the rail on named vessel as well as all cost relating to export including duties, taxes and customs formalities.A7、Notice to the Buyer- The seller provides sufficient not

21、ice to the buyer that the goods have been delivered on board the named vessel.A8、Proof of Delivery, Transport Documents- the seller provides the buyer with a proof of delivery or a transport document, or assists the buyer in obtaining a transport document.A9、Checking, Packing , Marking-The seller pa

22、ys all cost associated with checking the quality and quantity of the goods in conformity with the sales contract, provides appropriate packing (unless the goods are traditionally delivered unpackaged) as required for the transport of the goods, to the extent that the buyer has made transport circums

23、tances known to the seller prior to the execution of the sales contract and provides marking appropriate to the packaging. A10、Other- The seller provides the buyer , at the buyers request, risk and expense , with any and all assistance in securing documentation originating in the country of export o

24、r of origin required for import and transshipment through another country and information necessary to obtain insurance.BUYERS RESPONSIBILITIES ON COST AND NOTICE TO SELLERCost - the buyer pays all costs for carriage and insurance from the time the goods have passed the ships rail at the port of shi

25、pment in accordance with the terms of the sales contract, pays all costs resulting from failure of the named ship to arrive on time or to be able to take the goods and pays all costs relating to import formalities including duties , taxes and other charges including transshipment 7) Notice to seller

26、- the buyer gives sufficient notice to the seller of the name of the vessel, the time or period for delivery and the place of delivery. Points for Attention in using FOB Term二)、FOB下买卖双方的义务 卖方的主要义务 买方的主要义务 交货,通知 订舱 通知 付款 出口清关 进口清关 船舷前的风险与费用 船舷后的风险与费用 提交单据 收货收单三)、POINTS :一、 “Rail of ship” Delivery of

27、goods on board the vessel is a continuous procedure and the responsibility and costs can not be divided simply according to the rail of ship, which only refers to the division of title of goods between the contractual parties. Practical Application: The seller is required to submit a “clean on board

28、 B/L” and under L/c settlement, the point of delivery is , in fact , extended from the ships rail to the ships hold, any damage to the packing of goods will result in an “unclean B/L” (the risks is extended as well.) Variants of FOB term Variants of FOB term are Only limited to the loading charges w

29、ho bears, making no difference to other liability and responsibility under FOB term. It wont change the separation of risk between the two parties. Four usual variants of FOB term 1) “FOB liner terms” means both loading and unloading charges are covered by carrier (buyer) and calculated in freight.

30、2) “FOB under tackle” means the buyer will pay for the loading charge from the point where the goods may be lifted by the tackle of a carrying vessel for loading . 3) “FOB stowed” (FOBS) means the seller is responsible for the loading the goods into cabins and is to pay for the stowage. 4) “FOB trim

31、med” (FOBT) means the seller is responsible for loading the goods into cabins and is to pay for the trimming charge. FOBST应该注意的问题:(一)风险划分界限-船舷为界 风险-指货物灭失或损坏的风险交货点:装运港船舷风险转移点: 装运港船舷 灵活理解“船舷为界” “通则”规定以船舷为界,但并非强制性的。严格意义上,船舷为界只用来表示风险的划分界限,不能作为的费用负担与责任划分界限,因为吊装作业是一个连续的作业过程。实务中买卖双方可在合同中另行约定或根据港口的习惯作业方法来确定

32、。实际业务中通常有两种变通的方式: 1) 改变风险转移点-提交清洁已装船提单买卖双方合同约定,要求卖方提交清洁已装船提单,卖方依约提交相应单据后,交货点和风险点都从“船舷”后移到了“船舱”,除非双方在合同中约定风险仍以船舷为界。 2)不改变风险转移点- 术语变形术语变形主要解决的是装船费用与卸货费用的负担与责任问题,并不改变货物风险转移的界限。即风险转移还是以船舷为界。FOB 解决的是装船责任和费用的负担问题。主要有四种变形。(二) 装船费用的负担(由第一个问题派生而来) FOB Liner-(班轮条件) 买方负责装船费用 班轮条件下,船方管装管卸,装船费实际上是有买方负担。 FOB Unde

33、r Tackle-(吊钩下交货) 买方负责装船费用卖方将货物置于轮船钓钩所及之处,买方负责将货物吊装入舱。 FOB Stowed-(FOBS,FOB并理舱) 卖方负责装船费用卖方负责将货物装入船舱并支付包括理舱费在内的装船费用。 FOB Trimmed-(FOBT,FOB并平舱) 卖方负责装船费用卖方负担将货物装入船舱并支付包括平舱费在内的装船费用。(三) 以FOB成交要注意船货衔接 买方应给予卖方关于船名、装船地点和所要求的交货时间的充分通知,以保证卖方备货与买方派船接货互相衔接。 “船等货”-卖方负担空舱费、滞期费 “货等船”-买方负担额外增加的仓储费、保险费及利息损失。 最好在合同中具体

34、规定买方应在船到港多少时间前通知卖方,并在履约中密切联系。(四)1941年美国对外贸易定义修订本 对FOB的不同解释 “定义”关于FOB的解释有六种,即在六种运输工具上交货,其中只有第五种“FOB Vessel ”与“通则”的FOB意思接近。注意:FOB New York 与FOB Vessel New York 的区别。前者指在纽约的任何一个交通工具上交货。而后者指在纽约港的船上交货。 “FOB Vessel ”术语的出口报关责任及费用承担在买方而非卖方。 在与美国、加拿大等美洲国家以FOB成交时要特别注意FOB的不同含义。比较项1941定义2000通则适用运输方式内陆、海运和内河运输海运和

35、内河运输风险划分界限 船上 船舷办理出口手续 买方负责 卖方协助卖方负责交货地点出口国内陆运输工具(不只是船) 进口国内陆 装运港二、 CIFCOST,INSURANCE AND FREIGHT(.named port of destination) CIF means that the seller completes the delivery when the goods pass the ships rail at the port of shipment . The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the

36、 goods to the named port of destination but the risk of loss of or damage to the goods ,as well as any additional costs occurring after the time of delivery ,are transferred from the seller to the buyer. However, the seller also has to procure the marine insurance against the buyers risk of loss of

37、or damage to the goods during the carriage. Consequently, the seller contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium. The buyer should note that under the CIF term the seller is required to obtain insurance only on minimum cover. Should the buyer wish to have the protection of greater cover,

38、he would either need to agree as much expressly with the seller or to make his own extra insurance arrangements. The CIF term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. This term can be used only for sea and inland waterway transport. If the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across

39、the ships rail, the CIP term should be used.CIF指卖方在合同规定的装运日期或期间内,将货物装上运往指定目的港的船舶,负担货物越过船舷为止的一切货物灭失或损坏的风险以及各种事件造成的任何额外费用。负责租船或订舱,办理货运保险,支付从装运港到目的地的正常运费及保险费 并且自费办理出口通关手续。 本术语只适用于海运和内河运输。 交货点:装运港 风险转移划分点: 船舷为界 卖方 seller 买方 buyer租船订舱 办理保险支付运输与保险费用收货收单 支付价款办理出口清关手续办理进口清关手续负责货物越过船舷前的风险和费用负责货物越过船舷后的风险和费用提供

40、运输单据按期装船并通知出口方码头进口方3、 CIF+指定目的港:成本、运费加保险Cost、Insurance And Freight Freight使用CIF术语应该注意的问题(1)卖方的保险义务% 必须与信誉良好的保险公司订立保险合同% 卖方必须履行合同义务% 只需投保伦敦保险协会的货物运输保险条款中的最低责任险 或按照中国人民保险公司的平安险投保% 保险区间应该覆盖全部运输区间% 保险金额为合同货款金额的110%,并以合同规定的货币投保。% 卖方投保属于代办性质,卖方应背书转让以便买方直接向保险公司索赔。(2)装船订舱及装船通知问题(见CFR)(3)卸货费用的负担问题CIF术语变形: CI

41、F Liner Terms: 班轮条件,卖方负责卸货费 CIF Ex Ships Hold: 舱底交货,买方负责卸货费 CIF Ex Tackle: 钓钩下交货,卖方负责卸离钓钩(不包括驳船费和码头费) CIF Landed: 卸到岸上,卖方负责卸到岸上,包括驳船费与码头费Variants of CIF CIF Liner Terms-means that both loading and unloading charges are covered by the carrier and calculated in freight. In fact, the seller covers.( CI

42、F ex ships hold-means the buyer is to cover the unloading charges at the port of destination. CIF ex tackle -means the seller is to cover the discharge from ships hold to the placed under the tackle alongside the ship. CIF landed-means the seller is to cover the discharge until the goods are placed

43、onto land including lighterage and wharfage at the port of destination.注意船靠港在浅水时运用驳船的费用的承担。不懂的单独来问。(4)象征性交货问题象征性交货与实际交货的定义象征性交货 (symbolic delivery):卖方只需要按规定完成装运并向买方提交了合同规定的单据就完成了交货义务,无需保证到货。又称“单据交易”。实际交货(physical delivery):卖方按合同规定向买方交付货物,不能以交单代替交货。象征性交货的特征:1、 完成装运即完成交货2、 既要完成实体交货,又要完成单据交货,两者同等重要: 若卖

44、方装运后提交符合合同规定的单据,则运输途中货物的风险与卖方无关,买方必须履行付款义务。 若交付单据不符合合同规定,即使货物符合合同规定,买方有权拒收货物和单据。 买方凭单据付款后,发现货物不符合合同规定,仍可以拒收货物和提出赔偿。 为什么CIF 合同不是到达合同 而是装运合同?为什么CIF是离岸价而不是到岸价? CIF条件下,交货点为装运港,风险划分界限为“船舷为界” 货物装船后 除正常运费和保险费以外的费用,也由买方承担; 卖方只需要提交合同规定的单据,就完成了其交货义务。 所以CIF并非到岸价,而是离岸价,是装运合同的性质。真正的到达合同是D组术语合同。小结1、CIF+目的港。2、交货点:装运港船上。3、风险划分点:装运港船舷为界。4、费用划分(运费、保险费)。5、报关。6、只适用海运或内河航运。7、象征性交货8、最低责任险110%8、卸货费的负担。案例分析:我方按CIF条件进口一批床单,货物抵达后发现床单在运输途中部分受潮,而卖方已如期向我方递交了合同规定的全套合格单据并要求我方支付货款。问我方能否以所交货物受潮而拒付货款并向卖方提出索赔?参考结合:P32.案例分析一,P26实训2三、 CFRDefinition CFR Cost and Freight


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