八年级英语I’m going to be a doctor课件.ppt

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1、北北 京京 市市 义务教育义务教育课程改革实验课程改革实验 教教 材材 英英 语语 第第 13 册册 怀柔雁栖中学怀柔雁栖中学 刘凤燕刘凤燕Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Im going to be a doctor怀柔雁栖中学怀柔雁栖中学 刘凤燕刘凤燕college school for higher educationgo to collegefuture time that will come after the presentpoor not richgrow up become adultabroad to or in another countryIMarkPatriciaI

2、 m going to be a doctor.Im going to be a famous singer.Im going to study Spanish.Im going to work with poor people.Im going to travel around the world.Im going to live in the United States.Im going to have a red sports car.Im going to be a doctor.Im not going to be a doctor.Im going to be a football

3、 player.She is going to be a writer.He is going to be a policeman.The boy is going to be a teacher.He is going to be an actor.He is going to be a football player.He is going to be a famous runner.He is going to be an astronaut.The girl is going to be a dancer.Plans for the futurePatricia Mark travel

4、 around the world speak a second language buy an expensive car get a good job work hard be rich be happy be famous go to college help people study abroadWho is/isnt going to?Patricia isnt going to travel around the world.Mark is going to travel around the world.Plans for the future Patricia Mark tra

5、vel around the world speak a second language buy an expensive car get a good job work hard be rich be happy be famous go to college help people study abroadWho is/isnt going to?It is going to rain.They are going to have lunch.He is going to have turkey.They are going to go to school.The dog is going to eat chicken.The women is going to work.The boy is going to score a goal.be going to+be 想成为什么样的人想成为什么样的人be going to+doA 计划计划/打算做某事打算做某事B 对将来的预测对将来的预测Have an aim in life,or your energies will all be wasted.人生应该树立目标,否则你人生应该树立目标,否则你的精力会白白浪费。的精力会白白浪费。美国法学家美国法学家 彼得斯彼得斯


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