四年级英语下册Unit 6课件15.ppt

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1、湖父小学湖父小学 四(四(2 2)班)班北京大剧院 Hufu Primary SchoolHow do we go there?Shall we go to Beijing by.?南京飞机场A:Lets go to the airport.B:How do we go there?C:Shall we go to the airport by bus?宜兴汽车站by minibusby taxiHufu Stationon footB:How do we go there?A:Shall we go to the by?A:Lets go toPractice in pairs1statio

2、n2station3airport4BeijingSing a song看动画,回答问题看动画,回答问题1、Where do they want to go?(他们要去哪里?)2、How do they go there?(他们如何去的?)看动画,回答问题看动画,回答问题1、Where do they want to go?(他们要去哪里?)2、How do they go there?(他们如何去的?)Theatre.By taxi.Great!How do we go there?Lets go to the theatre.Shall we go to the theatre by bus?OK.Excuse me,is this bus for the theatre?No,it isnt.We are late.Lets go by taxi.All right.The theatre,please.OK.1.听课文录音,并读课文听课文录音,并读课文3遍。遍。2.制定一个五一计划,设计出行路线制定一个五一计划,设计出行路线


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