七年级英语上学期7A Unit3 period3牛津英语.ppt

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1、 Four students a group,try to retell the text one part after another inside small groups,later Ill ask some students to retell in front of the class.The people in the USA do not celebrate_,but they celebrate_.They have a special_ on _.The children play a game called _.Usually,people givethem _.If th

2、ey dont,the children can _ on them.the Mid-Autumn FestivalHalloweenHalloween partyOctober 31st trick or treatcandies as a treatplay a trick The children always _ atHalloween.They wear _with masks.They sometimes _and people do not know who theyare.This year,Wendy will wear_.They make their own_.They

3、cut out_ _.dress upspecial costumespaint theirfacesa tiger costumepumpkin lanternsthe eyes,the nose and thesharp teethThe family always have a _ onthe _.It usually starts at _.They eat _.They have _and eat_.They do not eat _.partyevening of October 31st8 p.m.lots of special Halloweenchocolates and c

4、andieshot drinkslots of nice,hot foodmooncakesGroup oneGroup twoGroup threeGroup fourpumpkinsharpknocktrickshoutcelebrateoctoberfestivalinterestingcandyGroup1Group2dressmooncakefestivalmasklanternGroup4Group3dressghosttoothwonderfultreata.Finish period 3 of Unit 3 in the handbook of Evaluation(评价手册评价手册).b.Review the contents of this lesson.


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