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1、表示地点的介词表示地点(包括动向)的介词at, in, on,toat表示在小地方:I arriveatschoolat nine every morning.我每天早上九点到校。表示“在附近,旁边”The Smiths areatthe beach.史密斯一家在沙滩上。in表示在大地方:When did you arrive in Beljing?你什么时候到北京的?表示“在范围之内”:The penclis in the pencl-box.铅笔在铅笔盒里。on表示毗邻,接壤,“在上面”Mongolia is on the north of China.蒙古在中国的北面。表示在某物体上面并

2、与之接触:He put his watch on the table.他把手表放桌上。to表示“在范围外”不强调是否接壤:或“到”:Japan is to the east of China.日本在中国的东面。above, overabove指“在上方”,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对:The bird is flying above my head.鸟儿在我头顶上飞过。over指垂直的上方,与under相对,over有覆盖的含义在里面:There is a bridge over the river.江上有座桥。below, underunder表示“在正下方”:There is a c

3、at under the table.桌子下面有只猫。below表示“在下方”,不一定在正下方:Please write your name below the line.请在线的下方写上您的名字。in front of, in the front ofin front of“在前面”,指甲物在乙物之前,两者互不包括:其反义词是behind(在的后面):There are some flowers in front of the house.房子前面有些花卉。In the front of“在的前部,即甲物在乙物的内部,反义词是at the back of.(在范围内的后部):There is

4、 a blackboard in the front of our classroom.我们的教室前边有一块黑板。beside, behind,nearbeside表示“在旁边”:Tom sits beside Ben.汤姆坐在本的旁边。behind表示“在后面”:The fountain is behind the hill.喷泉在假山后面。near表示“在附近”(范围比较广):Dont stand near the lake,children.孩子们,不要站在河边。Near my home,there is a supermarket.在我家附近有一家超市。between, amongBe

5、tween(指时间、空间、顺序等)在之间(两者之间):They planted a lot of trees between the two buldings.他们在两座建筑物之间栽了许多树。These books were written between 1736 and 1770.这些书写于1736年至1770年之间。(指数量、距离、程度等)介于之间(两者之间)He is a man between sixty and seventy.他的年龄约在 6O 到70之间。连接着;来往于之间(两者之间):There is a path between the house and the road

6、.有条小路将房子与出路连接起来。among(表示位置)处在中,为所环绕,为所环抱:He was sitig among a group of chidren, telling them a story.他正坐在一群孩子中间讲故事。(表示范围)在之内,在一类之中,是中之一,在群中:She is the tallest among her classmates.她在她同学之中是最高的。学习小贴士between作为介词使用时往往会和and一起出现,如果没有出现,则后面的名词必须为复数形式,例: The table isbetween the tree and the bench.桌子在树和长凳的中间

7、。 The table isbetween the trees.桌子在树的中间。地点(动向)介词往往也会搭配一些动词,以动词词组的方式出现在句中。up/down(含义相反)The car is running up the hill.汽车正向山上开来。The car is running down the hill.汽车正向山下开去。on/of(含义相反)We get on the train at nine and get off the train at five.我们九点上火车,五点下火车。through/across(含义相近)Go straigntthroughthat door,p

8、lease.请从那道门直穿过去。We drovethroughthe tunnel.我们开车穿过了隧道。You must not runacrossthe road. 你不要跑过马路。A bridge was laidacrossthe river.一座桥横架河上。学习小贴士across和through 都有“穿过,通过”的意思。但 across 往往指的是在物体的表面通过,而 through指的是从物体的中间通过。along/by(含义相近)She walkedalongthe path.她沿着小路走去。I lookedalongthe length of the building.我的视线掠过整幢大楼。He walkedbyme without speaking. 他从我身边走过,什么也没说。My brother goesbythe building every day.我哥哥每天经过这幢大楼。


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