新目标九年级英语Unit 12 Section B.ppt

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1、GoalTo listen and talk abouttable manners.To read about life as anexchange student.supposed 与与 think 的含义相同的含义相同,“认为认为,以为以为”.be supposed 表示表示“被期望或要求应该被期望或要求应该”,在在口语中口语中,意为意为“不容许不容许,不应当不应当”.be supposed +to infinitives动词不定式动词不定式eg.You are supposed to arrive on time.Table MannersThere are many table man

2、ners around the world.But differentcountries have different culture.Table MannersYou are supposed to pick up your bowl of rice.Table MannersYoure supposed not to eat with your hands.Table MannersYoure supposed not to talk at the table.Table MannersThe youngest person is not supposed to starteating f

3、irst.How much do you know about table manners aroundthe world?1.In the United States,youre not supposed to eat with your hands.2.In Peru,you are not supposed to talk at the table.3.In China,youre not supposed to pick up your bowl of rice.4.In Korea,the youngest person is supposed to start eating fir

4、st.5.In Brazil,you should wipe your mouthwith your napkin every time you take adrink.?FFFTIn Japanmake noise while eating noodlesIn Japaneat or drink while walking down the streetIn Japanstick your chopsticks into your foodIn Japanpoint at anyone with your chopsticksNumber the pictures in the orderS

5、atoshi talks about them.4 42 23 31 1Listen and match these sentence parts.1.You arent supposed to2.Its polite3.Its rude4.You shouldntb.to stick your chopsticks into your food.a.to make noise while eating noodles.d.eat or drink while walking down the street.c.point at anyone with your chopsticks.A:We

6、re supposed to B:Yes,and its rude to Read the e-mail message from Wang Kun Read the e-mail message from Wang Kun and answer the questions.and answer the questions.1.Why was Wang Kun nervous before she arrived in France?2.Why did she have no reason to be nervous?3.What differences have occurred in he

7、r French?4.What does she find surprising?5.What is one particular challenge she is facing?Check the answers:1.Because she had no idea of the life in France.2.Because her host family is really nice.They go outtheir way to make her feel at home.3.Her French has improved greatly.Shes verycomfortabe spe

8、aking French now.4.“Youre not supposed to put your bread on your plate.Youre supposed to put it on the table.”5.Her biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.eating meals with other peoplemaking appointmentsgiving complimentsintroducing other peoplemaking a toast at dinneroffering teaspeaking to older peopleWrite an e-mail message telling someone from another countryabout the table manners in your country.


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