七年级英语下学期unit two period 1新目标.ppt

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1、Unit2 Wheres the post officeUnit 2 Wheres the post officeon the boxunder the boxin the box-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its the box.-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.near-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.next to-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.in front of-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its _ the

2、 box.behind-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.across frombigsmall-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _between the big box and the small box.bankBank of Chinastreet 街道街道Ning Jiang StreetThere is a bank on Ning Jiang Street.Is there a bank on Ning Jiang Street?Yes,there is.restaurant 餐馆餐馆There is a r

3、estaurant on Ning Jiang Street.Ning Jiang StreetIs there a restaurant on Ning Jiang Street?Yes,there is.Ning Jiang StreetBank of ChinaThe restaurant is across from the bank.restaurant 餐馆餐馆post office 邮局邮局restaurant 餐馆餐馆The post office is near the restaurant.-Is there a post office near the restauran

4、t?-Yes,there is.supermarket超市超市park 公园公园There is a supermarket behind the park.hotel 旅馆旅馆 school avenue-Is there a hotel on Guang De Avenue?-Yes,there is.Its in front of the school.library 图书馆图书馆 pay phone投币式公用电话厅投币式公用电话厅There is a pay phone next to the library.aeicbhgdSection A 1bConversation 1A:Is

5、 there a restaurant on Fifth Avenue?B:Yes,there is.Conversation 2A:Is there a post office near here?B:Um,yes,there is.Theres one on Bridge Street.Conversation 3A:Is there a supermarket on Center Street.?B:No,there isnt.Excuse me,is there a?问路与指路问路与指路问路问路1.-Excuse me.Is there a near there/in the neig

6、hborhood?2.-Yes,there is.(指明具体位置)指明具体位置)2.-Excuse me.Where is the?Which is the way to the?Could/Can you tell me the way to?How can I get to?Could/Can you tell me how to get to?462351.The library is _2.the restaurant and supermarket.2.The park is _the bank.3.The supermarket is _Fifth Avenue.4.The pay phone is _ the post office.5.The restaurant is _ the post office.6.The hotel is _the library.betweenacross fromonnext toListen and fillin front ofbehindThank you!Bye-bye!Thank you!Bye-bye!


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