八年级英语Everyone’s language课件6.ppt

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1、A Do a survey of your class and complete the following report.B Try to answer the following questions.Discuss the answers orally in groups of four.1Who invented the aeroplane?When were they born?Wilbur and Orville Wright.Wilbur was born on 16 April 1867 and Orville was born on 19 August 1871.2When w

2、as your school built?3Which is the longest river in China?How long is it?Chang Jiang(Yangtze).It is 6,378 kilometres long.4Which mountain is the highest in the world?How high is it?Mount Qomolangma.It is about 8,844 metres high.5When was Nanpu Bridge built?How long did it take to finish the bridge?I

3、n 1991.About three years.6What is the population of China now?What was it in 1949?About 1.3 billion.About 400 million.7How big is Tiananmen Square?How big is Peoples Square in Shanghai?400,000 m2.140,000 m2.8How far is it from Beijing to Shanghai?How long does it take to go to Beijing by train/plane

4、?About 1,300 km.About 12 hours by train,one hour and a half by plane.9What are the average temperatures in winter and summer in Shanghai?About 5C in winter and 26C in summer.C Do this puzzle.Give your partner the following instructions.Divide the answer he/she gives you for the last instruction by 4

5、.Then tell him/her your number.This will be the number he/she first thought of but did not tell you.D Work in pairs to make a magic number square.Follow the instructions below.i iii iiiiiiiia ab bc c1Draw the square like this:i iii iiiiiiiia ab bc c2Put the number 2 in Square ai.3Put the number 4 in

6、 Square aiii.4Put the number 5 in Square bii.5Put the number 8 in Square ciii.i iii iiiiiiiia ab bc c6Now discuss with your partner and arrange the rest of the numbers between 1 and 9(1,3,6,7 and 9)in the square so that when you add any of the 3 numbers from top to bottom,from left to right,or from corner to corner,they always give a total of 15.Ask questions like this:Where do we put the number 1?


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