四年级英语下册Unit 7课件1.ppt

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1、Unit 7Would you like,would you like,What would you like?Id like,Id like,Id like a/an123456789noodlessweetsbiscuits hamburger a cup of coffee pie a glass of juice some chocolate a cup of teanoodles sweets biscuitsu:pies hamburgers chocolate tea coffee juice milk i:iai:i:iu:iSay a chantWhat,what,what

2、would you like?Noodles,noodles,some noodles.Anything,anything,anything else?Biscuits,biscuits,Some biscuits.123 一、填空一、填空 p es()h mb gers()sw ts()bisc ts()n dles()chocol te()t ()c ff ()j ice()m lk()二、中英互译二、中英互译 1、Anything else?2、How much are they?3、你想要点什么?三、改错三、改错 1、Id like some hamburger.2、How much

3、is they?一、填空一、填空 pies(馅饼)h a mb u r gers(汉堡包 )sw e e ts(糖果)bisc u i ts(饼干)n o o dles(面条)chocol a te(巧克力)t e a(茶)c o ff e e (咖啡)j u ice(果汁)m i lk(牛奶)二、中英互译二、中英互译 1、Anything else?2、How much are they?3、你想要点什么?三、改错三、改错 1、Id like some hamburger.2、How much is they?What would you like?hamburgersare1.Copy the new words“5+1”in your copywork.(抄写新单词“5+1”)2.Please write down Part C in the Book.(把Part C的对话写在书本上。)3.Make a dialog (和同桌编一个小吃店购物的小对话。)和同桌编一个小吃店购物的小对话。)


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