八年级英语Detectives and crimes课件2.ppt

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1、earrings 耳环necklace 项链项链safe 保险箱保险箱pearl 珍珠diamond 钻石钻石belt 皮带皮带detective 侦探侦探1.1.The boy is a The boy is a _._.2.2.He is trying to He is trying to _ the girl_ the girls s purse.purse.3.3.The girl will report The girl will report the _to the the _to the police.police.thiefstealtheft1.1.These men are

2、 These men are _._.2.2.They are trying to They are trying to _ the girl _ the girl of of her purse.her purse.3.3.The girl will report The girl will report the _to the the _to the police.police.robbersrobrobberyWhen the reporters saw Sadam,he was _.handcuffsin handcuffsSome important words.1 innocent

3、(名词名词)_2.crime(名词名词“罪犯罪犯”)_3.solve(名词名词 )_4.recent(副词副词)_5.spotlessly(形容词形容词)_6.hesitate(名词名词)_ innocence criminal solution recently spotless hesitation7.admit(过去式过去式)_8.cheat(名词名词 )_9.conclusion(动词动词)_10.interview(名词名词 )_11.guilty(名词名词 )_12.detective(动词动词)_13.no longer(同义词组同义词组)_ admitted cheat con

4、clude interviewguilt detect not.any longerExercisevUse the words in the box to complete the sentences below.behind bars jumps to conclusions the innocent insurance spotlessly the guilty clues suspect1.A detective uses his eyes to look for _.2.Ken questioned Jill because she was a _.clues suspectv3.L

5、i is now _.v4.Ken is a good detective.He never _.v5.In the case of the missing vase,ken finally found _ and protected _.v6.The carpet in the room was _ clean.v7.Li bought _ for his vase.behind bars jumps to conclusions the innocent insurance spotlessly the guilty clues suspect behind barsjumps to co

6、nclusions the guilty the insurance spotlessly insurance Hes Sherlock Holmes(夏洛克夏洛克.福尔摩斯福尔摩斯)1 1从事从事的职业的职业2 2也也3 3以两百万的价钱以两百万的价钱购买购买4 4把把展示给某人展示给某人5 5寻找线索寻找线索6 6一尘不染一尘不染7 7否认做过某事否认做过某事8 8和和相同相同1.work as2.as well as3.buy for two million yuan4.show sth.to sb.5.look for clues6.be spotlessly clean7.deny doing sth.8.the same()as9 9 武断下结论武断下结论10 10 不再不再11 11 最后最后12 12 承认做过某事承认做过某事13 13 假装做某事假装做某事14 14 入狱入狱15 15 代替代替16 16 监禁监禁9.jump to conclusions10.no longer11.in the end12.admit doing sth.13.pretend to do sth.14.go to jail15.instead of16.be behind bars


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