初中英语语法精讲+精练 祈使句.docx

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1、祈使句1概念引入用来表示请求、命令、叮嘱、建议等的句子叫祈使句。祈使句的谓语动词用原形,句子没有主语,句末使用感叹号或者句号。例如:Open the door quickly!快打开门!2用法讲解1. 祈使句的肯定句。1)以系动词be开头的祈使句。这种句式的结构是:Be动词其它成分(形容词、名词或介词短语等)例如:Be quiet / quick! Be a good student! Be careful when crossing the street.2)以实义动词开头的祈使句。这种祈使句的常用结构为:行为动词原形其它成分。例如:Come in, please!请进!Stand up,

2、please. = Please stand up. 请起立。3)let句型。这种祈使句的常用结构为:Lets / let us+动词原形;或者是Let +宾语+其他。Lets play football!我们一起踢足球吧!Let me help you. 让我来帮你。2. 祈使句的否定句。1)Dont +动词原形。 Dont be careless. 别粗心。 Dont be late again. 不要再迟到。 Dont let them play with fire. 别让他们玩火。 Dont look at your books. 不要看书。2)Let引起的祈使句的否定形式。a. Le

3、ts ( Let sb. ) + not +动词原形。 Lets not say anything about it. 对于这件事,咱们什么也别说。 Let them not play with fire. 别让他们玩火。b. Dont+ let+宾语+动词原形+其他。Dont let Jim do that. 别让吉姆做那事。Dont let us go, please. 请不要让我们走。3)在公共场合的提示语中,否定祈使句常用“No名词/ V-ing形式”结构,表示“禁止做某事”。例如:NO PHOTOS! 禁止拍照!No parking! 禁止停车!3.祈使句的反意疑问句。1)肯定祈使句

4、的反意疑问句反问部分用will you 或wont you。 Please open the door, will/ wont you? 请把门打开,好吗? Be sure to write to us, will/ wont you? 你一定要给我们写信,好吗?2)否定祈使句的反意疑问句反问部分只用will you。 Dont be late again, will you? 别再迟到了,行不行? Dont smoke in the meeting room, will you? 不要在会议室抽烟,好吗?3)以lets开头的祈使句反意疑问句反问部分用shall we。 Lets turn o

5、n the TV, shall we? 我们把电视打开,好吗?以let us开头的祈使句的反意疑问句的反问部分应为will you或wont you.例如:Let us stay here, will/ wont you? 请(你)让我们留在这好吗?4. 祈使句的回答。祈使句的动作通常是表示将来发生的动作,所以回答祈使句时,一般用will或wont。在回答具有否定意义的祈使句时,要注意两点:1)形式一致:即Yes与will保持一致;No与wont保持一致。2)意思相反:即Yes是“不”的意思;No是“是”的意思。在回答时,要注意分析上下文语境中所提供的条件。例如:Dont go out, pl

6、ease. Its raining heavily outside.请不要出去。外面雨下得很大。Yes, I will. I have to meet my brother at the airport.不行,我得去机场接我弟弟5. 祈使句使用时应注意的问题。1)在表达请求或劝告时,有时为了表示委婉的语气,可以在句首或句末please,但是如果please加在句末,应用逗号将其与前面的部分隔开。例如:Sit down, please. 请坐。Please look after the twins. 请照顾一下双胞胎。2)在意思比较明显的情况下,可以把谓语动词省略。例如:This way, pl

7、ease. 请这边走。3)有时为了加强语气,可以在动词前使用do.例如:Do be careful!一定要小心!4)有时为了强调对方,也可加上主语you,人名或everybody, anybody等不定代词。例如:You sweep the floor and I clean the window. 你来扫地我来擦窗户。Stand up, everybody. 请大家起立。5)有时为了明确向谁提出请求或发出命令,可加称呼语,但称呼语要与句子用逗号隔开。例如:Put the shirt on the bed, Jim.吉姆,把衬衫放床上。巩固练习. 单项选择。1. _ with fire. It

8、s very dangerous.A. Playing B. Play C. Dont play D. Doesnt play2Dont _ the radio. The baby is sleeping.A. turn off B. turn on C. turn overD. turn down3. _ hard and youll make progress in English.A. WorkB. To workC. WorkingD. Worked4. _ worried about me Mom. Ive grown up.A. DontB. Dont beC. NotD. Not

9、 be5. _ late again, Bill!A. Dont to beB. Dont beC. Not beD. Be not6. _ cross the road until(直到)the traffic lights turn green.A. NotB. WontC. DoesntD. Dont7. Please help me carry it, _?A. will IB. will youC. shall ID. shall we8. Dont make so much noise, _?A. will youB. wont youC. shall weD. do you9.

10、Kate, _ your homework here tomorrow.A. bringB. bringsC. to bringD. bringing10. _ me the truth, or Ill be angry.A. TellingB. To tellC. ToldD. Tell【真题链接】1. _ on the grass, or it will “cry”.A. To walkB. Not to walkC. WalkD. Dont walk2. _ swim in the river alone, Karen. Its too dangerous.A. NotB. DontC.

11、 Doesnt3. _ along this street, and you can find the hotel on your right, next to the market.A. WalkB. To walkC. WalksD. Walking4. Daniel,_ play with the mobile phone while youre walking in the street.A. dontB. doesntC. wontD. cant. 将以下祈使句改为否定式。1. Come here early. _2. Ask him._3. Please wait for her.

12、 _4. Read the book carefully._5. Sit under the tree, please._6. Lets go there together._. 句型转换。1. Will you please read it again more slowly? (改为祈使句) _ _ again more slowly, please.2. Lets watch the sports games. (改为反意疑问句) Lets watch the sports games, _ _?3. Please sit next to Nancy.(改为否定句)_ _ next to

13、 Nancy.4. Dont forget to turn off(关掉)the lights, please.(改为反意疑问句)Dont forget to turn off the lights, _ _?5. Come to my house tomorrow.(改为反意疑问句)Come to my house tomorrow, _ _?. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Its an important meeting. _ (not, be)late.2. _ (not, make) any noise! Your mother is sleeping.3. _ (not,

14、speak) with your mouth full of food and _ (be) polite.4. _ ( not, talk) and _ (read) aloud.5. _ (not, leave) your homework for tomorrow, Larry.6. _ (look) out! A car is coming.7. _ (give) us ten years and just see what our country will be like.8. _ (not, let) the baby cry.9. Wear more clothes or you

15、 _ (catch) a cold.10. Lets _ (not, say) anything about it.参考答案. 单项选择。1. C。从句子的后面意思可以判断前面应该用否定句,本句子是祈使句,祈使句的否定句是在句子前面加助动词dont,在句子开头要大写。2. B。本句子是考查祈使句的否定句的用法。从后面句子的意思“孩子在睡觉”可以理解前面的句子是用祈使句的否定句表示“不要打开收音机”的意思。3. A。本句为祈使句的肯定句。祈使句的肯定句以动词原形开头,故本题选A。4. B。此句是祈使句的否定句,祈使句的否定句用dont+动词原形,“be worried about sth./sb

16、.”意为“为担心”。故本题选B。5. B。句意:“不要再晚了,Bill。”,因此可知本句是be动词做谓语的祈使句的否定式。以Dont 开头,后面用be的原形。6. D。本句是行为动词的祈使句的否定式,在句首加Dont.7. B。肯定祈使句的反义疑问句,用will you 或者wont you。8. A。否定祈使句的反义疑问句用will you。9. A。祈使句以动词原形开头。10. D。祈使句以动词原形开头。【真题链接】1. D。祈使句的否定句,直接在动词原形前加dont。2. B。本句命令不要在河里独自游泳,有危险。否定祈使句。3.A肯定祈使句,动词原形开头。Walk along the s

17、treet意为“沿着这条街”。4. A。否定祈使句,命令别人不要做某事。动词原形前加dont。. 将以下祈使句改为否定式。1. Dont come here early.2. Dont ask him.3. Dont wait for her, please.4. Dont read the book carefully.5. Dont sit under the tree, please.6. Lets not go there together. 句型转换。1. Read it 2. shall we3. Dont sit 4. will you5. will / wont you. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Dont be2. Dont make3. Dont speak, be4. Dont talk, read5. Dont leave6. Look out7. Give8. Dont let9. will catch10. not say


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