四年级英语下册Unit 5课件3.ppt

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1、牛津小学英语牛津小学英语牛津小学英语牛津小学英语4 44 4B BB B建湖县实验小学 王亚清Period 2Lets watch!1 23 4What are these?Theyre peachesLook at those grapes.Theyre nice.Yes,they are.What are those over there?Theyre oranges.Id like some pears,please.How many kilos?Two kilos,please.Whos that manwith a big nose?Hes my brother.Hes a driv

2、er.Wow.How old is he?Hes twenty.How old are you?Im eighteen.Whats your job?Oh,Im a student.A:Can I help you?B:Id like some fruit.What are these?A:Theyre grapes.B:Where are pears?A:They are over there.What would you like?B:Id like some grapes and pears.A:How many kilos?B:Two kilos of grapes and a kil

3、o of pears.A:Here you are.Nine yuan,please.B:Heres nine yuan.A:Thank you.Welcome to our shop again.Model dialogue 1A:Whats the time?B:Its five.We are late for the party.A:Lets hurry.C:Welcome to our home.A:This is my friend,.C:Glad to meet you.B:Glad to meet you,too.A:Whos that woman with big eyes?C:Shes my sister,.A:Whats her job?C:Shes a teacher.A:How old is she?C:She is twenty-one.


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