四年级英语下册Unit 7课件7.ppt

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1、236541A:What would you like?B:Id like a/an¥3¥4¥3¥5¥8How much is it?A:yuan.¥4 Unit 7 At a snack bar Miss Deng.a sandwich noodlesa piebiscuitschocolatesweets a hamburger hamburgerspiesbiscuits noodleschocolatesweetsA:What would you like?B:Id like a/someA:Anything else?B:No,thank you.A:Something to dri

2、nk?B:.¥6¥3¥4¥6¥8¥3¥3¥5¥5¥7¥2¥5A:Id like a hot dog.B:5 yuan.A:Id like some milk and a pie.B:9 yuan.How much is it?How much?are they1.A:Id like a hamburger.How much?B:3 yuan.is it2.A:Id like a pie and a hamburger.How much?B:7 yuan.are they3.A:Id like some milk and a hot dog.How much?B:10 yuan.are they

3、¥6A:What would you like?B:Id likeA:Anything else?B:No,thank you.How much is it/are they?A:yuan,please.¥3¥4¥6¥8¥3¥3¥5¥5¥7¥2¥5A:What would you like?B:Id like and .A:Anything else?B:No,thank you.How much are they?A:yuan,please.some milka pie Eight A:What would you like?B:Id like and .A:Anything else?B:

4、No,thank you.How much are they?A:yuan,please.some juicea hamburger Twelve A:What would you like?B:Id like and .A:Anything else?B:No,thank you.How much are they?A:yuan,please.some chocolatea cake Nine¥6A:What would you like?B:Id likeandA:Anything else?B:No,thank you.How much are they?A:yuan,please.¥3¥4¥6¥8¥3¥3¥5¥5¥7¥2¥5cakebiscuitbig itssome chocolatesomean ice-cream noodlesafternoonsomesweettree ssomejuicesomemilksomecoffeea cup ofteaa cup of


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