四年级英语下册Unit 6课件18.ppt

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1、Unit 6 Lets go by taxi.4B,Fun with English,Yilin Edition4B,Fun with English,Yilin EditionTuesday,April 2,2024by _from Nanjing _ SchoolUnit 6 Lets go by taxi.taxi出租车出租车 tksi Look,read and learna supermarketa parkan airporta hospitala cinemaa zooa stationa libraryLets go to the by taxi.Lets go to the

2、by taxi.a theatre it A:Lets go to the theatre.A:Lets go to the theatre.B:Great!/Good!/All right./OK.B:Great!/Good!/All right./OK.How do we go there?How do we go there?Shall we go to Shall we go to _by_?_by_?the theatrethe theatrebusbusShall we go to Shall we go to by by?Guess Is this bus for the Is

3、this bus for the station?station?No,it isnt.No,it isnt.Its for the hospital.Its for the hospital.Listen,answer and repeat1.Who are they?2.Where are they going?3.How do they go there?Put in orderA:Hi,Su Hai.Lets go to the park.A:Hi,Su Hai.Lets go to the park.B:Great!But how do we go there?B:Great!But

4、 how do we go there?A:Shall we go there by bike?A:Shall we go there by bike?B:OK.Lets go.B:OK.Lets go.A:David,we are late.A:David,we are late.B:Lets go by bus.B:Lets go by bus.A:All right.Is this bus for the A:All right.Is this bus for the station?station?B:Yes,it is.B:Yes,it is.1.2.Groups work1 1 1 1、朗读背诵、朗读背诵、朗读背诵、朗读背诵Part APart APart APart A。2 2 2 2、编写和同学、朋友外出的对话,写在、编写和同学、朋友外出的对话,写在、编写和同学、朋友外出的对话,写在、编写和同学、朋友外出的对话,写在作业本上。作业本上。作业本上。作业本上。HomeworkTime to have a break.See you next time!


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