六年级英语I have a pen pal课件5.ppt

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1、UNIT4 I HAVE A PEN PAL人教人教PEP六年级上册英语六年级上册英语 go-goes to work teach teaches English watch watches TV read reads newspapersAmy:1.lives in Dongguan()lives in Beijing()2.goes to work by subway()goes to work by bike()3.reads newspapers in the evening()watches TV in the evening()Yao Ming is tall and strong

2、.He likes playing basketball.He goes to work by car.He does sports in the early morning.He reads newspapers after lunch.He watches TV in the evening.He is a basketball player.He works in NBA.1.What is Yao Mings hobby?2.Does he do sports in the morning?3.Does he listen to music every evening?4.Does h

3、e usually play basketball?5.Does he work in China?Please read this passage:I have a good friend,MingMing.She is active.She likes singing and dancing.She likes playing basketball,too.On the weekend she often goes to the library and reads books.Sometimes she climbs mountains and flies kites in the par

4、k.She is very happy.Please fill in the blank:A:I have a new picture.B:_?A:Hes my good friend Peter.B:Is Peter a student?A:Yes,he is.B:_?A:No,he goes to school by bus.B:Does he usually read books?A:_.B:_?A:He likes reading books.Whos he?Does he go to school on foot?Yes,he doesWhats Peters hobby?A:Wha

5、ts your hobby?B:I like _ ing.C:I like _ ing.D:He/She likes _ ing.1 What are the two girls names?2 What are their hobbies?I Choose the best answer:1.Alice lives in .A.England B.Australia C.Canada 2.Ann doesnt like .A.swimming B.drawing pictures C.art 3.Which one is correct(正确的)?_ A.Alice is one year

6、older(年长的)than Ann.B.Ann likes riding her bike.C.Alice and Ann dont have the same hobby.BACTo:Liu Yun From:Alice Dear Liu Yun,I am happy to have a new pen pal.I live in Australia.I like swimming,diving,and riding my bike.My twin sister Ann likes drawing pictures and making kites.I like sports,but sh

7、e likes art.We look the same,but we dont like the same things.Tell me something about you:whats your hobby?Your new pen pal,Alice.Answer the questions.1.What is Liu Yun s hobby?2.What is her mothers hobby?3.What is her fathers hobby?4.What is Alices hobby?5.What is her sisters hobby?Homework:现在你是Alice的笔友,请你给她写一封e-mail回信。介绍你住在哪里。你的家庭成员及你们的爱好。To:Alice From:_ Dear Alice:_Your new friend,_


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