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1、Family and friendsFamily and relativesModule 1Unit 11Look and learnrelative/123455-1My name is Alice.These are my family and relatives.This is my grandfather.This is my grandmother.This is my mother.This is my father.This is my brother.This is my aunt.These are my uncles.These are my cousins.5-41234

2、5motherfatherbrothergrandfathergrandmotheruncleauntunclecousincousin5-512345daughtersongrandson/granddaughter/Question number 1:He is my fathers brother.Whos he?Hes your uncle.Question number 2:Shes my fathers niece.Whos she?Shes your cousin.Question number 3:Hes my mothers father.Whos he?Hes your g

3、randfather.Question number 4:Shes my daughters daughter.Whos she?Shes your granddaughter.Listen and answerQuestion number 5:He is my sisters son.Whos he?Hes your nephew.Question number 6:Shes my aunts sister.Her daughter is my sister.Whos she?Shes your mother.Question number 7:He is my fathers son.B

4、ut hes not my brother.Whos he?Its you.Whats this?What do you usually say on your friends birthday?a birthday cardHappy birthday!1233-1Look and readWhat is it?present1233-2Alice has got a lot of presents and birthday cards from her family and relatives.1233-3In pairs,decide who Alices birthday cards

5、are from.41234-1Look,write and makeDear daughterHappy Birthday!Love_ and _MumDad41234-2Dear sisterHappy Birthday!LoveYour _Tombrother41234-3Dear granddaughterHappy Birthday!Love_Your grandfather and grandmother41234-4Dear cousinHappy Birthday!Love_Ken and MaryYour cousinsListen and sayAre they your

6、family and relatives,Alice?Yes,they are.This is my grandfather.This is my grandmother.These are my uncles and this is my aunt.These are my cousins.122-1I have two uncles.How many uncles do you have?I have one uncle.I only have one aunt.How many aunts do you have?I have one aunt,too.122-2only/S2:How

7、many brothers do you have?sisters cousins uncles auntsIn pairs,talk about each others family members/relatives.S1:This is mybrother(s).These aresister(s).cousin(s).uncle(s).aunt(s).S1:I only have one _./I have(number)_.Ask and answerfamily activitiesplay footballplay basketballplay badmintongo swimm

8、inggo cyclingplay volleyballwatch TVwatch a film/2-1Look and sayfamily activitiesgo to a restaurantgo shoppingplay(computer)gamesread books2-2Brainstorm/SUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATI always watch TV.1233-1Look and learnSUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATI usually play basketball.1233-2SUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATI sometimes go

9、 cycling.1233-3Alice,what do you do with your aunt?I usually go shopping with my aunt.What else do you do with her?I sometimes play badminton with her.Listen and sayWhat do you do with your family and relatives?Talk to a classmate,like this:S1:What do you do with your _?S2:I with myalwaysusuallysome

10、timesplay games/football/badmintongo shopping/swimming/cyclinggo to a restaurant/the parkwatch TV/a filmfather.mother.brother(s).sister(s).uncle(s).aunt(s).cousin(s).grandfather(s).grandmother(s).S1:What else do you do withhim?her?them?S2:I withsometimeshim?her?them?Ask and answerA surveyFind out wh

11、at your classmates are in their families.Complete the table,and talk about it with your classmates.Alicesondaughterbrothersistergrandsongranddaughtercousin 2-112Im a daughter,a sister,a granddaughter and a cousin in my family.2-2S1:What are you in your family?S2:Im a _,and a _ in my family.2-2me_sondaughterbrothersistergrandsongranddaughtercousin CLEAR12Write about your family,like this.This is my family photo.This is my _.These are my _ I always/usually/some-times with my _.Write


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