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1、Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计2020.06Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计公司案例Companys case规模:78258 建成时间:2018 年成都麓湖红石公园规模:73000 /7.3 公顷(Hectare)所获奖项:2018 全国人居景观杰出奖,2017 青岛市年度优秀工程勘察设计一等奖万

2、科青岛小镇冒险公园研究Research项目区位设计目标上位规划设计理念现状分析概念解读对标案例Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计项目区位Project Location区位:分析:云南SITESITEYUN NAN项目位于昆明主城西山区草海片区,位于滇池北岸、主城西部,是离主城最近可享滇池風光的片区,是现代新昆明”一湖四片 环滇发展的重要组成部分;紧邻昆明市滇池国家旅游度假区海埂板块。草海片区属昆明开发热点板块,为昆明富人聚集地。一线的湖景资源/城

3、市轴线的绿地系统景观如何利用资源或者与周边公共空间联动,从而增加场地的溢价空间?The project is located in Caohai area,Xishan District,the main city of Kunming,on the North Bank of Dianchi Lake and in the west of the main city.It is the closest scenic area of Dianchi Lake to the main city,an important part of the development of modern new

4、Kunming,one lake,four areas around Yunnan,and adjacent to Haigeng plate of Dianchi National Tourist Resort in Kunming.Caohai area is a hot area of Kunming development and a gathering place for the rich in Kunming.Lakeview resources of the first line/green space system of urban axisHow can landscape

5、use resources or interact with surrounding public space to increase the premium space of the site?水岸活力廊道Water bank vitality corridor南绕城草海隧道Caohai tunnel around the city in the South 中央公园活力服务设施Center park Activity service facilities滇池Dian chi草海区Caohai area草海隧道Water bank vitality corridor社区活力轴Communit

6、y vitality axisSITELandscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计上位规划Upper planning综合公园游园带状公园项目地块外围环绕带状公园,地块规划范围内绿地景观设计应与其在景观上相呼应并进行区分,与现状地形水系相结合,和而不同。水域行政办公用地商业用地商住混合用地中小学用地项目地块用地主要类型为商住混合用地、住宅用地以及各种绿地。场地内有一处供电用地。一类居住用地其他非建设用地二类居住用地公园绿地供电用地社会福利设施用地E4-1 湿

7、地设计面积约 63375 B14、B15 湿地设计面积约 21614 A19 景观设计面积按建筑密度暂定为 63038 E4-1B15B14A19城市支路城市次干道城市主干道城市快速路公交站城市快速路以及主干道均穿过场地,对外对内交通便捷。草海片区与周边交通联系密切,道路连通,具有多趟公交线路,交通便利。/公园+商业+住宅的用地模式,各种业态之间如何平衡,使其各自的价值效益最大化?Park+business+residential mode,how to balance various business types to maximize their value and benefit?分析:

8、住宅私属商业引流公园活力人为干扰生态重塑?商住板块商住板块Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计现状分析Current situation analysis1887.201888.511888.301890.001888.901891.101888.901889.971888.201889.131887.101888.101886.801887.681886.801887.001886.601888.581886.601889.731886.80188

9、7.481888.601890.771886.601888.401886.801886.981887.501888.821888.501888.921888.701889.501887.401887.80植被系统紊乱,无明显的长势较好的现状片林。已有现状水体尺度较小,现状水体较小与滇池之间衔接紧密场地内无其他构筑,地形起坡与植物种植效果一般,缺乏空间层次感。There is no other structure in the site,the effect of slope and plant planting is general,and there is no sense of spati

10、al level.The existing water body is small in scale and closely connected with Dianchi LakeThe vegetation system is disordered,and there is no obvious current forest with good growth./项目地块高差较小,地势平坦。适度通过地形增强空间的延展性和空间的体验感,并通过人工的接入恢复生态湿地的环境。/The height difference of the project plot is small and the ter

11、rain is flat.The extension of the space and the experience of the space are enhanced by the terrain,and the environment of the ecological wetland is restored by the artificial access.分析:Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计对标案例Benchmarking cases案

12、例总结:案例总结:项目占地 1.5 公顷,中心是一座 4000 平方米,悉尼 CBD 内最大的儿童游乐场。设计从达令港的工业历史出发,通过抽象的艺术形式,在游乐场再现澳大利亚各大河流的景象。以“水”为主题,打造一系列具有创意的互动游戏空间。从德国引进的制作精细的儿童水上游乐器材和天然材料的使用,确保游乐安全性的同时,鼓励儿童与同伴之间的交流与合作、探索与享受这个精彩的水世界。多种类型的游乐器械和功能设施,让各种年龄人群都能参与其中、享受快乐。充分考虑雨水过滤和回收利用的策略以及采用最先进节能灯的举措,是社会和生态可持续发展的体现。澳大利亚悉尼达令港市民公园麓湖公园网红打卡点塑造商业+亲子公园共

13、享湿地公园 最大化利用现状地貌。以流畅性线条穿插布置各项功能景点,主要以市民休闲娱乐、健身运动为主,为周边住宅提供配套服务。对各类年龄段的生活状态进行了深入研究,让生活在这里的每一个人各得其所。研究孩童的心理和行为习惯,形成“自然教育、成长教育、儿童游戏、儿童活动”等多样化空间。创造一个具有吸引力和市场竞争力的现代化社区,联系周边住宅区、商业区。Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计设计目标design goal一个新型的 PARK+COMMERCIA

14、L 的商业模式A new business model of Park+CommercialA new mode of Seclusion in the new era of water transportation+forestry bureauA multi-dimensional shared Wetland Park一个水行+林居的新时代世外“隐居”一个多维度共享的湿地公园Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计云南剪纸文化关于剪纸的故事云南各少

15、数民族因其生存环境之差异,传统之不同,出现了不同的文化现象,形成了丰富多彩的文学艺术式样,剪纸是其中之一。各民族的剪纸,有的服务于宗教信仰、礼仪习俗、专供观赏而展现于寺庙,更多的则用于服饰的纹样,展现的是姹紫嫣红的刺绣图案。凝聚着云南人民智慧的剪纸文化,就是云南人民的生活缩影。Due to the difference of their living environment and traditions,the ethnic minorities in Yunnan have different cultural phenomena,forming a variety of literary

16、and artistic styles,among which paper-cut is one of them.Some of the paper-cut of various nationalities serve religious beliefs,rituals and customs,and are displayed in temples for viewing.More of them are used for patterns of clothing,showing colorful embroidery patterns.The paper-cut culture that

17、embodies the wisdom of Yunnan people is the epitome of Yunnan Peoples life.设计理念Design conceptLandscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计理念解读Interpretation of ideas以剪纸的线条剥离出轨迹和图案,并以此作为设计的起源和开端,通过景观化的抽象演绎,演变成为场地的线条,景观的小品,进而形成系统化一体化的设计构思。语言提炼和解析设计图案Design

18、 patternDesign line设计线条Taking the line of paper-cut movement as the origin and beginning of the design,the track and pattern are separated,and through the abstract interpretation of landscape,it becomes the line of the site and the sketch of the landscape,and then forms a systematic and integrated d

19、esign idea.设计Design总体平面功能分区NLandscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计总体平面General layout以湿地公园的先行为范本,塑造生态宜居空间,并以此引发话题和口碑效应,带动整体产业发展。The first behavior model of Wetland Park is used to create an ecological livable space,which can trigger topics and word

20、-of-mouth effects and promote the overall industrial development.Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计功能分区Functional area商业景观区住宅景观区Residential landscape area公园景观区Park landscape areaCommercial landscape area三大主题空间+11 小节点空间住宅入口住宅入口巷道巷道巷道口袋公园口袋公园口袋公

21、园口袋公园口袋公园口袋公园滨水走廊滨水走廊滨水走廊戏水观景亲子互动湿地景观湿地景观公园入口公园入口商业入口商业入口水街水街岛屋岛屋住宅入口巷道口袋公园滨水走廊戏水观景亲子互动湿地景观公园入口商业入口水街岛屋Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计公园篇关键词:Park Part共享share场地分析Site analysis/84900 左右,平均南北长 600m,西侧 250m,东侧窄处仅仅 20m 左右。/尺度小/功能要求复杂城市公共功能+商业引流功

22、能+住宅配套功能问题:84900 左右分析:/About 84900 ,with an average length of 600m from north to south,250m from the west,and only about 20m from the narrow part on the East.Small scaleComplex functional requirementsUrban public function+Commercial drainage function+residential supporting function商业广场square市民公园park

23、亲子广场square指标:绿化面积:25180 硬质面积:17450 建筑面积:800 水域面积:41470 停车位数量:20 个Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计空中游览动线设计策略design strategy/丰富场地竖向变化,丰富场地体验动线结合场地高差营造,通过增加游览动线的层次,丰富场地的体验感,围绕着交通体系打造地面游览动线,水上游览动线以及空中游览动线三体一面的交通网络。By increasing the level of tour

24、 routes and enriching the experience of the site,a three-dimensional traffic network of ground tour routes,water tour routes and air tour routes is built around the traffic system.策略一:场地游览动线水上游览动线PPAA纸带桥滨水走廊住宅纸环桥亲子乐园断面图 A-A湿地岛12.草坡地形6.09.0Landscape Concept Scheme of

25、 Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计设计策略design strategy/营造口碑话题网红效应先期塑造十大景观功能点结合营销策略,营造市场话题,为区域聚集人气,也为后期的住宅销售及商业的引流助力。/场地动静分离动静分离,优先静态功能中上段布局,动态功能中下段布局并活化空间,减少公园对住宅区域的干扰,并为商业聚人气。静态景观节点动态景观节点商业互联住宅互补Build ten landscape function points in advance combined with marketing stra

26、tegies,create market topics,gather popularity for the region,and help the later residential sales or commercial drainage.Dynamic and static separation,priority of static function layout in the upper part,dynamic function layout in the lower part to activate the space,reduce the interference to the r

27、esidential area,and gather people for business.策略二:纸环景台亲水栈道景观廊架纸带桥亲水驳岸亲水驳岸湿地滩涂亲子乐园极限运动露营草坪Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计公园区鸟瞰Aerial view纸环观景台亲水景观廊架亲水栈道湿地滩涂亲子乐园极限运动纸带桥亲水驳岸露营草坪Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园

28、项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计场地效果Aerial view公园入口效果Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计亲水驳岸+纸环桥概念效果场地效果Aerial viewLandscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计场地效果Aerial view纸环桥中庭+亲子屋概念效果Landscape Concep

29、t Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计场地效果Aerial view亲水台阶+纸带桥概念效果Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计场地效果Aerial view亲水驳岸效果Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地

30、块景观设计场地效果Aerial view亲子空间概念效果Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计亲子空间Parent-child paradise主题亲子互动+极限运动+旱溪+戏水装置Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计水循环策略Water cycle strategy/设计采用 LID 雨水措施:绿色覆土建筑

31、、坡地雨水径流,汇入雨水花园,雨水下渗、储存、净化;路面采用透水性铺装,路旁生态植草沟收集雨水;多余的雨水,经过生态植被过滤带,最终汇入湖中。/LID rainwater measures are designed:Green earth-covered buildings and sloping rainwater runoff flow into rainwater gardens for rainwater infiltration,storage and purification;The road surface adopts permeable pavement,roadside e

32、cological grass ditch to collect rainwater;The excess rainwater flows into the lake through ecological vegetation filters.更新大气环境滨湖绿地湿地植物湿地植物蒸腾湿地动物融入水体渗透慢行系统绿色建筑蓄水雨水储存、净化坡地径流Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计商业篇关键词:公园+商业场地分析Site analysis/商业规模小,

33、尺度局限,如何挖掘景观价值的多余价值?小众业态商业+公园式开放街区问题:How to excavate the redundant value of landscape value?commercial+Park+minority businesscommercial+Park business Part沿街商业建筑长约 20-30m景观底图主题岛建筑约为 7*15m/商业地块尺度较小,景观空间狭窄,沿街商业建筑长约 20-30m,主题岛建筑约为 7*15m。分析:/The scale of the commercial plot is small,the landscape space is

34、 narrow,the length of the commercial building along the street is about 20-30m,and the building on the theme island is about 7*15m.Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计规划城市支路沿街商业景观界面口部链接口部链接口部链接设计策略design strategy/通过水系的自然切分,形成了多岛链接的复合模式,对内采用穿针引线的

35、布局方式,强化岛链效应,对外通过口部与外部商业体块形成规模。三横+两纵空间格局策略一:Through the natural segmentation of water system,a composite mode of multi Island link is formed.The internal layout mode is adopted to strengthen the island chain effect,and the external scale effect is formed through the mouth and external commercial bloc

36、ks.商业互联Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计商业亲水露台外展空间挖掘特殊的业态(文艺范/书吧,清吧等)水巷(外部商业街)设计策略design strategy/将商业置于公园的环境当中,通过公共开放式空间,带动商业的消费挖掘特殊的业态(文艺书吧,文艺餐吧、清吧水街等),通过岛屿节点设计、沿街商业街设计,形成独特的消费空间。/Put commerce in the environment of the park,promote the consu

37、mption of commerce through public open space Excavate special business forms(literature and art book bar,literature and art dining bar,Qingba Water Street,etc.),and form unique consumption space through Island node design and street business street design.策略二:亲水驳岸亲水驳岸亲水驳岸廊桥水巷水巷水巷岛屋岛屋岛屋商业公园commerciaP

38、ark商业街入口水巷岛屋Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计口部意向+水巷内街意向商业意向Parent-child paradiseLandscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计场地效果Aerial view水巷空间概念效果Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi gard

39、en project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计商业意向Parent-child paradise岛屋意向+巷道意向(轻社交户外商业空间)+屋顶商业(生态商业环境)Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计场地效果Aerial view岛屋景观空间概念效果Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B

40、15 地块景观设计住宅篇关键词:水行+隐居场地分析Site analysis/高密度产品,公共功能不足,滨水资源如何在外围和内向不同产品之间维持平衡?如何保证产品价值最大化,同时塑造度假类型的高端产品?隐秘围界+口袋公园+共享水廊问题:/With high-density products and insufficient public functions,how can waterfront resources maintain a balance between peripheral and inward different products to ensure the maximum v

41、alue of products,and at the same time shape high-end products of resort type?Secret enclosure+Pocket Park+shared water corridorWater dwelling+seclusion Housing Part/整体住宅用地公园 94800 左右,其中建筑占地 33700,北侧临湿地公园,资源可共享。景观可灵活塑造面积 61100 分析:建筑占地面积:33700 建筑和景观占比 1:2Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi gard

42、en project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计/门礼 原木 素色 淡雅质朴二合一的精神追求,柴门通幽的低调情怀。策略一:设计策略Design strategyLandscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计场地效果Aerial view住宅入口效果Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景

43、观设计场地效果Aerial view住宅入口效果滨水栈道口袋公园巷道Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计/场地动静分离/组团式分割水资源独享,增加下沉亲水栈道。住宅景观功能外置,空间资源共享。环湖而居,湖引入,人流出。策略二:Group division of water resources exclusive,increase the sinking water-loving plank road.The residential landscape

44、 functions are external and the space resources are Shared.Living around the lake,the lake introduced,people outflow.住宅私享空间亲水公共空间视线视线设计策略Design strategy双环景观结构口袋公园+滨湖游廊最大化湖景资源边角空间利用整合,功能外置互补Double ring landscape structurePocket Park+lakeside corridor双层观景平台Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计场地效果Aerial view住宅亲水平台效果Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目 A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计场地效果Aerial view滨水景观客厅+滨水湿地效果Landscape Concept Scheme of Kun Ming Jiuxi garden project昆明滇池九玺花园项目A19、E4-1、B14、B15 地块景观设计谢谢观赏2020.06


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