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1、Unit6 Lets go by taxiLibrary,library,lets go to the library.Theatre,theatre,lets go to the theatre.Airport,airport,lets go to the airport.Station,station,lets go to the station.Hospital,hospital,lets go to the hospital.Supermarket,supermarket,lets go to the supermarket.But how do we go there?但是我们怎么去

2、那里呢但是我们怎么去那里呢?vehiclesminibuscartaxiplanebikebytrainon foot A:Shall we go toby?B:All right./OK./GreatLook and sayA:Shall we go to the supermarket by bus?B:All right.A:Shall we go to the theatre by minibus?B:Great.A:Shall we go to the library by bike?B:All right.A:Shall we go to the hospital by taxi?

3、B:OK.How do we go there?Shanghai Beijing Nanjing Guangzhou hospital1Is this bus for the?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.theatrestationhospitalh hospitalospital1Is this bus for the?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.supermarketlibrarysupermarket7Is this plane for?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.北京北京上海上海西安西安Is this for the?Is this for?交

4、通交通工具工具场所场所交通交通工具工具地名地名这是去这是去的的(交通工具交通工具)吗吗?(?(这辆这辆是去是去的吗的吗?)?)找规律找规律Its sunny.Nancy and her brother Daviad are going to a place,theyre talking about how to there.Question:1、Where are they going?2、How do they go there at last(最后最后)?A:Lets go to the theatre.B:Great!How do we go there?A:Shall we go to

5、 the theatre by bus?B:OK.A:Excuse me,is this bus for the theatre?C:No,it isnt.A:Were late.Lets go by taxi.B:All right.A:The theatre,please.D:OK.A:Sorry,David.Im .Now,lets go to Hongmei Park.B:OK.do we go there?A:Lets there bus.B:Excuse me,is this bus Hongmei Park?C:No,it .A:David,we go there by?B:right.Lets go.A:Hongmei Park,.D:OK.latebyforisnttaxishallAllpleaseHowgoListen and fill in the blanks


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