四年级英语下册Unit 8课件1.ppt

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1、Unit 8 Open DayUnit 8 Open Daynear靠近靠近 near the desk 靠近靠近书桌书桌 near the chair 靠近椅子靠近椅子 in the box 在在盒子盒子里里 on the box 在在盒子盒子上上Whats on the desk?桌子上桌子上有有什么什么?There is a box on the desk.桌子上桌子上有有一个盒子一个盒子.有有Look,find and say:There is a/anin/on/near theGuess?Whats in the box?There is a/an in the box.Whats

2、 on the desk?There is a bag on the desk.Whats on the chair?There is a plane on the chair.Whats near the piano?There is a purse near the piano.Whats on the table?There is a watermelon on the table.Whats on the table?There are some watermelons on the table.some 一些一些 some chairs some rulers some peache

3、s some waiters some eggs some buses Whats on the desk?There are some boxes on the desk.Look,find and say:There are some in/on/near theGuess?Whats in the box?There are some Whats on the sofa?There are some rabbits on the sofa.Whats on the bed?There are some dolls on the bed.Whats near the sofa?There

4、are some rulers near the sofa.Whats in/on/near the?There is a/anin/on/near theThere are somein/on/near theWhats in/on/near the?There is a/anin/on/near theThere are somein/on/near theExercises:Choose and complete1.There _(is are)a dog in the basket.2.There _(is are)some dogs in the basket.3.There _(i

5、s are)a teacher and some students in the classroom.4.There _(is are)some students and a teacher in the classroom.5.There is _(a bird some birds)in the tree.6.There are _(a bird some birds)in the tree.7._(Whats Whats this)in the classroom?There is a TV in the classroom.isarea birdsome birdsWhatsisare there is=theres


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