四年级英语下册Unit 7课件6.ppt

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1、Part B C&DJingan Primary School Pan LiliRevision Su Hai,Su Yang and their father are _ the _ _.Su Yang would like a hamburger and some _ _.Su Hai would like _ _ and some _ _.Su Yangs father would like a _ of _.They cost(花费花费)_ yuan in all(一共一共).atsnack barorange juicesome noodlesorangejuicecupcoffee

2、thirty-twoSummary1.要问对方想不想来点喝的,你会说:要问对方想不想来点喝的,你会说:2.营业员想知道你是否需要其它的东西时,他会说:营业员想知道你是否需要其它的东西时,他会说:3.你想知道你买的东西要多少钱,你会问:你想知道你买的东西要多少钱,你会问:4.想要知道别人想要什么,你会问:想要知道别人想要什么,你会问:Something to drink?Anything else?How much is it?How much are they?What would you like?A:What would you like?B:Id like.What would Miss

3、 Pan like?something to eatsweetsbiscuitschocolatesomething to drinkmilkteaa cup of teathree cups of teaa glass of juicetwo glasses of juiceWhat can you see at the snack bar?I can see.sweetsnoodlespiesbiscuitschocolatehamburgersWhats missing??Whats missing??Whats missing??What else can you see at the

4、 snack bar?I can see.teamilkcoffeejuiceA:What would you like?B:Id like.What would you like?B:Id like a/some,please.Anything else?,please./No,thank you.How much is it/are they?yuan,please.A:What would you like?B:Some milk and a pie,please.A:Anything else?B:No,thank you.How much are they?A:Eight yuan,

5、please.A:What would you like?B:Some orange juice,please.A:Anything else?B:No,thank you.How much is it?A:Twelve yuan,please.Lets act:At a snack barYou and your friend are at the snack bar now.Maybe these sentences can help you.A:What would you like?B:Some.,please.A:Anything else?B:.,please./No,thank

6、you.A:What about you?C:Id like a/Some.,please.A:Anything else?C:.,please./No,thank you.B:How much are they?A:.yuan,please.Childrens Day is coming.You want to invite your good friends to a snack bar.What would they like?You can ask them.六一节就要来了,你想邀请你的好朋友去小吃店,六一节就要来了,你想邀请你的好朋友去小吃店,他们会想要些什么呢?你可以去问问他们。他们会想要些什么呢?你可以去问问他们。Do a surveyHomework:2.Make dialogues and act in groups.1.Copy the new word of part B in your copybook.根据购物场景编对话并在小组内表演根据购物场景编对话并在小组内表演


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