六年级英语I have a pen pal课件4.ppt

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1、I have a pen pallivegowatchteachreadswimI Mr.Li in Wen zhou.to work on foot.TV at night.English everyday.newspapers everyday.in the sea.Mr.WuHe live gowatchteachreadswimin Shangt angto work by plane.TV in the morning.English everyday.cartoon卡通卡通 everyday.in the bathroom.sesesessswater milk Juice wat

2、erPing pong basketball footballPing pongI drink playeatswimrun.He/She drink playeatswimrun.sssssHere is a man.He goes home at 9:00 in the evening.He takes shower at 10:00 in the evening.He watches TV at 11:00 at night.Then he goes to bed.He gets up at 9:00 and goes to work at 11:00 in the morning.He

3、 catches thieves(贼).He likes to help people.Whats he?He is aHe wearsHe like He liveHe goeveryday.()()()She is aShe wearsShe like She liveShe goeveryday.()()()My days5:00 A.M get up7:00 eat breakfast7:30 play football12:00 watch TV1:00 P.M.Play football Sometimes write e-mail to his sonEveryday collect(收集收集)football猜猜看,他/她说得是谁?Who is he/she?He/She go()_.He/She like()_.He/She play()_.He/She live()in _.He/She wear()_ today.drinkdrinksreadreadsget getswatchwatcheswashwashesgogoes


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