四年级英语下册Unit 6课件17.ppt

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1、t ta axixi Unit6 Lets go by taxiPark,park,go to the park,shall we go to the park?Zoo,zoo,go to the zoo,shall we go to the zoo?School,school,go to school,lets go to school.Cinema,cinema,go to the cinema,lets go to the cinema.theatreTheatre,theatre.Lets go to the theatre.Taxi,taxi.Shall we go by taxi?

2、Ok,ok!theatreLets go to the theatre.by taxiShall we go to theGreat,but how?OK!Shall we go to Beijing by plane?Shall we go to Beijing by plane?Lets go to the zoo.Great!But how?Shall we go to the zoo by taxi?All right!Shall we go to the supermarket by bike?Lets go to the supermarket.Great!How do we go

3、 there?OK.A:Lets go to Tianmu lake.B:Great!How do we go there?A:Shall we go to Tianmu lake by bus?B:OK.Shanghai theatreName Conveyances Place taxi bus bike planeTheatre KFCBeijing Letgo to Great!How do we go there?Shall we go toby?Ok!Cuijing hospitalminibusbusHospital,hospital.Lets go to the hospita

4、l.Minibus,minibus.Shall we go by minibus?OK,ok!hospitalminibuslibraryon footLibrary,library.Lets go to the library.Foot,foot.Shall we go on foot?OK,ok!Letgo to Great!How do we go there?Shall we go toby?Ok!春天是旅游的季节,假如你在北京、春天是旅游的季节,假如你在北京、上海、图书馆等地方工作,你如何邀请上海、图书馆等地方工作,你如何邀请你的朋友去你工作的地方游玩、参观。你的朋友去你工作的地方游玩、参观。比一比谁先找到比一比谁先找到5位朋友!位朋友!Letgo to Great!How do we go there?Shall we go toby?Ok!


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