八年级英语Everyone’s language课件7.ppt

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1、Choose the word from the box for each blank.145C is a number showing _.285%is a _.In the article on page 57,find adjectives beginning with a which mean:3correct and truea_4very surprising a_.Match these words with their meanings.5to calculatea to find an answer to6to inventb to give orders to a comp

2、uter7to solvec to make for the first time8to programd to use numbers to find answersWrite the numbers in words.932nd_10857,120_Insert words so that you make true sentences.1116 _ 4 equals 4.128 _ 9 equals 17.13144 _ 12 _ 11 equals 12.Put the following words in the right order.14desks/do/on/the/Please/not/write/.15stop/and/attention/Alan/pay/talking/,/.


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