八年级英语Detectives and crimes课件1.ppt

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1、Writing a report of a crime On Friday,12 October at about 4 p.m.I was walking along Riverside Road.On the other side of the road,I saw a man waiting in a doorway.He was holding some broken sunglasses.He was tall,about 19 years old,and he had black hair.He wore a red T-shirt,blue jeans,a black belt a

2、nd dirty trainers.Then I saw a boy in a white shirt and blue shorts walking along the road,with a book in his hand.The man quickly went out in front of the boy.The boy bumped into him.The man dropped the sunglasses,and put his foot on them.The man was very angry.He told the boy,“These sunglasses cost me¥300!You must pay me for them.”The boy was very frightened.The boy said,“But I only have¥100.”The man said,“All right,give it to me.”He took the money quickly.Then the boy went away.The man waited in the doorway again.He looked pleased.


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