七年级英语上学期7A U3牛津英语.ppt

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1、执教:凌晓燕牛津英语牛津英语7A unit 3December 25Get cards and presents We can play together Christmas Let s say the 12 months in a yearFebruary MarchAprilMayJuneJuly AugustSeptember October DecemberNovemberJanuary Halloween万圣节万圣节31th October Dressing up as a ghost 打扮成鬼神Pumpkin lanternMid Autumn festival Eat moonc

2、akesIn August Thanksgiving Day感恩节感恩节 Get together and have a big turkey The last Thursday of November 11月最后月最后1个周四个周四Easter 找彩蛋找彩蛋 Eat chocolate eggs 春分月圆春分月圆 后的第一个后的第一个星期日星期日Chinese New year day 放鞭炮放鞭炮Eat many kinds(种类)种类)of foodDragon Boat festival Eat rice dumplingsWhich is your favourite?Why do

3、you like it?(what do we usually do on this day?)Activities:以Day 命名的主要节日New years Day National Day Teachers Day Childrens Day May Day Mother s Day April fools Day Father s DayThanksgiving Day Christmas Day Match them Chinese new yearChristmas Thanksgiving day Mid autumn festival Dragon Boat festival Halloween 圣诞树圣诞树南瓜灯南瓜灯放鞭炮放鞭炮吃火鸡吃火鸡赏月赏月赛龙舟赛龙舟 The Date and the festival New years Day National Day Teachers Day Childrens Day May Day Christmas Day December 25th September 10thMay 1st January 1st October 1st June 1st


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