四年级英语cambridge english.ppt

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1、Sing,sing,sing a song.Sha la la la la la la.Sing a song and youll be fine.Sing a song,you wont feel sad.Sha la la la la la la.Sha la la la la la la.Sing a song,you wont feel sad.Sing a song,youll be glad.fat thintall shortstrong weakhungry full fat thin tall short clean dirty strong weak happy sad q

2、uick slow beautiful ugly old youngLets read:Can you do it:hungry fat tall clean strong happy quick beautiful old fullshortweakslowyoungthindirtysaduglyCome on!1.Ben is _.He wants to eat a cake.2.Tom is _.He can take the big table to the next room.3.Sally is _.She cant get the book on the top of book

3、case.4.We are _.We want to have a rest.5.They are _.They cant find their pet.Read and guess:hungrystrongshorttiredsad6.Bill is _.He can pick the apples in the tree.7.It is _.We need to wear sweater.8.He is _.He needs to take a shower.9.She is _.She cant walk now.10.The rabbit is _.She gets there fir

4、st.tallcoldhot/dirtyweakquickLets practise.Tall,tall,who is tall?You are tall.You are tall.You are tall.Short,short,who is short?He is short.She is short.He is short.Thin,thin,who is thin?Im thin.You are thin.She is thin.Strong,strong,who is strong?Hes strong.She is strong.They are strong.Happy,happ

5、y.Who is happy?You are happy.They are happy.We are happy.Story TimeA bird and water1.Is there any water in a bottle?2.Where is the bottle?3.Is the bird thirty?4.What does he do?5.Can he drink the water?6.What does he do again?Try to answer:7.What has he got in his mouth?8.Where does he put the stone

6、?9.Does he fly away many times?10.Are there many stones in the bottle now?11.Can the bird drink the water?12.Is he very happy now?Try again:Story TimeA bird and waterUse your head,and you will find a way.多动脑筋,你就能想到办法。多动脑筋,你就能想到办法。Dont give up,and you will reach the sky.永不放弃,你就能达到天空。永不放弃,你就能达到天空。One more try,one more try.Dont give up and youll reach the sky.Dont give up and youll wear a smile.High above,the sky is fine.One more try and youll reach the sky.


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