八年级英语I’m going to be a basketball player课件4.ppt

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1、Unit 10Im going to be a basketball player Section A 3a 4 济南56中 李宗鸾 Look at the three key words and guess the name of the famous people.Game 1 (IQ大挑战大挑战)tallChineseNBAGame 1 (IQ大挑战大挑战)big nose Hong Kongaction movieGame 1 (IQ大挑战大挑战)American rich富有的富有的Microsoft微软微软Bill GatesGame 1 (IQ大挑战大挑战)Shenzhou V

2、神舟神舟5号号spacecraft 太空船太空船the first Chinese boarded space中国登上太空的第一人中国登上太空的第一人 professional basketball playerpilotactordoctorwaiterteachercomputer programmernursedancerengineerreporterwriterGame 2Memory Challenge(根据记忆,说出职业)Anybody can stand up and say as quickly as you can.Guessing his her dream jobsGa

3、me 3The girl is a pupil now,guess what is she going to be when she grows up?She is going to be a dancer.a dancerWhen he grows up,he is going to be.a basketball playerWhen she grows up,she is going to be.a doctorWhen he grows up,he is going to be.a computer programmerA:What are you going to be when y

4、ou grow up?B:I am going to be a/an.A:How are you going to do that?B:I am going to.A:Where are you going to work?B:Im going to work in.(or:Im not sure yet.Maybe Beijing or Shanghai.)I want to be a part-time painter.At the same time,Im going to save some money,because I want to be rich.Im going to tra

5、vel all over the world.My dream(梦想)I am going to hold art exhibitions /eksbns/One day,Im going to retire(退休)退休)somewhere quiet and beautiful.rta I want to be a _(兼职的)兼职的)painter._(同时)(同时),Im going to _(存些钱)存些钱).I want to be_(富有)(富有).Then Im going to travel _(世界各地)(世界各地).And I am going to _(举办艺术展)举办艺

6、术展).One day,Im going to _(退休)退休)_ _(在某个安静美丽的地方在某个安静美丽的地方).part-timeAt the same timesave some moneyrichall over the worldhold art exhibitions retiresomewhere quiet and beautifulTian Tiansdream jobFast reading:-3aRead the text quickly and judge True or False.(快速阅读课文,判断正快速阅读课文,判断正T误误F)()1.She is going

7、to be a reporter.()2.She is going to move to Paris.()3.She doesn t want to travel all over the world.()4.She is going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.FTFTan artistwantsCareful reading:Read the text carefully and answer the questions.(认真阅读课文,回答问题)认真阅读课文,回答问题)1.What is Tian Tian going to be in

8、 the future?2.How is she going to do that?First:Then:Next:3.Finally,where is she going to retire?She is going to be an artist.She is going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.find a part-time job&save some moneybe a student at an art school&study French at the same time hold art exhibitionsTian

9、Tians dream job:an artistFirst Then Next be going toLets retell the story!According to the pictures.根据图片提示根据图片提示,让我们来复述故吧!让我们来复述故吧!find a part-time jobsave some moneybe a student /study French hold art exhibitionsretireFirstThenNextOne daybe going tobe going to When I grow up,Im going to What:I m go

10、ing to be a/an Where:Im going to work inHow:First,/Then,/Next,/Finally,One day,My dream jobImitate Tian Tians diaryHold fast to dreams.Hold fast to dreams.They will come true one day!They will come true one day!紧紧抓住梦想,紧紧抓住梦想,总有一天梦想会成真。总有一天梦想会成真。以以“My dream job”为题写一为题写一篇短文。要求写篇短文。要求写 清楚自己的人清楚自己的人生理想,以及为实现这个理想生理想,以及为实现这个理想要付出哪些努力要付出哪些努力.THE END Thanks very much!


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