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1、 知识清单一解题技巧1. 通读短文,注意抓住文章的中心。2 抓住文章的线索,即故事发生的时间when、地点where、人物who及事情经过how等。3. 联系上下文语境,推敲、猜想生词词义。4. 先读问题后读文章,有目的地阅读,提高阅读速度和质量。典例精析词汇:chocolate n 巧克力 be made of 由做成 order v.点菜 dish n.盘菜 ham n.火腿cabbage n 卷心菜 delicious adj.美味的,可口的 fresh adj 新鲜的I am a middle school student. I like eating meat and chocola

2、te, but I dont like doing sports, so I am fattertha n others. I hear that there is aiew restaura nt n ear my home. Its n ame is“ ChinesndJaijlube the food there is made of vegetables. Last Sun day, my mother and I ate dinner there. The restaura nt wasclea n and quiet. I ordered a dish. It looked and

3、 tasted like a ham, but its made of cabbage and potatoes. I likeit because its so delicious and good for my health. I also like the drinks there. They are all made of fresh fruit.1. What does the writer like eati ng?A.Hamburgers.B.Ham.C.Meat and chocolate.2. Whats the n ame of the new restaura nt?A.

4、Ch in ese JujubeB.Fresh fruit C.Cabbage3. Whe n did the writer and his mother have dinner in the new restaura nt?A.Last Sun day.4. What was the dish made of?A.Cabbage. B.Potatoes.B.Yesterday. C.Last week.C.Both A and B.5.In the writers opinion在作者看来,the dish in the restaura nt isA.good B.clea n C.fre

5、sh点拨:1.由短文中的“I like ating meat and chocolate.可知,作者喜欢吃肉和巧克力。2. 由短文中的 “I hear that there is a new restaura nt n ear my home. Its n ame is *Chi nese Juji 可知,这 家新餐馆的名字是“ Chinese Jujube3. 由短文中的“Last Sundaymy mother and I ate dinner there,可知,作者和他的妈妈在上周日去过这家餐馆吃饭。4. 由短文中的 “I ordered a dish. It looked and ta

6、sted like a ham,but its made of cabbage and potato 可 s.知,这道菜的材料是卷心菜和土豆。5. 通读全文后可知,作者非常喜欢这家餐馆,这儿的菜非常好吃而且对身体有益。【答案】1.C 2.A 3.A 4.C专项练习5.A第一篇:Life with new inventions is interesting and great. Inventions can help us in the future. Here are some inven tions from the scie nee magaz ine. Lets have a look.

7、My n ame is Lucy. Im an e-school bag. Im small and useful. I am now in some on es family. People useme to see a film or write an email. Stude nts will use me to read books, study on li ne and do homework athome in ten years. I think I am very helpful to people.My n ame is Mike. I am thin and stron g

8、. I will come into every on es family in ten years. I will help peopledo some housework. I will sweep the floor, do the dishes, make the bed and cook for them. They will have freetime to relax.Please look at me. My n ame is Peter. I am very small and light. People will use me, my brothers and mysist

9、ers in the future. We will take them to many places. We on ly use sun light. We wont make anyollution .The air will be nice and fresh. That is good for peoples health.1. There are _ inven ti ons from the scie nee magaz ine.A .twoB .threeC .four2. Lucy is _.A .thi n and strongB .small and useful C .s

10、mall and light3. -What housework can Mike do?-He can _ . sweep the floor wash the clothes cook meals make the bedA .B .C .4. The word polluti on mea ns _ . A .污染 B .感染 C .消灭5. _From the passage we know .A 丄 ucy is a car B .Mike is a robotC .Peter is an e-schoolbag第一篇. 第-二篇.Mrs. Jones is an American

11、doctor. She is now in China. She works in a childrens hospital in Beijing. Shelikes the children and she likes to work for children. She works hard in the day time and learns Chinese in theeve ning school. She also lear ns Chin ese from the Chin ese doctors and her Chin ese frie nds. Now she canspea

12、k some Chinese. She can read and write some Chinese, too. She says its not easy to learn Chinese well.Mr. Jon es, her husba nd 丈夫is a teacher. He teaches En glish in the No.5 Middle School. He works fromMon day to Friday. He teaches 3 classes every day.1. Mrs. Jones works in _ .A .America B .En gla

13、ndC .Chi na2. Mrs. Jones lear ns Chin ese in _ .A .a hospital B .an eve ning school C .a library3. Mrs. Jones lear ns Chin ese from _ .A .the Chin ese doctors and her Chin ese frie ndsB .her stude ntsC .her patie nts 病人4. Mr. Jones works _ .A .in a hospital B .in a middle school5. Mr. Jones works _

14、every week.C .in a factoryC .seve n daysA .five daysB .six days第三篇:rm Mary. My gran dfather was a teacher. He did nt buy a TV and he n ever watched TV. He thought thatpeople spe nt 花费too much time watch ing it. Some of his frie nds ofte n talked about sports shows, filmsand plays. My gran dfather al

15、ways did some readi ng or walked in the eve ning. Two years ago, my gran dfather was 60 years old. He stopped work ing in the school. My father bought him a TV. He bega n to watchthe n ews and sports. Now, he knows much more about the world. And he reads more books, too. He ofte n chats with his fri

16、endsabout the n ews, sports and so on. He is happier tha n before and always has a smile on his face.1. Marys gran dfather did nt watch TV because _ .A .he did nt like watch ing TVB .he thought it took people too much time to watch TVC .he could nt buy a TV2. Marys gran dfather _ whe n he worked in

17、the school.A .we nt to mountainsB .watched TVC .read books3. Marys gran dfather did nt work in the school _ .A .whe n he was 60B .because he bought a TVC .when Marys father asked him not to work4. Marys gran dfather is _ now.A .58.B .60C .625. Which sen te nee is RIGHT?A .Marys gran dfather isnt alw

18、ays happy now.B .Marys gran dfather still reads books now.C .Marys gran dfather had a TV before he was 60.第四篇:Mrs. Jenkins is now in a big shop. She is going to buy a coat. She is sta nding at the count 角落 .She iswaiting for 等候the woman in the shop. A fat woman is standing near her. She is looking a

19、t Mrs. Jenkins.Excuse me? Yes? says Mrs. Jenkins. The fat woma n says, Ca n you help me? I want a coat. Mrs.Jenkins says, Im sorry. I cant help you. Of course 当然 you can help me. Thats your work. Mrs. Jenkinsan swers, Its not my work. I want a coat, too. I am a buye 顾客.Im not the one in the shop.1.

20、Mrs. Jenkins goes to _ .Aook at the shop window B .see her frie nd in the shop C .do some shopp ing 买东西2. Who is sta nding at the coun ter?A .Mrs. Jenkins. B .A fat woma n.3. The fat woma n _ .C .The woma n in the shop. A .knows Mrs. Jenkins B .does nt know Mrs. JenkinsC .wa nts to talk谈话to Mrs. Jen

21、kins4. The fat woma n thin ks认为 _ .A .Mrs. Jenkins is a worker 工人in the shopB .Mrs. Jenkins is a nice woma nC .Mrs. Jenkins is unhappy 不快乐to help her5. who is the boss 老板in the shop?A .Mrs. Jenkins. B .A fat woma n. C .Sorry, we dont know.第五篇:The students in Grade Six are going to fac面临 the biggest

22、exam 考试.They study very hard.Every day they do a lot of exercises of Chinese, maths and English.Li Jun is a stude nt in Class Two. He is good at En glish and maths. But his Chin ese is not so good. So hehas to do some read ing after the homework.Li Yan is Li Juns cousin. She is in Class Three. She l

23、ikes singing and dancing. Shes going to be a singerin the future. Every day, whe n she fini shes her homework, she has to sing and dance for an hour.1. Li Jun is good at _ .A .Ch in eseB .scie neeC .En glish and maths2. Li Jun_after the homework.Aearns En glish B .does some read ing C .draws picture

24、s3. Li Yan is Li Juns _.A .pe n palB .classmateC .cous in4. Li Yan likes _ .A .pa in ti ngB .play ing badm inton C .singing and dancing5. The stude nts in Grade Six will face _ .A .a big farewell partyB .the biggest school trip C .the biggest exam第六篇: Mrs Black lived in a city of En gla nd. Her husb

25、a nd died two years ago and one of her childre n worked inthe capital and the other three lived in ano ther tow n. Her husba nd did nt leave her much money and she hadto live a simple life. Sometimes her children went to see her during their holidays but they stayed with her foronly two or three day

26、s. Luckily she had a cat with her. She liked it very much and took it everywhere she went.One win ter morning the old woma n got up early. She was going to buy some food in a shop. And when shecame out, she found there was much snow in the street. She had to sweep it away. And sudde nly she foundthe

27、 cat at the corner of the house. And the n she laughed .Her cat caught a big mouse.1.O ne of the old woma ns childre n worked in _ .A .Moscow B .Paris C 丄 on do nD .New York2. Mrs Black lived a simple life because _ .A .she was nt rich eno ughB .she hoped to save money for her childre nC .she had fo

28、ur childre n D .her childre n hated her3. Her childre n went to see her _.A .Every dayB .duri ng Mrs Blacks duri ngC .whe n they had holidays D .Whe n she felt excited4.O ne win ter morni ng the old woma n got up early. She wan ted .A .to make a snow man B .to sweep the snowC .to go shopp ingD .to find her cat5. _Mrs Black laughed because .A .she saw her catB .A big mouse was caught by her catC .her cat was at the corner of the house D .she thought she could catch a big mouse


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